Antwort Which countries are not in ICAO? Weitere Antworten – How many countries are not members of the ICAO

Which countries are not in ICAO?
The only non-Contracting States are the Holy See and Liechtenstein.Member States

​Albania ​Greece ​Republic of Moldova
​Finland ​Netherlands ​Turkmenistan
​France ​Norway ​Ukraine
​Georgia ​Poland ​United Kingdom
​Germany ​Portugal ​Uzbekistan

The following States were elected from among ICAO's 193 Member States to the Organization's 36 Member Governing Council during the 2022 ICAO Assembly. Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States.

Is India member of ICAO : India is one of the ICAO's founder members, having attended the Chicago Conference in 1944, and has since been a member of the council of the ICAO, including the Provisional ICAO between 1944 and 1947.

Is Russia still in ICAO

Russia failed to secure enough votes to remain in the International Civil Aviation Organization's 36-member governing council that is reserved for countries “of chief importance in air transport.” The ICAO has 193 members in total.

Why is Liechtenstein not part of ICAO : The question is wrong, they all recognise the ICAO, but not all are contracting states. Tuvalu is an ICAO contracting state as of 17 November 2017. Liechtenstein made arrangements involving their 1923 Customs Union with Switzerland for the conventions to be applied by the Swiss.

The Republic of China was a founding member of ICAO. Following its retreat to Taiwan, it was eventually replaced by the People's Republic of China as the legal representative of China in 1971.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) deposited its instrument of adherence to the Convention on International Civil Aviation on 15 October 1970 and accordingly became the 120th member of ICAO on 14 November 1970.

Is China an ICAO member

The Republic of China was a founding member of ICAO.Pakistan has been an ICAO contracting State since November 1974 and has been active in the council of ICAO since 1974 while playing a prominent cum important role in regional cooperation under auspices of ICAO.In a word, Taiwan region has no qualification to participate in ICAO or any other intergovernmental organizations and agencies. The one-China principle is the political foundation for the peaceful growth of cross-Taiwan Strait relations.

ICAO Member States (22​):

Belize. Canada. Costa Rica. Cuba.