Antwort Who led the 501st after Rex? Weitere Antworten – Who took over the 501st after Rex

Who led the 501st after Rex?

Rex took command of the 332nd Division, while the other half of the 501st was placed under Appo, a Clone Sergeant within the legion who was promoted to Clone Commander upon the execution of Order 66 with Rex offworld with the 332nd.The leader of the 501st Legion's Torrent Company, CT-7567 – better known as Rex – was an exemplary clone trooper, brave under fire and dedicated to the men serving under him.The 7th Sky Corps was a corps of the Grand Army of the Republic under the joint command of Clone marshal commander Cody and High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi.

What did the 501st become after Order 66 : A short time after the execution of Order 66, Palpatine would announce that he was reorganizing the Republic into the Galactic Empire, which he would rule as Emperor. Now serving the Empire, the members of the 501st took the designation of stormtrooper, as well as new armor, weapons, and ships.

Did Appo replace Rex

General Skywalker made the decision to divide the 501st to respond to both threats, promoting Captain Rex to serve as the Clone Commander of a new division, the 332nd Division. Appo remained in the previous force of the 501st, returning with that part of the legion to Coruscant.

Does Rex know Anakin is Vader : Which then kept his true identity as Darth Vader a secret. So despite Rex knowing what Anakin's. Future was supposed to be we can only assume that he never knew that he became Darth Vader.

The 501st legion was created during the Clone Wars at the request of supreme Chancellor Palpatine engaging in battles from teth to Coruscant. They became the most respected soldiers in the Galaxy.

nine thousand

But these complaints often ignore the sheer number of Jedi who did die during Order 66 and shortly afterward. We are talking about, at least, a few thousand. Considering how few survivors there are—less than 100 as of 2023—the actual death toll is probably closer to nine thousand or so. That's still a lot of dead Jedi!

What is the 21 Corps Star Wars

The 21st Nova Corps, also known as the Galactic Marines, was a prominent military unit of clone troopers noted for their unique armor and relentlessness in combat.As a corps within the Grand Army of the Republic, the 7th Sky Corps consisted of 36,864 troopers divided into sixteen regiments. The corps also contained multiple battalions, including the 212th Attack Battalion.The 501st legion was a highly elite legion of clone troopers who were carefully picked from the ranks of the rookies on kamino under the supervision of palpatine. They were then given specialized.

Some clones disobeyed the infamous order than decimated the Jedi order, and refused to execute it. SOME of these Clones include; Captain Rex: Captain Rex, as most know removed his chip that would later be the way that Palpatine would execute order 66. Wolffe: As with Captain Rex Wolffe removed his bio chip.

Is Appo higher rank than Rex : On Appo's page it says "At some point between the Battle of Umbara and the Battle of Coruscant, Appo was promoted to the military rank of Clone Commander,[12] but Rex—despite only being a captain—held more authority, retaining his position as leader of the 501st as a whole.

Is Rex clone dead : Rex himself was listed as killed in action, having faked his death at Tano's hands. He then parted ways with Tano and went underground, eventually finding Clone Force 99 and helping them remove their own inhibitor chips so as not to fall under the control of the Galactic Empire.

Did Luke ever meet Rex

Whether or not he was the rebel commando named Nik Sant is the subject of debate: However, in the New Canon Rex did serve with Luke, Han and Leia at least once.

As far as you know, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex were very close friends during the Clone Wars. But before the battle for Coruscant, they had to split up and Rex went with Ahsoka to Mandalore, and Anakin went to Coruscant. After that, Anakin and Rex never saw each other again.It's very possible that the trooper, as a member of the 501st Legion which Kenobi fought alongside on many occasions, did recognise his former General but chose to keep it to himself. Likewise, it's possible that he had forgotten what Kenobi looked like, or maybe even didn't know.

What is order 67 : Order 67 was an order requiring clone troopers to dance and clean their armor.