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Is Odysseus in love with Penelope?
Despite the fact that Odysseus may have sexual relationships with other women, his emotional attachment remains with his wife Penelope. Odysseus is driven by the love for his wife and child to return home, pursuing through many hardships. The love that Odysseus has for his wife closely resembles 'agape'.Odysseus uses his superior wisdom to solve the potential conflict over Helen's hand by convincing Helen's father, Tyndareus*, that all the suitors most vow to protect whichever man Helen chooses. Helen chooses Menelaus. For this wise counsel, Tyndareus arranges Odysseus' marriage to his niece, Penelope.He sleeps with two immortal women, Circe and Calypso, while he is away from home. On the other hand, Odysseus is loyal to Penelope because getting back home to her and their son is always his top priority. He may not be physically faithful, but he does seem to be emotionally faithful.

Is Penelope a good match for Odysseus : Their similarities make them a very good match. While Odysseus is away from Ithaca for twenty years fighting in the Trojan War and struggling to return home, Penelope bravely resists rude suitors and raises her son without the aid of her husband Odysseus.

Who did Odysseus love


Odysseus did not share his captor's feelings of love. Odysseus wanted to return home to Ithaca to be with his beloved Penelope.

Does Penelope know Odysseus cheated on her : The inciting incident of Penelope's narrative occurs when Penelope marries Odysseus after he wins a racing contest for her hand. However, Penelope knows Odysseus cheated to win the race.

Penelope, in Greek mythology, a daughter of Icarius of Sparta and the nymph Periboea and wife of the hero Odysseus. They had one son, Telemachus. Homer's Odyssey tells the story of how, during her husband's long absence after the Trojan War, many chieftains of Ithaca and nearby islands become her suitors.

Penelope's motivations are intrinsically connected to her loyalty to Odysseus. Her loyalty is displayed by her capability to survive on her own in the absence of Odysseus, her complex motivations to protect Telemachus, and out of genuine love and loyalty to her husband.

What is the age gap between Penelope and Odysseus

She was twenty years older than when Odysseus went off to Troy (10 years of siege, 10 years of wandering…or 9 years with Calypso and 1 year of actual wandering, though that tends to be overlooked). But Homer isn't all that interested in exact numbers.Odysseus' goal is to maintain a harmonious relationship, and this involves avoiding confrontation of the difficult topic of sexual promiscuity. Cunning and wise he may be, but it is time that Odysseus is recognised as an adulterer, rather than the epitome of a faithful husband.The two goddesses with whom Odysseus has extended affairs are similar in that Circe is a devastatingly beautiful goddess-enchantress and Calypso is a devastatingly beautiful goddess-nymph; but they contrast in their motives toward and treatment of Odysseus.

Penelope is portrayed throughout the story to be virtuous when it comes to men, meaning that she holds out hope for her husband's safety 20 years after she saw him and had no other relationships in that time. Odysseus on the other hand has romantic relationships with 2 people over his journey.

Did Odysseus sleep with Circe : The most important part of Odysseus' story is his excuse for sleeping with Circe after threatening her life. Odysseus was not the creator of this idea, but Hermes, who allowed him to thwart her potion with an herb.

How old is Penelope in the Odyssey : Penelope's son by Odysseus has grown into a young man, Odysseus' dog has reached the end of a long life…but Homer doesn't say, “Today on her 40th birthday…” or give numbers. She's just been a loyal wife for…a long time. If you want to calculate years she would be at most 40.

Why did Odysseus leave Penelope

The Odyssey takes place in a patriarchal world where the best thing a man can do is pass his fame as a warrior (and the wealth he has plundered) on to a male heir. This patriarchal warrior code originally drove Odysseus to leave Penelope's side, in order to win fame and spoils at Troy.

She had also been protecting Telemachus for twenty years, so with the knowledge available to her, she knew that waiting for Odysseus to return so that her son could traditionally inherit kleos was her son's best chance in life.Penelope

Odysseus did not share his captor's feelings of love. Odysseus wanted to return home to Ithaca to be with his beloved Penelope.

Who had a crush on Odysseus : Calypso. The beautiful nymph who falls in love with Odysseus when he lands on her island-home of Ogygia. Calypso holds him prisoner there for seven years until Hermes, the messenger god, persuades her to let him go.