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Who was the tsar during Napoleon's time?
General Mikhail Kutuzov

General Mikhail Kutuzov was a charismatic Russian general, most remembered for his defense of Moscow against Napoleon.Alexander knew this, however, and adopted a clever strategy: instead of facing Napoleon's forces head on, the Russians simply kept retreating every time Napoleon's forces tried to attack. Enraged, Napoleon would follow the retreating Russians again and again, marching his army deeper into Russia.Napoleon was charmed by Alexander, describing him as "especially handsome, like a hero with all the graces of an amiable Parisian." The Tsar, in turn, seemed in awe of Napoleon and his sheer power. As they said goodbye, Napoleon was convinced he had turned the Tsar into a friend and ally.

Who defeated Napoleon in 1812 : Alexander I was a ruler with high aspirations for the people of Russia. Cosseted as a young grand duke by Catherine the Great, he ascended to the throne in 1801 after the brutal assassination of his father.

Who was the ruler of Russia during Napoleon

Alexander I

Alexander I, Russian Aleksandr Pavlovich, (born Dec. 23, 1777, St. Petersburg, Russia—died Dec. 1, 1825, Taganrog), Tsar of Russia (1801–25).

Did Napoleon Bonaparte have a son : Napoleon II Charles Léon Alexandre Colonna‑W… (function(){
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Napoleon Bonaparte/Sons

Marie-Louise of Austria (1791–1847) was the second wife of Napoleon Bonaparte and therefore the second Empress of France (between 1810 and 1814). She would later become ruler of Parma, Piacenza and Guastella until her death. She bore Napoleon his only son; Napoleon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte (1811–1832).

The greatest fear of the Russian government, of course, was that Napoleon would pose as the liberator of the serfs. Rumours spread amongst the serfs before the invasion that this was Napoleon's intention, and the Russian government responded by stationing troops in each province to counter any peasant unrest.

At the time of his death, the French might have recorded his height in French inches, which were a little longer than English inches. They put him at five-foot-two, but this was probably more like 5 feet and 6.5 inches, a perfectly normal height for a man of his time.

Who would win, Napoleon or Genghis Khan

Might just give him the edge over Napoleon's artillery and Logistics. The final Victor in this theoretical Battle of Titans Genghis Khan.Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo by Britain, Denmark, Prussia and Austria. Q. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled as the first Consul of France until he was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo.Nicholas II

Nicholas II (1868-1918), crowned in 1894, was the last Russian emperor. Characterized by some as shy, weak, vacillating, and indecisive, he was nevertheless a stubborn supporter of the right of the sovereign under growing pressure for reform.

Living members

There are no other legitimate descendants in the male line from Napoleon I or from his brothers. There are, however, numerous descendants of Napoleon's illegitimate, unacknowledged son, Count Alexandre Colonna-Walewski (1810–1868), born from Napoleon I's union with Marie, Countess Walewski.

Did Napoleon love his wife : Napoleon said it over and over again that the only woman he ever really loved was Josephine. Her real name was Marie-Joseph-Rose de Tascher de La Pagerie, and she was six years his senior.

Was Napoleon able to defeat Russia : Assuming the encounter would result in an immediate French victory, Napoleon marched his armies into Russian territories only to be met with fierce, unexpected retreats and repeated counterattacks by the Russian Imperial Army that led to a decisive Russian victory.

Why did Tsar Alexander burn Moscow

The September 14, 1812, torching of their own city was directed by Tsar Alexander I (1777–1825), who wished to prevent Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) and his invading armies from reaping the benefits of anything Russian. Through a series of wars, Napoleon had dominated most of Europe by 1805.

Napoleon was 5 feet 6 inches tall, average height at the time. In his early years he was quite lean and only after 1806 did he become heavy. In his younger years he was often described as sickly in appearance, his skin having a yellowish pallor. He had fine white teeth, which he was proud.Napoleon's family was of Italian origin. His paternal ancestors, the Buonapartes, descended from a minor Tuscan noble family that emigrated to Corsica in the 16th century and his maternal ancestors, the Ramolinos, descended from a noble family from Lombardy.

Who defeated Genghis Khan : Genghis Khan was never defeated in battle. His successors however were not as successful as the great Khan. To keep the story short, Mongol empire was destined to collapse as Mongols were poor administrator and the empire was simply too large in size, as it stretches from Korea all the way to Ukraine.