The Matrix Resurrections is a 2021 American science fiction action film produced, co-written, and directed by Lana Wachowski, and the first in the Matrix franchise to be directed solely by Lana. It is the sequel to The Matrix Revolutions (2003) and the fourth installment in The Matrix film franchise.In a somewhat refreshing move, Resurrections was never intended to set up another sequel or a new trilogy and was designed as a standalone entry. The film has been winning some viewers over since its release, but a potential Matrix 5 that follows the future adventures of Neo is looking unlikely.Knowing this, when you're ready to binge on The Matrix movies, you should first watch The Matrix Trilogy and the 2021 sequel The Matrix Resurrections, and then go back and watch The Animatrix movies and The Matrix movies in chronological order.
Why did Matrix Resurrections flopped : The absence of Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus in The Matrix 4 frustrated fans who adored his portrayal of the character in the previous films. The Matrix Resurrections had lower stakes and a more somber tone compared to the original trilogy, which may have turned audiences off from the movie.
Do I need to watch all Matrix movies before resurrection
If it's been a minute since you've seen The Matrix, or the other two films in the Matrix trilogy, don't worry: The new film, The Matrix Resurrections, functions as more of a reboot than a sequel, so you don't need to have every detail of the original franchise under your belt.
Will there be a Matrix 5 : The studio has announced plans to continue the franchise, with a fifth Matrix movie now in development. It will be the first installment in the cyber-action film series without either Lana or Lily Wachowski as directors.
If it's been a minute since you've seen The Matrix, or the other two films in the Matrix trilogy, don't worry: The new film, The Matrix Resurrections, functions as more of a reboot than a sequel, so you don't need to have every detail of the original franchise under your belt.
If it's been a minute since you've seen The Matrix, or the other two films in the Matrix trilogy, don't worry: The new film, The Matrix Resurrections, functions as more of a reboot than a sequel, so you don't need to have every detail of the original franchise under your belt.
Does The Matrix 4 ignore 2 and 3
Matrix Resurrections is set after the events of the third film, The Matrix Revolutions. While the movie is rebooting the franchise with the introduction of new characters, the fourth film builds on the existing story.In fact, Smith turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix to star in the critically panned western adaptation. His decision leaves many spectators wondering why he chose not to take on a role that's now considered iconic in both the sci-fi and action genres.Matrix Resurrections is set after the events of the third film, The Matrix Revolutions. While the movie is rebooting the franchise with the introduction of new characters, the fourth film builds on the existing story.
Keanu Reeves & Carrie-Anne Moss Are Not Confirmed To Return As Neo & Trinity In Matrix 5.
Who is in Matrix 5 : It's not clear who from the “Matrix” universe — Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss have anchored all of the prior movies as Neo and Trinity, while Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jonathan Groff, Neil Patrick Harris and Priyanka Chopra Jonas joined in the most recent iteration — will return.
Is Matrix 4 worth watching : This is not the next huge chapter in The Matrix saga. However, it's very enjoyable return that has some meta fun with itself. If you you love this world and have a yearning for seeing Neo and Trinity again you'll have a good time. Just don't go in looking for more than that.
Why was Smith replaced in Matrix 4
Morpheus died in The Matrix Online, a game that is part of the “Matrix Expanded Universe” and is considered Matrix canon. Therefore, Morpheus' death could not be ignored in The Matrix Resurrections. As for Agent Smith, Hugo Weaving could not return for The Matrix Resurrections due to scheduling conflicts.
'The Matrix' wouldn't be the same without Keanu Reeves' Neo, but the role came close to several other actors. In fact, 'Pirates of the Caribbean' star Johnny Depp was directors Lilly and Lana Wachowski's first choice, but he turned it down.Drew Goddard, known for his work on "The Martian," will helm the project, while Lana Wachowski returns as an executive producer. Warner Bros. has officially confirmed the development of "Matrix 5," marking a significant return to the iconic sci-fi franchise.
Is Neo still blind in Matrix 4 : During the fight, Smith's avatar uses an electrical cable to blind Neo, scarring his face. While his powers allow him to regain a type of sight, Neo remains physically blinded for the rest of the film, still wearing bloodied bandages over his eyes at the time of his death.
