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Why did Spike Lee not like Django Unchained?
The weekend before Django opened on Christmas Day, Lee bluntly reiterated his displeasure with the film on Twitter: “American Slavery was not a Sergio Leone Spaghetti western. It was a Holocaust. My ancestors are slaves. Stolen from Africa.For some audiences, the brutality of slavery, and its echoes in racial discrimination through the present, makes Django unwatchable. Director Spike Lee has refused to see it. Some black critics—even among those who enjoyed elements of the film—were troubled by it.Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner was in negotiations to join as Ace Woody, a Mandingo trainer and Candie's right-hand man, but Costner dropped out due to scheduling conflicts. Kurt Russell was cast instead but also later left the role.

How historically accurate is Django Unchained : Django Unchained doesn't tell a true story, but it took elements from history to tell the story of Django, Schultz, and Candie, even if many of those aren't accurate.

Why did Stephen not like Django

During the meal, Stephen's dislike towards Django grows increasingly apparent due to the fact that he is a free man and is free to ride a horse alongside white men.

What did Spike Lee say about Quentin Tarantino : “Quentin Tarantino thinks he can say the N-word. But I checked with all of Ni**adom and nobody knows where he got his pass from. I hope he didn't get it from Samuel L. Jackson and Jamie Foxx cause they aren't going to help you when I see you.”

It was an incredibly uncomfortable environment to be in… I've seen racism growing up but the degree I had to treat other people in this film was disturbing. It was a very uncomfortable situation…

The film has drawn a lot of criticism for its historical accuracy – or lack thereof, also for the use of racial epithets and the use of violence. Here's Tarantino himself explaining that violence on NPR's FRESH AIR. QUENTIN TARANTINO: What happened during slavery times is a thousand times worse than I show.

Why was Django banned

The graphic violent content of the film led to its being banned in several countries, and it was rejected by the UK until 1993. It was not rated in the US. After filming ended, director Sergio Corbucci instructed Franco Nero to drag Django's coffin up a hill without turning around.Calvin Candie is the main antagonist in the 2012 Quentin Tarantino film Django Unchained.Did the U.S. have anything like this form of gladiatorial combat No. While slaves could be called upon to perform for their owners with other forms of entertainment, such as singing and dancing, no slavery historian we spoke with had ever come across anything that closely resembled this human version of cock fighting.

Packed with thrilling gunfights, tense drama, memorable quippy dialogue, and an impressive collection of breakout performances (minus Tarantino's weird cameo), Django Unchained easily ranks among the very best films Tarantino has ever produced. Gutsy and entertaining.

Who was the first choice for Django Unchained : Will Smith

While West insisted that Tarantino and Foxx stole the idea from him, Foxx actually wasn't set to be in the film until Will Smith passed on it. Smith, who was Tarantino's first choice to play the slave-turned-bounty hunter, has stated he passed on Django because he has never wanted to act in a movie about slavery.

Are Spike Lee and Denzel Washington friends : The enduring friendship and working relationship between Denzel Washington and Spike Lee has transformed both of their careers.

Why did Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino fall out about Jackie Brown

However, the release of Tarantino's 1997 crime film Jackie Brown signaled a shift in opinions from the two filmmakers. Lee and Tarantino's outspoken personalities inevitably caused them to clash in the late '90s when Lee questioned Tarantino's motives behind the N-word in Jackie Brown.

However, as he begins promoting his upcoming vehicle with son Jaden, After Earth, Smith revealed the real reason he rejected Django Unchained. To EW, he explains: “Django wasn't the lead, so it was like, I need to be the lead. The other character was the lead!”In some languages, j is pronounced /ʒ/ (like in "lesion"), so adding a 'd' makes the sound /dʒ/. That's why the name of Django Reinhardt is written like that, in his language, if there was no 'D' or if the 'D' was silent, his name would be pronounced "ʒango".

Can a 13 year old watch Django Unchained : The good news is that this movie takes a matter-of-fact look at slavery, which may get discussions going among older teens and families. But otherwise, this movie is very brutal and not recommended for the under-18 set.