Antwort What kind of clone is Fives? Weitere Antworten – Which clone is Fives

What kind of clone is Fives?

Clone cadet on Kamino

Thanks, CT-27-5555. That was close." A clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett, CT-27-5555, whose digits led to his nickname of "Fives," appeared as though he would be another simple clone trooper, but fate, or potentially the Force, had other designs for him.CT-27-5555

Clone Trooper Fives, also known as CT-27-5555, was an Advanced Recon Commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Due to his clone designation, he referred to himself as "Fives." was promoted to ARC Trooper status after the defense of Kamino from Separatist invaders.As Fives pleaded with his old friends, shocktroopers led by Commander Fox burst in and ordered him to surrender. Fives panicked and grabbed one of Rex's pistols, but was shot and mortally wounded. Dying, he told Rex the conspiracy was bigger than anyone could have imagined.

Who is the strongest clone : However, it was his Force ability that made X2 the undisputed most powerful clone in the entire Star Wars franchise.

Who is the most loyal clone

Captain Rex

Captain Rex

If one thing could sum up his appeal it would be his steadfast loyalty to not only his brothers in arms, but the Jedi he served alongside during the Clone Wars and to the Republic itself.

Who is the oldest clone : That would be Kix. Due to his being frozen in stasis by the Separatists, he survived for 50 years after the end of the Clone Wars before being awakened by a pirate gang several years before the events of the sequel trilogy.

While on Bracca to perform the surgeries, Rex told Echo that Fives had tried to warn him about the chips, but that he had not understood his warning back then. Echo agreed that it was still hard even afterwards to believe what the chips were capable of.

While the details of One and Dr. Brenner's involvement in Eleven's birth remain fuzzy, fan theories posit that Eleven is One's clone, making her his identical twin, and by definition, his sibling.

Why did Fives go crazy

He attempted to explain the conspiracy against the Jedi Order through the true purpose of the inhibitor chips placed within all clones, but his drugged state made him seem incoherent. Anakin disregarded Fives's story and decided to take Fives back to the Temple to be treated, causing Fives to become even more enraged.Fives' last words are "This is the end. Forget the mission. Oh, nightmare. I'm free." Deeply dark and ironic words for an audience that knows Order 66 is still coming.Ahsoka Had the Highest Kill Count of the Clone Wars

And the vast majority of these come from the Second Battle of Geonosis, where Ahsoka destroyed a weapons factory with an estimated 3 million droids being constructed inside.

Cut Lawquane was a clone trooper who fought for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Shortly after the First Battle of Geonosis, Lawquane's transport was attacked by Separatist gunships, leaving his fellow soldiers either dead or injured. Lawquane fled, deserting the army, and later married Suu Lawquane.

Did any clones regret Order 66 : All season, The Bad Batch has been showing the pangs of regret that some clones feel over actions such as Order 66 and the destruction on Kamino.

Did Ahsoka ever meet Fives : Fives accompanies Ahsoka in the Citadel rescue. This was the only mission where they met each other before Ahsoka left the Jedi Order.

Is 11 Vecna’s daughter

It will be revealed to Eleven that Vecna is her father. Dr. Brenner has known this to be her destiny since she was conceived in 1970. This is why he is helping to restore her powers to prepare for the final conflict.

Clones are the identical offspring which are produced by asexual reproduction. It involves only mitotic cell division and is also termed as somatogenic propagation. Clones have the exact genetic material as their parents and they are the carbon copy of their parents without any variation in them.Fives' last words are "This is the end. Forget the mission. Oh, nightmare. I'm free." Deeply dark and ironic words for an audience that knows Order 66 is still coming.

Did Captain Rex believe Fives : He believed that Fives was right about the inhibitor chips' potential to cause more harm than good to the clones. In the end, Fives's investigation was not in vain; while he was unable to stop the massacre of the Jedi in Order 66, his findings and Rex's grievance were accessed by Ahsoka Tano during the purge.