Antwort Why we don t use articles? Weitere Antworten – Why are articles not used

Why we don t use articles?
However, if the noun is countable and plural (e.g.., "research studies") or uncountable (e.g., "information") and it is being used in a nonspecific or generic way, no article is used. Here are some more specifics: No article is used when a plural countable noun is generic or nonspecific.No Article Rule Example When you want to talk about a category or group in general, use no article. expensive. Use no article before abstract nouns such as feelings or ideas (usually nouns you can't count). wrong: The patience is a virtue.Common phrases. We don't usually use an article in expressions with bed, work and home. We also don't normally use an article in expressions with school, university, prison and hospital. But we usually use the if someone is just visiting the place, and not there as a student/prisoner/patient, etc.

Where do we omit articles : We omit articles when words like Nature, Science, Death, Life, etc are used in the General Sense.

  • Nature has its own rules and it follows them effortlessly.
  • The saint explained that death is inevitable.
  • Science does not have all the answers to nature's mysteries.

Do we need articles

Every singular, countable noun in English must have an article, whereas non-countable nouns and plural nouns do not require an article, as in: 2.1 My father got a new car yesterday. 2.2 I received a package in the mail.

Are articles really necessary : Remember: If you have a singular countable noun then you must use an article in almost every case. (If you have words like my, one, each or both before the noun, then no article is necessary.) If you don't know whether a noun is countable or not, check in an English learner's dictionary.

The zero article is used with indefinite plurals and uncountable nouns. We use it when we are talking about these things in general. Chocolate is made from cacao beans. NOT: The chocolate is made from cacao beans.

Don't add an article before:

  1. Proper Nouns. For names of people, businesses, cities, countries, etc., there is no need for “the”.
  2. Abstract Nouns. An abstract noun is an idea, emotion, or quality.
  3. Languages & Subjects.
  4. Months & Seasons.
  5. Meals & Mealtimes.

When to skip the article

Don't add an article before:

  1. Proper Nouns. For names of people, businesses, cities, countries, etc., there is no need for “the”.
  2. Abstract Nouns. An abstract noun is an idea, emotion, or quality.
  3. Languages & Subjects.
  4. Months & Seasons.
  5. Meals & Mealtimes.

But here is a short, general overview, Use “the” with a noun when you are speaking of a specific person, place or thing. Use “a/an” with a noun when mean any person, place or thing, not specific. Omit the article when the noun can't be counted in units, when it is abstract, or when you mean “some” part of something.In Modern English, articles are necessary, but in Old English they were not always necessary. Consider the following examples. The example in (2a) is an Old English sentence, and (2b) is its Modern English translation. In both examples, let us focus on the bold noun phrases.

Depth and content

One of the big differences that helps you decide if you need a book or an article is the depth of knowledge you hope to acquire. Would you like an introduction or aim to dive into a topic In general, articles can give you more diversity in terms of knowledge but books go more in-depth.

Why no article is used before God : God is the name of the god in question. Articles don't typically go in front of proper names, as God is in this case. Therefore, there isn't a need for an article in front of the god God. If you were referring to a specific god, whose name is not God, then you need an article.

What is the rule of articles : Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.

What is an example of a zero article

Examples of Zero Article with Uncountable Nouns: He works in advertising. I love playing chess on Tuesday afternoons. We have no evidence in this case.

The rule is: when you are referring to the purpose of some particular things, rather than the things themselves as objects, we drop the article.Books spread motivation and positivity amongst its readers, it shares knowledge which allows the reader to see the world in a new way, it reduces mental pressure by giving a solution to their problems, books usually don't have untrue facts, logic or information, books go through thorough checking before it gets …

What is the advantage of journal articles over books : Strengths: Academic journals are a favoured source of academic information. They usually offer a more current view than do text books, and have credibility due to the process of peer review, under which journal articles ('papers') submitted by researchers are evaluated by experts in the field before being published.