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What happened to Ellen Ripley's daughter?
In Alien: Isolation (2014)

This game, set 15 years after the events of Alien and 42 years before the events of Aliens, features Ripley's daughter Amanda. Amanda was originally introduced in the extended version of Aliens, when Ripley learns that during her 57-years long stasis, Amanda grew up, married, and died.She had one daughter, Amanda Ripley-McClaren.Amanda and Zula survive the explosion. Amanda and Zula survive the explosion and emerge from the hex shelter, still under duress from surviving Xenomorphs. The two eventually manage to escape the planet with the assistance of Davis, who transferred his AI to a ship.

When was Ripley impregnated : Apparently she was impregnated when her cryotube was compromised and the face hugger's acid blood disrupted the Sulaco's peaceful voyage home. Why did Ripley hate aliens so much in aliens and Alien3 when she had no issue with them before that

Was Ellen Ripley supposed to be a man

Science-fiction was a male-dominated genre until the arrival of Ridley Scott's Alien in 1979. Although the part of Ellen Ripley was originally written for a man, it was actress Sigourney Weaver who was eventually cast, and would play the role three more times over the following twenty years.

How old was Ripley’s daughter when she died : She died at the age of sixty-six; fifty-six years after her mother goes off to space and two years before her return.

Upon her reunion with Ripley 8 (now exhibiting Xenomorph traits) the Queen had moved past the egg laying stage and developed a massive womb, Ripley's genetic "gift", according to the maddened Dr. Gediman. The Newborn emerges from the womb, the Queen's first live birth.

This trauma was reiterated and reinforced at the start of Aliens with Ripley's PTSD nightmares specifically revolving around the “chestburster” and it's unexpected arrival.

How old is Amanda Ripley in Aliens

From my calculations (correct me if I'm wrong), in Aliens (that is 57 years after Alien) Ripley's daughter Amanda would be 68, which makes her about 11 years old at the time of events from Alien, therefore Ripley couldn't possibly be in her early 20s, for example.Ripley soon learns that during her cryostasis aboard the escape pod, she was attacked by a Face Hugger, and impregnated with a Xenomorph embryo. A scan using the escape pod's barely functioning medical apparatus reveals this baby is none other than an Alien Queen.Despite the fact that it violated Weyland-Yutani regulations, Ripley allowed the pregnancy to come to term, eventually resulting in the birth of her daughter Amanda. She was not disciplined for this transgression. Amanda was delivered at home, in the presence of her husband, a doctor and a nurse.

The role of Ripley in Alien was originally written for a man, however, Sigourney Weaver's casting went on to change the portrayal of women in Sci-Fi. Ellen Ripley has strong leadership qualities upheld by her strength and resourcefulness, which were not seen in representations of women at the time.

Did Ripley really sleep for 57 years : Ripley was indeed in hypersleep for 57 years.

Did Ripley have a kid : Despite the fact that it violated Weyland-Yutani regulations, Ripley allowed the pregnancy to come to term, eventually resulting in the birth of her daughter Amanda. She was not disciplined for this transgression.

Did Amanda Ripley have kids

Sometime before her death she married, taking the name McClaren, but had no children.

But the story of Tom Ripley himself is equally fascinating: He's a terrible human being, yet it's almost impossible to turn away from him — and the wreckage he causes. But is Tom Ripley based on a real person Unless Highsmith, who died in 1995, never shared a secret — the answer is no: Ripley is a complete fiction.Ripley 8 was subjected to numerous tests that probed both her physical and mental state, and it quickly became apparent that she was not in fact human, and that residual Xenomorph DNA in her system meant she was in fact a hybrid.

Was Ripley asleep for 57 years : Ripley was indeed in hypersleep for 57 years.