Antwort Why were bows so effective? Weitere Antworten – How effective was the bow

Why were bows so effective?
English longbows had a significant impact on warfare, and played a key role in many important battles throughout history. They were highly effective against infantry and cavalry, and helped England to win many important victories.The bow was an important weapon for both hunting and warfare from prehistoric times until the widespread use of gunpowder weapons in the 16th century. It was also common in ancient warfare, although certain cultures would not favor them.The English longbow was a powerful medieval type of bow, about 6 ft (1.8 m) long. While it is debated whether it originated in England or in Wales from the Welsh bow, by the 14th century the longbow was being used by both the English and the Welsh as a weapon of war and for hunting.

Did knights use bows : Not as a rule. Knights were highly trained cavalry, not horse archers, while bows were used mostly used by peasant infantrymen. Using a weapon intended to strike down an opponent before he could reach you would be regarded as rather cowardly and dishonourable in a knight.

Why were English archers so good

Originally Answered: Why were the English so good with a bow and arrow in medieval times They practiced. At times there were laws that required men to own bows and arrows and to practice with them. That meant the crown had a large group of experienced bowmen to draw on in times of war.

How lethal were medieval archers : In the hands of a skilled archer, the medieval longbow was a deadly weapon, capable of piercing armor and striking enemies from great distances.

Aiming is more difficult with a bow than with a firearm as well. Unless the target is very close, the archer needs to compensate for gravity and shoot the arrow in an arc – hence the word archery. Because bullets travel much faster than arrows, a gunner can aim in a straight line, which is easier.

However, archery was so effective that it could not be ignored: if one side in a conflict numbered archers among its ranks, the other side would be at a grave disadvantage if it did not, so once the use of bow and crossbow became widespread, archers formed a constituent part of any army.

Why was the longbow so powerful

The bow was made of yew wood, which was known for its durability, strength, and ability to withstand the rigors of battle. The longbow was capable of shooting arrows over 200 yards with great accuracy and power. The development of the longbow can be traced back to the 11th century when the Normans invaded England.The difficulty of using the longbow in exchange for the strong lethality — the longbow can shoot through soldiers' armor easily at a range of 250 yards (231 m). During the reign of Edward III (1327-1377), this weapon gained great popularity among the English army.The broadsword was the weapon of choice for knights all around Europe, but had been widely used beginning in the 6th century, well before the emergence of knights.

Or else a large number of knights might form two teams, like two enemy armies, and try to beat one another at jousting (fighting on horseback with a lance) and sword-fighting. Ladies often gave favours or tokens (a scarf or a flower or part of their sleeve) for their favourite knight to wear.

Why are men better archers : Biological sex is a primary determinant of athletic performance because of fundamental sex differences in anatomy and physiology dictated by sex chromosomes and sex hormones. Adult men are typically stronger, more powerful, and faster than women of similar age and training status.

Were Vikings good archers : For example, an account of the Battle of Bravalla between Danish and Swedish Viking armies mentions shots by archers whose bows were so powerful their arrows pierced shields and helms, and various accounts of other battles describe arrows piercing shields and killing the warriors behind them.

Why were archers hated

Arrows or crossbow bolts could penetrate his expensive armour, and were a particular danger to his horse, the symbol of his social and military superiority; archery also represented a class threat, as the knight or noble could be killed by a common archer with no opportunity for retaliation.

Yes. The Roman legions deemed archers as cowards for killing their enemy from afar. Except slingers were amazing cause being killed by a rock was considered Humiliating. An had more psychological effects.A bow and arrow is not an effective weapon in a gunfight. Guns, especially modern firearms, have a much greater range, accuracy, and firepower than a bow and arrow, and a person armed with a bow and arrow would be at a significant disadvantage in a firefight against someone with a gun.

Can a bow be as powerful as a gun : Penetration increases with the projectile's speed and weight. Bullets travel faster than arrows, but arrows are heavier than bullets. Nevertheless, if you calculate the momentum and kinetic energy of arrows, even the most potent bow seems much less lethal than a firearm.