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Is Negan In Love With Lucille?
After discovering that Lucille had committed suicide, a grief-stricken Negan wrapped the bat in barbed wire and eventually named it Lucille in honor of his late wife. As his wife stood by him and helped him get through life before the apocalypse, the bat is a symbolic reminder of her.Negan later met a woman named Lucille and the pair fell in love and married. Over time, however, Negan began cheating on her. She found out about the affair and he begged her forgiveness, which she granted.Negan was subsequently arrested, fired from his job, and sued by the man. Lucille's marriage became strained when Negan became lazy, careless, and unwilling to go back to school. Upon being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Lucille learned Negan was having an affair with their friend, Janine.

What is Lucille to Negan : Lucille is a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire that Negan would use to kill survivors from communities the Saviors oppressed. While the bat was often an intimidation tactic, she also represented Negan's connection to his late wife, Lucille, who died in the early days of the apocalypse.

Does Negan fall in love again

Nobody ever thought Negan would get past the death of his beloved wife, Lucille. But in The Walking Dead's newest episode, he's fallen in love again.

Why did Negan become nice : Negan had a lot of time to grow on The Walking Dead after he was captured by Rick's gang, and throughout several seasons, he learned to become a better man. Given how awful some of his past deeds were though, many couldn't bring themselves to forgive and forget – especially Maggie.


Annie reveals that she's pregnant with Negan's baby. Negan radios Annie to tell her the troopers found Hershel, but he vows to protect Hershel.

Negan, like all of the characters nominated for Best Villain, show some of the diagnostic criteria of an antisocial personality disorder.

Is Negan a good guy

Despite being violent, sadistic and murderous, he does have a compassionate and insightful side to him that comes out at times: this is shown when he makes fun of Carl's damaged eye and when Carl begins to cry, Negan quickly apologizes to the poor boy.That was the thing about Lucille — she seemingly had no flaws, except for her choice in marrying the unfaithful Negan. It's been known since Season 8 that Negan's bat was named after his deceased wife (although comic book fans already knew that), and despite his multiple "wives," he would always be in love with her.Given his regret over how badly he treated his first wife, Lucille, it was highly improbable Negan would forsake Annie for Maggie. Negan's love for Annie also confirmed he was never making eyes at Maggie, meaning those hints of sexual chemistry earlier in The Walking Dead season 11 must've been misread.

Former Big Bad Negan is along for the ride too, but don't expect it to lead to the two of them becoming an item. Speaking to Collider, Morgan said: "I don't see that happening any time in the future."

Why is Negan so nice to Carl : It appears though, that Negan likes and admires Carl because of how hardened he is. He has stated how if he had a son, he'd want his son to be like Carl.

Why does Judith like Negan : 11 Negan Was Judith's Closest Confidante

Judith was shown feeling at ease after being around Negan, as she thought he was the only one that didn't treat her like a kid and was willing to be real with her. Considering she didn't have children her age in the community, Negan ended up being her true friend.

Did Annie have Negan’s baby

On the first season's third episode, "People are a Resource," Negan finally broaches what happened to Annie and their child — a boy, Joshua. They weren't unceremoniously killed off-screen. Negan recounts to Maggie how Annie was assaulted and robbed by a group of men long after the birth of their son, Joshua.

As fans of The Walking Dead may know, Maggie and Negan don't get along well. It's all because of Negan, who back in the day murdered Maggie's husband right in front of her and all of their friends in that iconic scene from season 7, in which Glenn is beaten to death by Negan with Lucille.When some people experience great feelings of stress and grief, they can begin to see things that aren't there. In some cases, this can be the result of schizophrenia, which Rick may suffer from to some degree. After Lori died, he kept speaking with her on the phone, thinking she was calling him.

Does Negan regret killing Glenn : Negan regrets killing Glenn Rhee and even apologizes to Glenn's wife, Maggie Greene, for taking her husband away from her. Dwight regrets being hung up on Sherry. Dwight regrets threatening to overthrow Rick.