Antwort Why Battlefield 1 is better than 5? Weitere Antworten – What’s better, Battlefield 1 or V

Why Battlefield 1 is better than 5?
If you're a history fan who loves World War 1 or even World War 2, then Battlefield 1 is your game. The weaponry system may not be as overpowered as Battlefield 5, but it's far more realistic than the latter game by miles ahead.And it is just way more popular still to this day. And that's what I played. Today um honestly had a lot of fun Battlefield.Visually, they're very similar. But BFV is newer than BF1, so technically speaking it will have the better graphics. In terms of realism, BF1 is better by a long shot. Especially when it comes to the single player experience.

Why is BF1 so much better : The campaign focuses on many different aspects of the war which gives the player many stories throughout the game. Everything from battles in Somme to the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. Instead of focusing on one protagonist, Battlefield 1 focuses on multiple, which makes the game that more unique from other FPS.

Is BF1 still active

Of course! people still play battlefield 1 all the time. however, if you have trouble joining a sever, go to the server browser and look, a match for you will be out there!

What made Battlefield 1 so good : The weapons in this game are so realistic and well designed and the guns are all very easy to use. Unlike the other battlefields you have to unlock your weapons and spend money on them ( not real money). Very life-like, when playing as a sniper the sun is an actual factor in battlefield 1 and a very cool feature added.

According to Casey, most of Battlefield's guns look accurate to the real things. The way we run-and-gun with them (and jump off the top of blimps), though Not so much. “The MP18 Bergmann didn't have a bayonet lug,” Casey said at the beginning of our Skype chat.

Battlefield 1 STILL maintains FULL servers… 🔴LIVESTREAM – YouTube. Join this channel from your computer or Android app to get access to members-only content like this video.

Do people still play BF5

Period is huge for Battlefield 5 just under 60,000 players in 2024 and 2042 not even 20,000 so it's a third of Battlefield 5 it's insane how Battlefield 5 just remains popular after all these years soThe campaign focuses on many different aspects of the war which gives the player many stories throughout the game. Everything from battles in Somme to the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. Instead of focusing on one protagonist, Battlefield 1 focuses on multiple, which makes the game that more unique from other FPS.Despite what everyone is saying, it IS very accurate, as it doesn't depict the trench warfare of the 1914–1917, but rather the last year of the conflict, where the stagnation of the war had ended in favor of more dynamic assaults.

DICE and EA insulted the fanbase before it came out, and then abandoned the game less than 2 years after launch. Hopefully DICE can learn. With the addition of Battlefield Hardline in recent years, why does it seem that it hasn't gotten backlash from gamers, unlike Battlefield V

Can you survive Battlefield 1 : Instead, you play as soldiers in real battles in the Great War, Gallipoli included. And like many of those soldiers, you will die. Yet it's still, for the most part, enjoyable to play. Despite the setting, the characters often have a sense of humour.

Why did Battlefield 5 fail : It lacked the very soul of a Battlefield game, something which other modern titles – like Call of Duty: Warzone – do better now. Battlefield V could never offer enough sandbox elements, and going back to a modern setting with Battlefield 6 could at least invest in series' signature mayhem and gameplay freedom.

Why is bf1 so much better

The campaign focuses on many different aspects of the war which gives the player many stories throughout the game. Everything from battles in Somme to the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. Instead of focusing on one protagonist, Battlefield 1 focuses on multiple, which makes the game that more unique from other FPS.

It lacked the very soul of a Battlefield game, something which other modern titles – like Call of Duty: Warzone – do better now. Battlefield V could never offer enough sandbox elements, and going back to a modern setting with Battlefield 6 could at least invest in series' signature mayhem and gameplay freedom.people still play battlefield 1 all the time. however, if you have trouble joining a sever, go to the server browser and look, a match for you will be out there!

Why don’t people like Battlefield 5 : Round balance/No Teamswitch: In Battlefield we need to be able to switch teams to self balance servers and play with your friends. This feature was bafflingly absent in BF5. The setting: It wasn't a realistic WWII, it was some sort of alternate reality version of WWII which was reinforced by the cosmetics and Elites.