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Who is Freya in Marvel?
Before becoming the Asgardian Goddess of Marriage and All-Mother, Freyja was a Vanir Goddess. Her father, Freyr, fought against Odin Borson, ruler of the Aesir, for many years before she finally struck a deal with Odin, agreeing to marry him and unite their tribes as one people – Asgardians.Nope. Freyja is not related to Thor, except as adopted family. At the start, there were two groups of gods: The Aesir and the Vanir.Gaea

Gaea is goddess of the Earth. She is Thor's, and Loki's biological mother. Gaea as Jord (Jörð) mated with Odin, who wanted a son who would be strong on Earth (not just in Asgard) and gave birth to Thor.

Did Frigga love Loki : Thor questioned why she still had compassion for Loki, telling her that Loki was not the boy she once knew. Frigga reminded him that he was not either, and that she had loved him no less when Odin banished him to Earth.

Who is Freya to Thor

Sif is the wife of Thor and the daughter of Odin and Freya(Frigga.). Freya is Thor's mother and Odin's wife. Let it be stated for the record. And yes some emanations of Sif are Thor's wives and some emanations of her are his sisters.

Who is Freya to Odin : Freyja was the daughter of Njörðr, and was Odin's concubine. Odin deeply loved Freyja, and she was "the fairest of woman of that day". Freyja had a beautiful bower, and when the door was shut no one could enter without Freyja's permission.

Sometimes she also waited on the heroes' souls at Odin's banquet hall Valhalla, along with the Valkyries. Freya was married to Od (also spelled Ódr or Odur), about whom little else is known, except that they had a daughter named Hnoss, who was said to be as beautiful and precious as treasure.

Sif is the wife of Thor and the daughter of Odin and Freya(Frigga.). Freya is Thor's mother and Odin's wife. Let it be stated for the record. And yes some emanations of Sif are Thor's wives and some emanations of her are his sisters.

Is Freya Loki’s mother

Fictional character biography. An Asgardian, she is both Queen of Asgard, and the Asgardian gods, the wife of Odin, the step-mother of Thor, the biological mother of Balder, and the adoptive mother of Loki. She is also sometimes described to be a Vanir goddess, as opposed to her husband, who is of the Aesir tribe.In his exile, Odin apparently thought over all the acts he had done and likely felt remorse over them, as he showed no hostility towards Loki and even noted Frigga would be proud of him. He also admitted that he truly loved both of his sons and expressed remorse for failing to stop Ragnarök.Odin was the king of the realm, and made Njörðr and Freyr temple priests. Freyja was the daughter of Njörðr, and was Odin's concubine. Odin deeply loved Freyja, and she was "the fairest of woman of that day". Freyja had a beautiful bower, and when the door was shut no one could enter without Freyja's permission.

Odin was the king of the realm, and made Njörðr and Freyr temple priests. Freyja was the daughter of Njörðr, and was Odin's concubine. Odin deeply loved Freyja, and she was "the fairest of woman of that day". Freyja had a beautiful bower, and when the door was shut no one could enter without Freyja's permission.

Why does Loki hate Odin : Loki has changed role and aspect many times, but he is still mostly remembered as Thor's antithesis, his resentful adoptive brother who grew up to hate the God of Thunder. One of the reasons for Loki's bitterness is that Odin always favored his "real" son, Thor, during their childhood.

Did Odin love Thor : As Frigga stated, "everything he does, he does with a purpose." He loved Thor but when Thor went to Jotunheim and nearly started a war in the process, he exiled Thor to Earth, to teach him what it meant to be a good warrior and a hero, as well as to bolster his humility.

Did Loki love Odin

Loki finally put his trust in his father's love. He finally roots himself in that love, claiming his sonship as his identity. The strength of Odin's love allowed Loki to make his own act of unshakeable love, remaining true to his brother even though it cost him his life.

One of the reasons for Loki's bitterness is that Odin always favored his "real" son, Thor, during their childhood. While Thor is strong, fair, and brave, Loki is usually sulking, cowardly, and relying on cunning and magic rather than might.It has consistently been stated that Thor is above him in overall power and stats.. * MCU Thor was strong enough to overpower the beam from all six Infinity Stones and mortally wound Thanos with the Stormbreaker. He would eventually go on to lop his head off.

Why Loki hated Odin : Loki says that Odin does a poor job in handing out honor in war to men, and that he's often given victory to the faint-hearted.