Antwort What house was Sirius Black in? Weitere Antworten – What house was Sirius Black’s family in

What house was Sirius Black in?

Sirius bucked the trend in the Black family by being sorted into Gryffindor as opposed to Slytherin, like the rest of his family.After leaving school, Sirius fought against Voldemort, eventually joining the Order of the Phoenix. He remained close friends with James and eventually attended James and Lily Evans' (now Lily Potter) wedding as their best man. When their son, Harry, was born, Lily and James named Sirius as Harry's godfather.However, Pettigrew was able to frame Sirius for his betrayal of the Potters, the murder of twelve Muggles, and the staged murder of Pettigrew before Sirius could accomplish this. Sirius was sent to Azkaban and, after twelve years, became the only known person to escape the prison unassisted.

How old was Sirius when he died : 36 years old

Sirius was only 36 years old when he tragically died at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange. Since most of the adult Harry Potter actors were older than their characters, the age changes in the films helped hide just how young Sirius actually was.

What house was Dobby in

Malfoy Manor

Dobby was the resident house-elf of Malfoy Manor, serving Lucius Malfoy, his wife Narcissa, and their only son Draco. They treated Dobby with unkindness and cruelty, often reminding him to perform extra punishments on himself whenever he did something disagreeable to them. The Malfoys were harsh and abused Dobby often.

What house was Filch in : None, he was never admitted into Hogwarts. He was not a wizard, but a Squib.

As pointed out, Sirius Black was actually Draco's first cousin once removed – not his uncle. That being said, according to J.K. Rowling, yes, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are related – albeit distantly – by marriage, if not by blood. According to the Black family tree, one Charlus Potter.

Cedrella and Septimus went on to have three children together, one of whom was Arthur Weasley – Ron's father. This means that Draco and Ron are distantly related, making Draco's bigoted pure-blooded ideology even more ironic.

What house was Lily Potter in

Gryffindor house

At the age of eleven, Lily started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she was Sorted into Gryffindor house.He'd loved her, he really had. He'd also loved Sirius. He hadn't known that Sirius was in love with him too, not until his wedding day. As much as everything in James had ached to say 'I love you too, let's leave together', he hadn't been able to do that to Lily.Bellatrix is approximately mid 40s in her first appearance and dies at about 46/47.

Who was Sirius Black's love interest – Quora. No one. He showed no love interest while at Hogwarts that we know of; if he was as handsome and daring as he's written he'd probably had several people lusting for him, both male and female. If he ever returned someone's feelings, we're not told.

What house was Hagrid in : Gryffindor

Rubeus Hagrid
Species Half-giant
Family Fridwulfa (mother) Grawp (half-brother)
Nationality English
House Gryffindor

What house is Umbridge in : Slytherin House

Under the influence of her father, Dolores grew up despising her mother and brother for their lack of magical abilities. She was sorted into Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and hated her time at the school due to never being given any positions of power.

What house was Umbridge in

Slytherin House

Under the influence of her father, Dolores grew up despising her mother and brother for their lack of magical abilities. She was sorted into Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and hated her time at the school due to never being given any positions of power.


As a Hogwarts student, he was sorted into Ravenclaw. Quirrell never married or had children.Astoria GreengrassDraco Malfoy / Significant other

Who is Regulus to Draco : first cousin once removed

Rowling compared Regulus to Draco Malfoy, his first cousin once removed, who also became a Death Eater at a young age and eventually defected.