Antwort What is the normal weight for a woman in kg? Weitere Antworten – What is the normal weight of a woman in kg

What is the normal weight for a woman in kg?
Weight Chart According to Height for Males and Females

Height in ft Height in cm Average Weight in kg for Female
5'0” 152 40.8 – 49.9
5'1” 155 43.1 – 52.6
5'2” 157 44.9 – 54.9
5'3” 160 47.2 – 57.6

White, Black, and Hispanic women are considered to be at a “healthy weight” when their BMI lies between 18.5 and 24.9. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a woman 65 inches (1.65 meters) tall would fall within a normal BMI range if she weighed 111–150 pounds (50–68 kg) ( 2 ).Fems of heights 5'0″ to 5'9″ should aim for weights between 44.0 to 73.5 Kg for a woman, and males of the same height should aim between 50.8 Kg to 83.90 kg.

Is 68 kg heavy for a woman : Example: If a person weighs 68 kg and is 165 cm (1.65 m) tall, BMI is calculated as 68 ÷ (1.65)2 = 24.98 kg/m2, which means that the person has a BMI of 24.98 and is considered to be a healthy weight.

Is 63 kg heavy for a girl

63 kg is a normal weight at the age of 18.

Is 70 kg a good weight : You are within the normal range for a healthy weight.

Depends on the age of the girl. A 60kg 4 year old is considered extremely big for her age and definitely in the top 1% for weight for her age. A 60kg 17 year old may well be considered average especially if her height to weight ratio (measured with BMI) is at an appropriate level.

Healthy Weight: 65kg to 75kg. Overweight: 75kg to 95kg. Obese: 95kg to 125kg. Very Obese: More than 125kg.

Is 53 kg skinny

With a height of 157 cm and a weight of 53 kg, your BMI is 21.5. This is in the “normal” weight category for any adult, man, or woman.At your age and height you are weighing 176 lbs ( 80kg) which puts you under Obese category according to ideal body weight. So you goal is to get down 45 lbs.Generally speaking, if you're between the ages of 9 and 14 a weight of 72 kg would not be considered overweight. Any younger than that and you would probably be slightly overweight unless you're very tall for your age. Any older and you'd be underweight unless you're unusually short.

Your weight is 53 kg. According to me, a 19 years old girl should have atleast 57.1 kg weight . But it's okay, 53kg is not a huge difference from 57 kg. You have a perfect weight.

Is 50 kg perfect weight : If our height is 4 feet 10 inches, then our ideal weight should be 41 to 52 kg. If it is more than this, it is not good for health. If our height is five feet, then our weight should be between 44 to 55.7 kg. If our height is five feet two inches, our weight should be between 49 to 63 kg.

Is 49kg skinny : Generally you are not Underweight because your BMI ( body mass index) is between 18.5 —24.9.