Based on the video game franchise developed by Naughty Dog, the series is set twenty years into a pandemic caused by a mass fungal infection, which causes its hosts to transform into zombie-like creatures and collapses society.The finale implies Ellie's immunity is linked to Anna's bite on her inner thigh, corroborating a fan theory that Ellie's built-in protection against the cordyceps outbreak was the result of her mother somehow getting bitten before childbirth.Druckmann views The Last of Us as a coming-of-age story, in which Ellie adapts to survival after spending time with Joel, as well as an exploration of how willing a father is to save his child.
What is the side story in The Last of Us : Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the game switches between two stories: the first, set three weeks before the events of The Last of Us, follows Ellie as she spends time with her best friend Riley in an abandoned mall in Boston; the second takes place between the Fall and Winter chapters of The Last of Us and focuses on …
How did The Last of Us virus start
Warning: There are spoilers ahead for season one, episode three of "The Last of Us." Joel says the cordyceps outbreak likely started by mutating and tainting foods with flour or sugar. Joel, Sarah, and Tommy likely weren't infected on episode one because they avoided eating pancakes, biscuits, and cake.
Is there a cure in The Last of Us : Although the doctors in The Last of Us universe initially seem to believe that Ellie can be used to make a cure, this storyline is never resolved.
Ellie is the only known case of Cordyceps immunity, having been infected with a mutated benign strain. Joel has avoided infection, but it's safe to say that he's a “mere mortal”.
Sadly, Ellie's immunity isn't the only thing that isn't a cure. Throughout The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II, a cure for the Cordyceps brain infection is never found, with no new possibilities popping up in the sequel.
What kills Joel in The Last of Us
In the video game's sequel, “The Last of Us Part II,” Joel is shockingly murdered in the first act of the game by Abby, the daughter of the Firefly surgeon Joel killed in order to let Ellie live. Joel's death sets Ellie up on a mission of revenge against Abby.It is also strongly hinted that the man suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to his past deeds and being forced to close away his humanity to survive his new life.Abby
In the video game's sequel, “The Last of Us Part II,” Joel is shockingly murdered in the first act of the game by Abby, the daughter of the Firefly surgeon Joel killed in order to let Ellie live. Joel's death sets Ellie up on a mission of revenge against Abby.
The infected
The infected are humans who have been infected by the Cordyceps brain infection and subsequently mutated into horrific new forms. The resulting creatures are aggressive, and will attack any uninfected human and animals on sight.
Is Ellie the only immune person : The fact that Ellie is seemingly the only person immune to Cordyceps in history means that, whether the surgeon is sure or not, he will still be dedicated to trying to craft a cure. The reality is, both the original The Last of Us and HBO's TV adaptation of the game remain ambiguous on whether a cure would be possible.
How did Joel not get infected : So it is very likely that the infected batch of flour was already in mass circulation, but because both Joel and Sarah (and whoever else around the world) successfully and/or accidentally avoided a lot of flour consumption, they missed out on being naturally infected by the virus.
Is Ellie the only immune
The Last of Us has finally revealed a scientific explanation behind Ellie's immunity, and why she was the only one capable of surviving a Cordyceps bite. We were all dying to see The Last of Us Episode 9 on HBO.
This journal entry and the fact that Ellie also kisses Dina throughout The Last of Us Part II without her turning into a fungal rage monster seems to prove that Ellie's saliva, and therefore her bite, can't spread the Cordyceps infection to others.The Last of Us has finally revealed a scientific explanation behind Ellie's immunity, and why she was the only one capable of surviving a Cordyceps bite. We were all dying to see The Last of Us Episode 9 on HBO.
Does Ellie cure the virus : However, Ellie's immunity to the Infected is never used to make a cure in any of The Last of Us games, with this possibility never being resolved. The Last of Us Part II doesn't further explore a cure from Ellie, as she chooses to still believe that Joel was telling the truth.
