Antwort Is gravity infinitely fast? Weitere Antworten – Is gravitational force infinite

Is gravity infinitely fast?
As mentioned previously, the effect of the Earth's force of gravity extends for an infinite distance, becoming weaker and weaker. We can consequently never completely escape the attractive range (the gravitational field) of the Earth, never reaching the actual gravitational boundary of the Earth.Gravity can cross dimensions including Time.According to Einstein's General Relativity, gravity travels at the speed of light. Proving it is far from simple, though: unlike light, gravity can't simply be switched on and off, and is also extremely weak.

Is gravity Infinite or Finite : The gravitational force acts between all objects that have mass. This force always attracts objects together, and although it is the weakest of the four fundamental forces, gravity has an infinite range. The force of gravity pulls us towards Earth, causing objects to fall.

Could gravity exist without time

There are answers within the framework of General Relativity which ties up space and time to model gravity, but even there, it is still part of the coordinate system used to define the functional forms of the model. If there is no time then motion is not possible and so the whole idea of a force is mute anyway.

Does time go slower in space : A clock in outer space moves quicker than a clock on Earth. Heavy things like planets create a gravitational field that slows down time nearby. An example of gravity causing time dilation is that if an object is near a black hole its time will slow relative to that of time on earth.

22 mph

For example: An acceleration of 1 g equates to a rate of change in velocity of approximately 35 km/h (22 mph) for each second that elapses.

If you want to escape the gravitational clutches of the Earth altogether, you must achieve a speed of at least 25,000 mph (15,570 km/h), which is around 33 times the speed of sound.

Can gravity ever stop

The short answer is no, the shuttle astronauts are certainly not weightless as they orbit the Earth, rather only apparently weightless. The Earth's gravitational field extends well into space it does not stop. However, it does weaken as one gets further from the center of the Earth.If time is frozen within an area, it is frozen for all particles, which includes photons. Photons won't move and when you look at a time-frozen place you will see nothing. To make matters worse, it it is most likely that these particles would stop exerting fundamental forces on their environment, like gravity.What is true of space in this regard is equally true of time, as will be readily seen. Space and time, then, are truly and positively infinite, despite the protest of the imagination.

The statement that one hour in space is equivalent to 7 years on Earth is not accurate. Time dilation, a concept from Einstein's theory of relativity, does affect time in space relative to different reference frames, but the effect is typically negligible for most space travel scenarios within our solar system.

How many years is 10 years in space : You had the human made years in mind which belongs to Earth so that itself is your answer, 10 years in space is 10 years on earth as the quantity and measurement is done with same scale.

How many gs is 7000 mph : Since 7000 mph does not include any velocity change there is no acceleration and thus no G's. One G is equal to an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared or 32 feet per second squared, depending on which units you use.

How fast is 10.0 g-force

10G is ten times the acceleration due to gravity, which would be 320 ft/sec/sec. In simple words, this would mean, starting from zero, you would increase your speed to 320 ft/sec by the end of the first second.

The speed of gravitational waves in the general theory of relativity is equal to the speed of light in a vacuum, c. Within the theory of special relativity, the constant c is not only about light; instead it is the highest possible speed for any interaction in nature.The gravitational force is by far the weakest of the four forces of nature. It's simple to defy gravity: just lift something in the air. But the annoying thing about gravity is that it's both persistent and has an infinite range, which takes a surprising amount of work to overcome.

What if gravity stopped for 1 second : If gravity were to disappear for just one second, objects and individuals on Earth would experience a brief state of weightlessness, potentially causing chaos as everything momentarily floated before the force of gravity returned.