Antwort What is the best graph to show continuous data? Weitere Antworten – What is the best graph for continuous data

What is the best graph to show continuous data?
Continuous data are measured on a scale or continuum (such as weight or test scores). Histograms are useful for displaying continuous data. Bar graphs, line graphs, and histograms have an x- and y-axis.Bar graphs are usually used to represent 'categorical data' while histogram is usually used for 'continuous data'.A histogram is a simple way to visualize a single, continuous, dataset. It shows the distribution of the data; in other words, the relative frequency of numbers of different sizes. To make a histogram, you'll divide your dataset into what are called bins, or groups of numbers of a similar size.

When to use a histogram : When you should use a histogram. Histograms are good for showing general distributional features of dataset variables. You can see roughly where the peaks of the distribution are, whether the distribution is skewed or symmetric, and if there are any outliers.

How to visualize continuous data


  1. UNIVARIATE SCATTER PLOT : This plots different observations/values of the same variable corresponding to the index/observation number.
  2. LINE PLOT (with markers) : A line plot visualizes data by connecting the data points via line segments.

What type of graph is continuous : Continuous graphs are graphs where there is a value of y for every single value of x, and each point is immediately next to the point on either side of it so that the line of the graph is uninterrupted. In other words, if the line is continuous, the graph is continuous.

Continuous data: use histograms

Bar charts do not make sense for continuous data, since they are measured on a scale with many possible values. Some examples of continuous data are: Age.

Continuous graphs are graphs where there is a value of y for every single value of x, and each point is immediately next to the point on either side of it so that the line of the graph is uninterrupted. In other words, if the line is continuous, the graph is continuous.

Why is a histogram better than a bar graph

You should choose a bar chart when you want to compare different categories or types of data. But if you want to understand the distribution and frequency of a single set of data, go with a histogram.The histogram is a popular graphing tool. It is used to summarize discrete or continuous data that are measured on an interval scale. It is often used to illustrate the major features of the distribution of the data in a convenient form.line graph

One of the best types of charts for displaying continuous data is a line graph.

Line Graphs – Line graph or the linear graph is used to display the continuous data and it is useful for predicting future events over time. Bar Graphs – Bar Graph is used to display the category of data and it compares the data using solid bars to represent the quantities.

How to make a graph continuous : We want to insert a graph. So on here if you just click on this the little box in the corner. It will give you all like all the different sorts of options. We don't want a bar graph.

Is continuous data on a line graph : Continuous data: appropriate for a line graph

Line graphs make sense for continuous data on the y-axis, since continuous data are measured on a scale with many possible values. Some examples of continuous data are: Age.

Is a bar graph or histogram for continuous data

A bar graph is used to compare categorical data, whereas a histogram displays the frequency distribution of continuous variables. Histograms are drawn with no gaps between the bars, representing numerical data, while bar graphs show rectangular bars with length proportional to the values they represent.

Line Graph

Line Graph

A line graph reveals trends or progress over time, and you can use it to show many different categories of data. You should use it when you chart a continuous data set.Histograms and box plots are very similar in their ability to visualize and describe numeric data. Although histograms are better in determining the underlying distribution of the data, box plots allow the comparison of multiple datasets as they are less detailed and take up less space.

Why is histogram better : It can help detect any unusual observations (outliers) or any gaps in the data. A histogram divides up the range of possible values in a data set into classes or groups.