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Will Jupiter save Earth?
Galileo Galilei

While Jupiter has been known since ancient times, the first detailed observations of this planet were made by Galileo Galilei in 1610 with a small, homemade telescope. More recently, this planet has been visited by orbiters, probes, and by spacecraft passing by on their way to other worlds.But all of the gas giants in the solar system have rings – including Jupiter. Unlike Saturn's rings, Jupiter's are thin and wispy. And while Galileo first saw Saturn's rings in 1610, Jupiter's rings were not discovered until the 1970s, when the Voyager spacecraft visited the planet.Scientists think that many of Jupiter's moons started out as drifting chunks of rock that became ensnared by the planet's gravitational pull. "Jupiter can be thought of as a sort of mini-solar system itself, because its gravity controls thousands of small bodies," Sheppard said in a press release.

Which planet has the most moons : Saturn

Moons across the Solar System

But it's the gas giants that have the most moons. Jupiter boasts 95 moons but Saturn has more moons than Jupiter, with a staggering 146 confirmed so far. So which planet has the most moons The answer is Saturn.

Was Jupiter originally a star

"Nearly all scientists who study the formation of planets believe that Jupiter formed in a very different manner than stars form, so that calling Jupiter a 'failed star' is misleading. Stars form directly from the collapse of dense clouds of interstellar gas and dust.

How to make Jupiter happy : Jupiter is happy when you treat cows with respect, so this definitely includes not eating them! If you know any cows nearby, feed them yellow foods like gram dal (yellow lentils), jaggery (cane sugar), or turmeric for extra luck. Other helpful diet changes include: Avoiding alcohol.

Being farther from the Sun, Jupiter is much colder. On average, the temperature on Jupiter's "surface" is -110°C (-160°F). The interior of Jupiter, however, is very hot. The temperature gradually increases as you dive deeper and deeper into the atmosphere.

NEWSWEEK – While Jupiter may be our planetary guardian angel, protecting us from harm, gas giants in other solar systems might actually wreak havoc on other exoplanets nearby. In our solar system, Jupiter's huge gravitational field deflects comets and asteroids away from our delicate, rocky home planet.

What planet has 600 moons


Knowing how much of the sky around Jupiter they covered, and how many they'd miss for various reasons, they came up with their estimate of 600 moons that are 0.8 km wide or larger.Jupiter

Jupiter has 63 moons that we know of, and they're incredibly diverse. Most are small, rocky, inert worlds. A few are probably asteroids that were gravitationally captured when they wandered too close to Jupiter.In our solar system, Jupiter has the most moons, with around 61 being the latest count. Many of these are recently discovered and small or irregular in shape, because, unlike a planet, all a moon has to do is orbit another planetary body. Unless you count the rocks 'round other planets.


Knowing how much of the sky around Jupiter they covered, and how many they'd miss for various reasons, they came up with their estimate of 600 moons that are 0.8 km wide or larger.

Did life exist in Jupiter : The temperatures, pressures, and materials that characterize this planet are most likely too extreme and volatile for organisms to adapt to. While planet Jupiter is an unlikely place for living things to take hold, the same is not true of some of its many moons.

Is Jupiter protecting Earth : NEWSWEEK – While Jupiter may be our planetary guardian angel, protecting us from harm, gas giants in other solar systems might actually wreak havoc on other exoplanets nearby. In our solar system, Jupiter's huge gravitational field deflects comets and asteroids away from our delicate, rocky home planet.

Is Jupiter helping Earth

NEWSWEEK – While Jupiter may be our planetary guardian angel, protecting us from harm, gas giants in other solar systems might actually wreak havoc on other exoplanets nearby. In our solar system, Jupiter's huge gravitational field deflects comets and asteroids away from our delicate, rocky home planet.

Potential for Life

While planet Jupiter is an unlikely place for living things to take hold, the same is not true of some of its many moons. Europa is one of the likeliest places to find life elsewhere in our solar system.At the very top of Jupiter's atmosphere, some 1,000km above the 'surface', temperatures can reach a positively toasty 1,000°C, much too hot for humans to survive.

What if Jupiter was hot : The planet's highly reflective clouds cause it to shine like a beacon at dawn and dusk. If our Solar System had a 'hot Jupiter' – a large gaseous, Jupiter-like planet found in orbit very close to its parent star– it would appear as the ultimate morning star.