Antwort Why is the Seven Years War nine years? Weitere Antworten – Why is the 7 Years war 9 years long

Why is the Seven Years War nine years?
Because Britain didn't officially declare war until 1756 however, tensions began in 1754. So technically it started in 1754 but Britain didn't count the 2 years before 1756, so it called the seven years War.The reason why it was nine years long was that the British and French North American colonies were fighting in 1754 around 2 years before the war was officialy declared and the Seven Years War was officaly declared in 1756.The Seven Years' War was a far-reaching conflict between European powers that lasted from 1756 to 1763.

Why did France lose the Seven Years War : British naval forces decimated the French fleet at the Battle of Quiberon Bay in November. British naval superiority was established for the remainder of the war.

Should the Seven Years War be called WW1

Some historians have stated that the Seven Years' War was the first global war – taking place almost 160 years before World War I – and globally influenced many later major events. Winston Churchill described the conflict as the "first world war".

Why was the 7 year war a turning point : This war, to a great extent, marked a turning point in the relationship between America and Britain due to the change in economic policies, the restricted expansion, and the limited preservation of trade relations with England.

Fought between 1756 and 1763, this conflict can claim to be the original 'world war'. Franco-British fighting in North America and India became part of a general war in Europe. Britain's subsequent victories around the globe consolidated what has been called the 'First British Empire'.

It participated in 50 of the 125 major European wars fought since 1495; more than any other European state. It is followed by Austria which fought in 47 of them; Spain in 44; and England in 43. Out of the 169 most important world battles fought since 387BC, France has won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10.

What happened in 1761 in the Seven Years’ War

Prussia achieves victories in 1760 but gains little territory. As the war rages on, nations are being depleted of troops and funds. During 1761 Frederick suffers reverses and loses Britain's financial backing. However, infighting among Austria, Russia, and France prevents them from forcing Prussia to surrender.Originally Answered: What if France won the Seven Years War France might be able to take some parts of India but will still lost New France to Britain due to the british naval supremacy and low french colonists in America in contrast to the english.Germany lacked the necessary raw materials to make cordite (the vital propellant for bullets and shells) and explosives. Austria-Hungary was hampered by a lack of rail transport and rail infrastructure. Britain had a manpower shortage and a paucity of acetone, the key component for making cordite.

The Russo-Japanese War

The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905).

What was the goal of the 7 year war : The Seven Years' War was a conflict between France and Great Britain that began in 1754 as a dispute over North American land claims in the region around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This conflict eventually spread into other parts of world, including Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Why isn t 7 Years war a world war : 2) Lesser geographical reach. The Seven Years' War involved Europe, North America, and India, about half the world. The "World Wars" involved these plus East Asia (the more populous part), Australia, Africa, and tangentially, South America (as suppliers of goods to North America and Europe, not as fighters).

Did ww2 start in 37

World War II began on July 7, 1937—not in Poland or at Pearl Harbor, but in China. On that date, outside of Beijing, Japanese and Chinese troops clashed, and within a few days, the local conflict had escalated to a full, though undeclared, war between China and Japan.


The Hundred Years' War was a prolonged back and forth of victory between the English and French. The war was eventually won by the French at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. This was largely due to the French use of guns against the English.The war was a severe defeat for France, despite a good military performance, because its financial resources were not equal to those of Britain and the United Provinces. Peace was finally concluded by the Treaty of Ryswick.

What if the French won the Seven Years’ War : Originally Answered: What if France won the Seven Years War France might be able to take some parts of India but will still lost New France to Britain due to the british naval supremacy and low french colonists in America in contrast to the english.