Antwort Is Twin Peaks good for kids? Weitere Antworten – Is Twin Peaks suitable for 12 year olds

Is Twin Peaks good for kids?
IS the pilot is a bit boring, yet it gets more interesting and surreal as it goes on! any 13 year old can watch this alone. any 12 year old can watch with a parent!While there is no cursing, nudity, etc. some of the themes are pretty heavy, there is discussion of drugs/prostitution and there are definitely some scenes that will give you nightmares (at any age).Twin Peaks is rated 14+.

How is Twin Peaks rated PG : Occasional on-screen violence, mild to moderate, very fake looking beatings and shootings.

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Language is mild to PG-13. But is there a teen party where there is lots of drugs and passionate kissing in the background. There is also a scene where the main character Cher gets robbed at gunpoint. (***NO BLOOD OR VIOLENCE***) So in my opinion it is not for younger kids.

Can a 12 year old watch 24 : This is an adrenaline-fueled action rollercoaster that does not let up, but it's best suited for adults and older teens. Not for the squeamish.

Throughout the series words like "Fuck" and "Shit" are used, but can vary from once to 30+ times depending on the episode. Casual profanity is throughout.

2) Dale was in a relationship with Annie Blackburn at the time he went into The Lodge, where in fact he went for the explicit purpose of saving her, and he has not left in the 25 years since he entered. And yet, as soon as he and Diane are reunited we're supposed to accept that they were an item the whole time.

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There is a bit of nudity and there's one sex scene but it's not highly explicit. Characters smoke and drink but it's not a big part of the movie and consomation is not at all glorified. You should not watch this movie with your kids because it can be really disturbing even for and older audience.PG films can be viewed by all ages, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. Children of any age may watch a PG rated film or DVD, with or without an adult.Print. TLDR: Yes, children under 13 years of age can watch PG13 movies. Films rated PG13 is an advisory rating for parents to note there are scenes or themes unsuitable for younger children. However, there's no age restriction; so the parent can choose to allow or bring the child for the movie.

There's some simulated sex, and there is one sex scene that is a fair bit more graphic than the others. It's a great Christmas film though. Recommended but probably not suitable for anyone under 14 or 15.

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Can a 13 year old watch it : It is a horror movie based on Stephen King's novel and is rated R for strong violence, language, and disturbing imagery. Due to the graphic and intense nature of the movie, it may not be suitable for children under 12 or 13.

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No, this is not a family-friendly series to watch with kids. This series has an endless stream of violent scenes, such as cannibalism, bloody deaths and a virus running rampant — leading to graphic scenes. It also has a lot of intense scenes that could be frightening to children.

this book is perfect for ages 10+. it has very good messages, funny characters, and overall just an entertaining plot. there is little swearing, but i personally don't think a few words should make you miss out on reading this amazing book. i HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone wanting a good, entertaining read.Stranger Things definitely finds inspiration in Twin Peaks in some places. Developed by Mark Frost and David Lynch, Twin Peaks follows FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper and the local sheriff, Harry S. Truman, in the small, creepy town of Twin Peaks, where they start investigating the murder of a local girl.

What is gender in Twin Peaks : Gender based violence appears in all of the Twin Peaks texts in several forms and in many different storylines. Acts of physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional torment, and threats by men to commit such acts are rif e in both the main storylines and in the side plots.