Antwort Was the March family rich? Weitere Antworten – Is the March family rich or poor

Was the March family rich?
The March family in Little Women was not wealthy — they lived in genteel poverty.Each struggling with their lot, but accountable to the expectations placed upon them. The March family is of the genteel poor, beneath the middle class, somewhat deprived, scoffed at for not having the proper attire.Like her mother, she develops a love for art as she grows up. Aunt Josephine March – Mr. March's aunt, a rich widow. Somewhat temperamental and prone to being judgmental, she disapproves of the family's poverty, their charitable work, and their general disregard for the more superficial aspects of society's ways.

Was the March family very rich True or false : The house is big enough, though shabby, for the family has been genteelly poor since Mr March lost all his money in an unwise loan to a friend; moreover he has volunteered as a chaplain in the Civil War, and is far away in camp.

Did Laurie really love Amy

Rejected, Laurie leaves, and later marries Amy, Jo's little sister, who nursed a crush on him throughout her childhood. While Laurie might have initially thought he wanted to spend his life with Jo, he did grow to love Amy, leaving fans of the book and the movie adaptation debating who his perfect match was for years.

How did the March family lose their money : It is later revealed that “Mr. March lost his property in trying to help an unfortunate friend” and Amy, the only March child still attending school, is teased for wearing hand-me-down dresses and having a father who “isn't rich” (Alcott).

The four March sisters are enduring characters in children's literature. Meg, the oldest, beautiful and rather vain but sweet; Jo, the main focus of the books, a spirited tomboy; Beth, a sickly, gentle musician who dies in the first novel; and Amy, pampered and artistic.

It follows the lives and growth from girlhood to womanhood of the four March girls: Meg, 17; Josephine (or Jo), 15; Beth, 14; and Amy, 12. Their father, a minister, is serving in the war, and the girls and their mother must keep the house running and work hard in their father's absence.

Why did Meg marry poor

Though her family isn't well-off, they were at one time and she remembers the physical comforts that they had had. She ends up marrying John Brooke, a family friend with little money and declaring that she'll be content with a man who loves her, even if they are poor.It is later revealed that “Mr. March lost his property in trying to help an unfortunate friend” and Amy, the only March child still attending school, is teased for wearing hand-me-down dresses and having a father who “isn't rich” (Alcott).Because she helped the Hummels and got scarlet fever from their baby and scarlet fever is what ultimately kills her. The total inner peace that Beth displayed is also what made her an angel on Earth. Even though Beth was so morally pure and innocent she didn't live her full life. She died at age 23 in her mom's arms.

Though it's never clearly specified, Laurie was born the same year as Jo, making him the same age as her, obviously — 15 at the start of the story. At age 22 he proposes to Jo, which she turns down, and he later heads off to Europe. There, he meets Amy and one year later proposes to her (which she accepts) at age 23.

Why did Jo not love Laurie : When Jo tells Laurie that she's tried to love him like he loves her but she can't, this is a nod to the author's struggle to love men as she thought women were supposed to love men but she just couldn't. Jo was never supposed to marry, much like Alcott never married.

Why are the March sisters poor : The March family once had wealth, but they no longer do. Their father is serving in the Civil War, so they try to make do with what they have, even going without Christmas gifts. When any of the sisters are overtaken by vanity or greed for finer things than they can afford, they learn their lessons.

How can we tell that the March family was poor

Ans. The old shoes indicate that the March family were not financially strong. They did not have adequate money to meet the necessities of life. The girls brightened to welcome their mother who would soon return home.

It is later revealed that “Mr. March lost his property in trying to help an unfortunate friend” and Amy, the only March child still attending school, is teased for wearing hand-me-down dresses and having a father who “isn't rich” (Alcott).Amy March

Amy March, the youngest of the “Little Women,” has historically been the least liked of the four. Louisa May Alcott's 1868 coming-of-age novel positions her as a foil to her older sister Jo, the author's semi-autobiographical stand-in, and by contrast emphasizes Amy's youthful selfishness and materialism.

Does Laurie actually love Amy : While Laurie might have initially thought he wanted to spend his life with Jo, he did grow to love Amy, leaving fans of the book and the movie adaptation debating who his perfect match was for years. Little Women (1994) is available to stream on PlutoTV while Little Women (2019) is available to stream on Starz.