Antwort Is Matrix Resurrections a sequel? Weitere Antworten – Is Matrix Resurrections a sequel or prequel
The Matrix Resurrections is a 2021 American science fiction action film produced, co-written, and directed by Lana Wachowski, and the first in the Matrix franchise to be directed solely by Lana. It is the sequel to The Matrix Revolutions (2003) and the fourth installment in The Matrix film franchise.In a somewhat refreshing move, Resurrections was never intended to set up another sequel or a new trilogy and was designed as a standalone entry. The film has been winning some viewers over since its release, but a potential Matrix 5 that follows the future adventures of Neo is looking unlikely.Knowing this, when you're ready to binge on The Matrix movies, you should first watch The Matrix Trilogy and the 2021 sequel The Matrix Resurrections, and then go back and watch The Animatrix movies and The Matrix movies in chronological order.
Why did Matrix Resurrections flopped : The absence of Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus in The Matrix 4 frustrated fans who adored his portrayal of the character in the previous films. The Matrix Resurrections had lower stakes and a more somber tone compared to the original trilogy, which may have turned audiences off from the movie.
Do I need to watch all Matrix movies before resurrection
If it's been a minute since you've seen The Matrix, or the other two films in the Matrix trilogy, don't worry: The new film, The Matrix Resurrections, functions as more of a reboot than a sequel, so you don't need to have every detail of the original franchise under your belt.
Will there be a Matrix 5 : The studio has announced plans to continue the franchise, with a fifth Matrix movie now in development. It will be the first installment in the cyber-action film series without either Lana or Lily Wachowski as directors.
If it's been a minute since you've seen The Matrix, or the other two films in the Matrix trilogy, don't worry: The new film, The Matrix Resurrections, functions as more of a reboot than a sequel, so you don't need to have every detail of the original franchise under your belt.
If it's been a minute since you've seen The Matrix, or the other two films in the Matrix trilogy, don't worry: The new film, The Matrix Resurrections, functions as more of a reboot than a sequel, so you don't need to have every detail of the original franchise under your belt.
Does The Matrix 4 ignore 2 and 3
Matrix Resurrections is set after the events of the third film, The Matrix Revolutions. While the movie is rebooting the franchise with the introduction of new characters, the fourth film builds on the existing story.In fact, Smith turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix to star in the critically panned western adaptation. His decision leaves many spectators wondering why he chose not to take on a role that's now considered iconic in both the sci-fi and action genres.Matrix Resurrections is set after the events of the third film, The Matrix Revolutions. While the movie is rebooting the franchise with the introduction of new characters, the fourth film builds on the existing story.
Keanu Reeves & Carrie-Anne Moss Are Not Confirmed To Return As Neo & Trinity In Matrix 5.
Who is in Matrix 5 : It's not clear who from the “Matrix” universe — Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss have anchored all of the prior movies as Neo and Trinity, while Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jonathan Groff, Neil Patrick Harris and Priyanka Chopra Jonas joined in the most recent iteration — will return.
Is Matrix 4 worth watching : This is not the next huge chapter in The Matrix saga. However, it's very enjoyable return that has some meta fun with itself. If you you love this world and have a yearning for seeing Neo and Trinity again you'll have a good time. Just don't go in looking for more than that.
Why was Smith replaced in Matrix 4
Morpheus died in The Matrix Online, a game that is part of the “Matrix Expanded Universe” and is considered Matrix canon. Therefore, Morpheus' death could not be ignored in The Matrix Resurrections. As for Agent Smith, Hugo Weaving could not return for The Matrix Resurrections due to scheduling conflicts.
'The Matrix' wouldn't be the same without Keanu Reeves' Neo, but the role came close to several other actors. In fact, 'Pirates of the Caribbean' star Johnny Depp was directors Lilly and Lana Wachowski's first choice, but he turned it down.Drew Goddard, known for his work on "The Martian," will helm the project, while Lana Wachowski returns as an executive producer. Warner Bros. has officially confirmed the development of "Matrix 5," marking a significant return to the iconic sci-fi franchise.
Is Neo still blind in Matrix 4 : During the fight, Smith's avatar uses an electrical cable to blind Neo, scarring his face. While his powers allow him to regain a type of sight, Neo remains physically blinded for the rest of the film, still wearing bloodied bandages over his eyes at the time of his death.