The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above the 40,000 mark Friday for the first time in its 139-year history. The blue-chip index initially crossed the key threshold early Thursday but ended that day lower.The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) hit its record high on May 16, 2024, reaching 40,051.05 points during intraday trading. The Dow's all-time high at market close stands at 39,908.00, reached on May 15, 2024.40,003.59
The Dow gained 134.21 points, or 0.3%, to close at 40,003.59, clinching a fresh record peak.
When did the Dow hit 1000 : 1972: Dow hits 1,000
The index broke above the level on Nov. 14, 1972 — 10 days after Richard Nixon won the presidential election. It finished that year up more than 14%.
Has the Dow ever hit $37,000
The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an intraday record high. The index is up 472 points, or 1.3% to 37049 at last check, reaching over 37000 for the first time. It's up just a little less than the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite, which have gained about 1.4% each.
Has the Dow ever hit $30,000 : Case in point: The Dow hit 30,000 for the first time on November 24, 2020. Crossing 40,000 today, May 16, 2024, gives it a 33.333333333333% return in a little under three and a half years.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an intraday record high. The index is up 472 points, or 1.3% to 37049 at last check, reaching over 37000 for the first time. It's up just a little less than the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite, which have gained about 1.4% each.
All-Time Highs
All-Time Lows
Thursday, October 3, 1974
Thursday, October 3, 1974
What is the highest the Dow Jones Industrial Average ever closed at
40,003.59 points
Records. Record high close – May 17, 2024, Dow closes at 40,003.59 points. Biggest one-day point gain – March 24, 2020, the Dow gains 2,112.98 points. Biggest one-day percentage gain – March 15, 1933, the Dow closes up 15.34%.Records
All-time highs
Friday, May 17, 2024
Monday, May 20, 2024
Market Close Report: Historical high reached as NASDAQ Composite Index closes at 16,794.88. Monday's session closes with the NASDAQ Composite Index reaching a historical high. The index closed at 16,794.88 up 108.91 for the day. The index had a previous high 16742.3903 on 05/15/2024.
Berkshire Hathaway is the most expensive stock listed on U.S. exchanges. At the time of this writing, Berkshire Hathaway stock was trading at $623,000 a share — but that price is for its Class A stock (BRK. A).
Will the Dow hit $37,000 : The Dow industrials surpassed the 37000 level intraday for the first time on record Wednesday. The blue-chip index hit its last thousand-point milestone, 36000, in November 2021.
Will the Dow hit $36,000 : Following multiple downturns, including the 2020 stock market crash, the Dow continued rising toward the titular milestone. The Dow Jones Industrial Average finally reached 36,000 in intraday trading on November 1, 2021 and closed above it the next day.
Will the Dow reach $38,000
The S&P 500 also reached a record high on Monday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 38,000 for the first time on Monday, setting a record high and capping a steady rise that stretches back to last week.
The index first reached the 16000 mark on Nov 19, 2021. The total shares traded for the NASDAQ was over 5.32 billion.Records
All-time highs
Friday, May 17, 2024
Monday, May 20, 2024
What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average and how much had it dropped by 1932 : By mid-November, the Dow had lost almost half of its value. The slide continued through the summer of 1932, when the Dow closed at 41.22, its lowest value of the twentieth century, 89 percent below its peak. The Dow did not return to its pre-crash heights until November 1954.
Antwort What is the highest Dow in history? Weitere Antworten – Has the Dow ever hit $40,000
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above the 40,000 mark Friday for the first time in its 139-year history. The blue-chip index initially crossed the key threshold early Thursday but ended that day lower.The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) hit its record high on May 16, 2024, reaching 40,051.05 points during intraday trading. The Dow's all-time high at market close stands at 39,908.00, reached on May 15, 2024.40,003.59
The Dow gained 134.21 points, or 0.3%, to close at 40,003.59, clinching a fresh record peak.
When did the Dow hit 1000 : 1972: Dow hits 1,000
The index broke above the level on Nov. 14, 1972 — 10 days after Richard Nixon won the presidential election. It finished that year up more than 14%.
Has the Dow ever hit $37,000
The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an intraday record high. The index is up 472 points, or 1.3% to 37049 at last check, reaching over 37000 for the first time. It's up just a little less than the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite, which have gained about 1.4% each.
Has the Dow ever hit $30,000 : Case in point: The Dow hit 30,000 for the first time on November 24, 2020. Crossing 40,000 today, May 16, 2024, gives it a 33.333333333333% return in a little under three and a half years.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an intraday record high. The index is up 472 points, or 1.3% to 37049 at last check, reaching over 37000 for the first time. It's up just a little less than the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite, which have gained about 1.4% each.
What is the highest the Dow Jones Industrial Average ever closed at
40,003.59 points
Records. Record high close – May 17, 2024, Dow closes at 40,003.59 points. Biggest one-day point gain – March 24, 2020, the Dow gains 2,112.98 points. Biggest one-day percentage gain – March 15, 1933, the Dow closes up 15.34%.Records
Market Close Report: Historical high reached as NASDAQ Composite Index closes at 16,794.88. Monday's session closes with the NASDAQ Composite Index reaching a historical high. The index closed at 16,794.88 up 108.91 for the day. The index had a previous high 16742.3903 on 05/15/2024.
Berkshire Hathaway is the most expensive stock listed on U.S. exchanges. At the time of this writing, Berkshire Hathaway stock was trading at $623,000 a share — but that price is for its Class A stock (BRK. A).
Will the Dow hit $37,000 : The Dow industrials surpassed the 37000 level intraday for the first time on record Wednesday. The blue-chip index hit its last thousand-point milestone, 36000, in November 2021.
Will the Dow hit $36,000 : Following multiple downturns, including the 2020 stock market crash, the Dow continued rising toward the titular milestone. The Dow Jones Industrial Average finally reached 36,000 in intraday trading on November 1, 2021 and closed above it the next day.
Will the Dow reach $38,000
The S&P 500 also reached a record high on Monday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 38,000 for the first time on Monday, setting a record high and capping a steady rise that stretches back to last week.
The index first reached the 16000 mark on Nov 19, 2021. The total shares traded for the NASDAQ was over 5.32 billion.Records
What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average and how much had it dropped by 1932 : By mid-November, the Dow had lost almost half of its value. The slide continued through the summer of 1932, when the Dow closed at 41.22, its lowest value of the twentieth century, 89 percent below its peak. The Dow did not return to its pre-crash heights until November 1954.