Antwort What’s the story of The Last of Us? Weitere Antworten – What is the story of The Last of Us
Based on the video game franchise developed by Naughty Dog, the series is set twenty years into a pandemic caused by a mass fungal infection, which causes its hosts to transform into zombie-like creatures and collapses society.The finale implies Ellie's immunity is linked to Anna's bite on her inner thigh, corroborating a fan theory that Ellie's built-in protection against the cordyceps outbreak was the result of her mother somehow getting bitten before childbirth.Druckmann views The Last of Us as a coming-of-age story, in which Ellie adapts to survival after spending time with Joel, as well as an exploration of how willing a father is to save his child.
What is the side story in The Last of Us : Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the game switches between two stories: the first, set three weeks before the events of The Last of Us, follows Ellie as she spends time with her best friend Riley in an abandoned mall in Boston; the second takes place between the Fall and Winter chapters of The Last of Us and focuses on …
How did The Last of Us virus start
Warning: There are spoilers ahead for season one, episode three of "The Last of Us." Joel says the cordyceps outbreak likely started by mutating and tainting foods with flour or sugar. Joel, Sarah, and Tommy likely weren't infected on episode one because they avoided eating pancakes, biscuits, and cake.
Is there a cure in The Last of Us : Although the doctors in The Last of Us universe initially seem to believe that Ellie can be used to make a cure, this storyline is never resolved.
Ellie is the only known case of Cordyceps immunity, having been infected with a mutated benign strain. Joel has avoided infection, but it's safe to say that he's a “mere mortal”.
Sadly, Ellie's immunity isn't the only thing that isn't a cure. Throughout The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II, a cure for the Cordyceps brain infection is never found, with no new possibilities popping up in the sequel.
What kills Joel in The Last of Us
In the video game's sequel, “The Last of Us Part II,” Joel is shockingly murdered in the first act of the game by Abby, the daughter of the Firefly surgeon Joel killed in order to let Ellie live. Joel's death sets Ellie up on a mission of revenge against Abby.It is also strongly hinted that the man suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to his past deeds and being forced to close away his humanity to survive his new life.Abby
In the video game's sequel, “The Last of Us Part II,” Joel is shockingly murdered in the first act of the game by Abby, the daughter of the Firefly surgeon Joel killed in order to let Ellie live. Joel's death sets Ellie up on a mission of revenge against Abby.
The infected
The infected are humans who have been infected by the Cordyceps brain infection and subsequently mutated into horrific new forms. The resulting creatures are aggressive, and will attack any uninfected human and animals on sight.
Is Ellie the only immune person : The fact that Ellie is seemingly the only person immune to Cordyceps in history means that, whether the surgeon is sure or not, he will still be dedicated to trying to craft a cure. The reality is, both the original The Last of Us and HBO's TV adaptation of the game remain ambiguous on whether a cure would be possible.
How did Joel not get infected : So it is very likely that the infected batch of flour was already in mass circulation, but because both Joel and Sarah (and whoever else around the world) successfully and/or accidentally avoided a lot of flour consumption, they missed out on being naturally infected by the virus.
Is Ellie the only immune
The Last of Us has finally revealed a scientific explanation behind Ellie's immunity, and why she was the only one capable of surviving a Cordyceps bite. We were all dying to see The Last of Us Episode 9 on HBO.
This journal entry and the fact that Ellie also kisses Dina throughout The Last of Us Part II without her turning into a fungal rage monster seems to prove that Ellie's saliva, and therefore her bite, can't spread the Cordyceps infection to others.The Last of Us has finally revealed a scientific explanation behind Ellie's immunity, and why she was the only one capable of surviving a Cordyceps bite. We were all dying to see The Last of Us Episode 9 on HBO.
Does Ellie cure the virus : However, Ellie's immunity to the Infected is never used to make a cure in any of The Last of Us games, with this possibility never being resolved. The Last of Us Part II doesn't further explore a cure from Ellie, as she chooses to still believe that Joel was telling the truth.