Antwort Why is assassins creed odyssey rated 18? Weitere Antworten – What is the age rating for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Why is assassins creed odyssey rated 18?
Advice for consumers. This game is rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age.A handful of cutscenes depict more intense acts of violence and/or gore: characters stabbed through the head/neck with bladed weapons; young characters thrown off a cliff; a man mauled by a mob as his arm gets thrown into the air. Some environments depict severed limbs and dismembered corpses on the ground.Enjoyable if you're a matured teen.

People say there are some sexual themes/elements/humor in the game but lemme tell you, that's all false. I've completed the game when I was 13 and it didn't affect me by ONE bit. Update yourselves, parents who think gaming is only for adults.

Why is Far Cry 6 18+ : RATINGS: ADULTS ONLY (SENSITIVE CONTENT) This video game is primarily intended for a desensitized audience. The goal of this game is to stage subversive content: raw violence, very suggestive content, raw humor, gambling, drugs. Not recommended for minors.

Can a 13 year old play Assassin’s Creed

This game is for 18years of age and above PEGI 18 game is only suitable for adults aged eighteen and above. The PEGI rating considers the age suitability of a game, not the level of difficulty.

Is Assassin’s Creed 18+ : 18+ is a bit too much. Yeah I'd say the violence is GRUESOME but it should be fine for matured teens as the violence is not realistic at all and the violence is nothing compared to PG13 movies. People say there are some sexual themes/elements/humor in the game but lemme tell you, that's all false.

Parents need to know that Assassin's Creed II is very violent and definitely not for children. Players assume the role of a deadly assassin who uses weapons such as knives, swords, and daggers to kill human targets. Deaths — both those resulting from the player character's actions and those in vivid cut scenes…


This video game is primarily intended for a desensitized audience. The goal of this game is to stage subversive content: raw violence, very suggestive content, raw humor, gambling, drugs. Not recommended for minors.

Is Far Cry 6 ok for 13 year olds

This stronger content is likely to shock and disturb younger audiences, particularly the scenes of cruelty. Repetitive bloody violence also has a risk of inuring younger players towards violence. As a result, Far Cry 6 is restricted to people aged 16 years and over.Perfect for young teens and adults alike

While it is true that there is slight nudity decapitation and spurts of blood you can easily disable these features in settings at any time though i recommend that you do this straight away if you feel that you're child cannot handle it.Although I would have to say it is a highly violent game, any kid who has played a game like GTA, or GoW, has already been exposed to the violence and language that they might see in a game like AC. On the other hand, that doesn't make it appropriate for a 13 year old, it just means the damage has been done.

This rating has been given due to depictions of gross violence towards human characters, motiveless killing of multiple innocent humans characters, violence towards vulnerable human characters, depictions of sexual activity with visible genital organs, and use of sexual expletives.

Is Assassin’s Creed ok for 14 year olds : Enjoyable if you're a matured teen.

People say there are some sexual themes/elements/humor in the game but lemme tell you, that's all false. I've completed the game when I was 13 and it didn't affect me by ONE bit. Update yourselves, parents who think gaming is only for adults.

Is Far Cry 6 18+ : RATINGS: ADULTS ONLY (SENSITIVE CONTENT) This video game is primarily intended for a desensitized audience. The goal of this game is to stage subversive content: raw violence, very suggestive content, raw humor, gambling, drugs. Not recommended for minors.

Why is GTA V rated M

Parents need to know that Grand Theft Auto V is an adult action game for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Windows platforms. It brims with gang violence, nudity, extremely coarse language, and drug and alcohol abuse.

This game is extremely violent and contains sexual images not appropriate for children or young teens. It is a wonderful game but it is for adults and is rated M for a reason.The game has no more violence than an episode of the Walking Dead. The game is already rated M, or 17+, 18+ depending on your specific location.

Is GTA ok for a 13 year old : Gta games are not intended for kids.

I did play this as a kid, but would not recommend it to people under 16 years of age. Language should not be your primary concern in a game where you play as a violent criminal – Written by a young adult man who actively plays games. 1 person found this helpful.