Antwort Should my 7 year old watch Stranger Things? Weitere Antworten – What age is suitable for Stranger Things

Should my 7 year old watch Stranger Things?

Due to the violence and other mature content, we'd say this show is appropriate for ages 14 and up. But every child is different, and you'll know what is best for them.It's a good show but not for younger kids. Lots of torture, grizzly death, one child losing control with anger to the point of bludgeoning another child in the face with a roller skate. Younger children may want to watch but they will likely feel disturbed for quite some time after watching this.Dark and Stranger Things are two different things, totally. While Dark is about time travelers, Stranger Things is about Dungeons & dragons. They aren't comparable, but with Dark you need some background about time travel paradoxes if you don't want to lose the thread (it'd be great to have those Dr.

Is Stranger Things TV-14 : Those ratings may differ from the show's overall rating or mature content themes.” “Stranger Things” is one of few Netflix Original Series that is TV-14. Movie Guide reports that 61% of its series are rated as TV-MA.

Can a 7 year old watch Stranger Things

First, there is a ton of violence. Teens/tweens are brutally killed, their bones snapped, eyes gouged out, eaten by monsters etc. There is a terrifying possession scene is season two and there is an exorcism scene that is very scary. In season four, a group of younger kids are killed in a horrific massacre.

Is Wednesday appropriate for 9 year olds : Wednesday is rated TV-14 for violence, fear, and profanity, which means it may not be suitable for children under 14 years old. Keep in mind that age ratings are simply suggestions — your child might be able to handle the show before age 14, or you may have a child older than 14 who finds it too scary.

Wednesday is rated TV-14 for violence, fear, and profanity, which means it may not be suitable for children under 14 years old. Keep in mind that age ratings are simply suggestions — your child might be able to handle the show before age 14, or you may have a child older than 14 who finds it too scary.

What's the Stranger Things Age Rating First, it's worth noting that the maker of Stranger Things, Netflix, has rated it TV-14. That means they don't think it's appropriate for anyone under 14 to watch it. Of course, not all 14-year-olds are the same.

Does Stranger Things get scary

Frightening & Intense Scenes (41) Seasons 1 and 2 are more suspenseful than violent, but season 3 basically flips that, choosing to show much more violence and gory imagery. Season 4 follows suit of season 3, but in a more violent way.Stranger Things did not introduce the “f-word” until part-way through its second season, but then used it six times in Season 2, and five times in Season 3, and nine times in Season 4.Other than the scene noted above, there's nothing of concern in Yes Day for children aged 8-13 years.

Parents need to know that while The Addams Family is based on the classic 1960s sitcom, it's a much darker comedy with more sophisticated humor. While the movie is fun, it contains violent images and strong sexual innuendo. It also contains scenes featuring the use of various weapons and torture devices.

Can a 10 year old watch a 7 year old : It depends on how mature the 10-year-old is, and of course the parents of the children will have the final say, but anywhere between 3-8 years old is probably a good range. Can a 10 year old babysit Yes, as long as he or she is responsible, mature, and knows how to take care of smaller children.

Is Stranger Things too scary for a 7 year old : But there are some things to remember when deciding to watch it. First, there is a ton of violence. Teens/tweens are brutally killed, their bones snapped, eyes gouged out, eaten by monsters etc. There is a terrifying possession scene is season two and there is an exorcism scene that is very scary.

Is Stranger Things too scary for a 6 year old

With a TV-14 rating, Stranger Things, is very heavy for elementary school kids. The plot and villains are scary and dark. The language is halfway to vulgar. The routine bloodshed is jarring.

Season 1 was the scariest. Season 2 was the worst and I think season 3 was the best because we are introduced to Robin! And you can't beat the Neverending Story! through the season.The first use of the F-bomb in Stranger Things comes from one of the most unlikely characters, Will Byers. Quiet, shy, and generally courteous and soft-spoken Will lets out an angry and pain-filled "F***!" as he tears down Castle Byers after getting into a fight with his friends Mike and Lucas.

Can my 9 year old watch Wednesday Addams : Wednesday is rated TV-14 for violence, fear, and profanity, which means it may not be suitable for children under 14 years old. Keep in mind that age ratings are simply suggestions — your child might be able to handle the show before age 14, or you may have a child older than 14 who finds it too scary.