Antwort Who killed Bryce in 13 Reasons Why? Weitere Antworten – Why did Alex kill Bryce

Who killed Bryce in 13 Reasons Why?
As the pair started to leave, Bryce asked Alex for help standing up, but in the process, Alex thought about all the pain Bryce caused throughout his life. He ended up pushing the already injured character into the river, drowning him.Zach confesses to the cops that he beat up Bryce and left him on the pier to get revenge for Bryce breaking his knee. Deputy Standall tells him he couldn't have killed Bryce because he died by drowning.Following his collapse in the penultimate episode of 13 Reasons Why season 4, it was revealed that the answer to "how did Justin Foley die" is that he had contracted HIV in the past. By the time of the series finale, it had already transitioned into the later stages of AIDS.

What happens to Monty in 13 Reasons Why : As it turns out, to absolve Alex, the group and possibly Alex's father, framed Monty as his murderer (despite the fact Monty was having sex with Winston during the murder). At the end of the season, it is revealed that Monty was found dead in his cell.

Does Alex’s dad know he killed Bryce

Going into season four, Alex's father, Deputy Standall, is aware of his son's role in Bryce's murder, as well as his drug use. Still, Deputy Standall seems content to, as Ani put it in her testimony, “let the dead bury the dead,” and lay the blame for Bryce's death on the already-deceased Monty.

Does Alex go to jail after killing Bryce : And yet, Alex didn't go to jail for his crime. Instead, everyone agreed to place the blame on Monty, who was already in jail—and it turns out had already been killed in jail—for sexually assaulting Tyler in season 2. So not only did Alex kill Bryce, but he got away with it.

Zach is shown to be a kind hearted person and a good friend to those around him though he is also extremely cruel and uncaring to a degree.

But after Bryce tore up Zach's knee in the fight, it was Zach who followed Bryce out to the docks where he was supposed to meet Jess. There, Zach fought Bryce, breaking one of his legs and one of his arms in the process. But Zach didn't kill Bryce. He simply left him with no way to get home (or even get up).

What did Jessica do to Hannah

But Jessica had already heard rumors about Hannah being promiscuous—including rumors that involved Alex. As Hannah tried to deny those rumors, Jessica struck her in the head, leaving a scar above Hannah's eyebrow. At the end of side 3, Hannah asks if anyone noticed the scar above her eye during her funeral.Bryce is a part of Hannah Baker's Baker's Dozen and the subject of Hannah Baker's twelfth tape from her list of reasons why she killed herself. Bryce raped Hannah at a party, completely breaking her soul. This event is what lead Hannah to go through with her decision to kill herself.Going into season four, Alex's father, Deputy Standall, is aware of his son's role in Bryce's murder, as well as his drug use. Still, Deputy Standall seems content to, as Ani put it in her testimony, “let the dead bury the dead,” and lay the blame for Bryce's death on the already-deceased Monty.

Both are the two biggest villains in 13 Reasons Why and the cause of Hannah's suicide. I find Monty more evil because: He is both homicidal and a rapist and has less restraint than Bryce. He's listed as Neutral Evil but borders on Chaotic Evil.

Who killed Monty : Clay is later told by Monty – the hallucination not the real person! – that when the other prisoners found out that Monty was a "child rapist", he was attacked with a shiv, bled out, and died as a result.

Did Alex’s dad recognize him : Being Followed by Alex

James said he recognized Alex, though Alex tried to brush it off as him being at the shows. James then said he remembered him. He's a doctor from the hospital. He said he met a pediatric surgeon on the scariest night of his life, when his son choked on a strawberry.

Did Zach Dempsey love Hannah

But their relationship was more than some high school fling; Zach and Hannah had genuine feelings for each other — and they had a lot of fun together.

Clay Exhibits Schizophrenia In All Three Seasons. Schizophrenia is categorized as a breakdown in the relations between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception and inappropriate actions and feelings.But just as Jess and Alex started to leave, Bryce asked if they could help him get up. Alex started to help Bryce walk, but then Alex realized just how much hurt Bryce had caused all of them. At that moment, Alex shoved him into the water where Bryce would go on to drown.

Was Hannah in love with Clay : Having always been fond of Clay and hoping for a fresh start, Hannah show up to Jessica's party with Clay's invitation and admitted her feelings for him. In Jessica's room, the two partially initiate sex before Hannah, traumatized by her negative encounters with the boys at school, screamed at Clay to leave.