Antwort Is the T. rex the biggest meat eater? Weitere Antworten – What is the biggest meat eater dinosaur

Is the T. rex the biggest meat eater?
The largest carnivorous dinosaur so far is the Spinosaurus. It was semi-aquatic and hunted in estuary environments. One prey for them was the saw shark, the Onchopristus, 25 feet long with nasty barbs along its rostrum.Although some other theropods might have rivaled or exceeded Tyrannosaurus in size, it is still among the largest known land predators, with its estimated bite force being the largest among all terrestrial animals.Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest and most fearsome carnivores of all time.

Who is bigger Giganotosaurus or T. rex : Giganotosaurus was probably about 45 to 47 feet long, while the largest T. rex specimen reached nearly 42 feet long (nicknamed “Scotty,” its bones reside at Canada's Royal Saskatchewan Museum). Both stood about 20 feet tall, and Giganotosaurus may have had a few tons of mass on T.

Would Spinosaurus beat T-Rex

Now if Spino and rex were to fight who would win If it was a land battle Trex would destroy the spino but in the water spino would beat the rex. So from all the evidence its concluded that Trex would win 80% of the time due to its bigger brain better eyesight and stronger bite.

Who is the biggest carnivore : Polar bear

Rank Common name Scientific name
1 Polar bear Ursus maritimus
2 Brown bear Ursus arctos
3 Liger (Panthera leo x Panthera tigris).
4 American black bear Ursus americanus

While it could have detected a wide range of sounds with high Acuity it specialized in low frequency sounds like the rumbling Bellows that it likely used to communicate with other members of its

The T. rex may have feared a Giganotosaurus because the latter was 39 to 43 feet long, while the largest T. rex was only about 40 feet long. Moreover, Giganotosaurus used its paws to slash at and cut prey, making it a worthy competitor.

How much did T. rex eat a day

“A 6-ton T. rex,” Healy said, “would need the same daily calories as 80 people” on a diet of 2,500 calories per day. That translates to about 140 kilograms of meat, which the virtual T. rex had half a day to track down in the model.There were no Polar Ice Sheets. Instead Antarctica was covered in forests where T-Rex. And other dinosaurs could have roamed flowering plants were thriving.Large enough to swallow a human whole, gigas were apex predators in their environment who likely fed on young sauropods. In this battle of titans, the two foes were evenly matched. On a good day, the giant, powerful Giganotosaurus could definitely kill a T-rex.

Boomstick: Yep, while not stronger than a Rex's bite force, a Giga's bite force is still strong enough to hold down and kill prey, as it was able to drag both Feathered Rex in the past, and Rexy in the present, heck, it's robust body was capable of pushing down both Rexes as well, making it very sturdy tank fighter, …

Can T-rex beat Giganotosaurus : Large enough to swallow a human whole, gigas were apex predators in their environment who likely fed on young sauropods. In this battle of titans, the two foes were evenly matched. On a good day, the giant, powerful Giganotosaurus could definitely kill a T-rex.

Who can defeat T-rex : And the ankylosaurus and trike part, they both either outweigh tyrannosaurus or are in the same weight range, they both possessed weapons capable of killing a tyrannosaurus especially trike.

What are the 5 largest carnivores


Rank Common name Maximum mass (kg)
1 Polar bear 1,002
2 Brown bear 751 (in the wild, possibly more)
3 Liger 550
4 American black bear 409-500

The top carnivores are those organisms that have no natural enemies/predators. They may be different in different food chains. Each food chain ends with a top carnivore. Some examples of top carnivores are alligator, hawk, polar bear, lion and tiger.The T. rex may have feared a Giganotosaurus because the latter was 39 to 43 feet long, while the largest T. rex was only about 40 feet long. Moreover, Giganotosaurus used its paws to slash at and cut prey, making it a worthy competitor.

Would T. rex hunt humans : rex surely would have been able to eat people. There are fossil bite marks, matching the teeth of T. rex, on the bones of Triceratops and duck-billed dinosaurs such as Edmontosaurus, which were both over 50 times heavier than an average person. But that doesn't mean we would be hunted to extinction.