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How was Loki a girl?
Two years after Ragnarök, Thor looks for the reincarnated Asgardians in a small town in Oklahoma where Asgard has been reborn. Unexpectedly, he finds his brother, but this time Loki isn't male. The Trickster God has stolen the body intended for Lady Sif. And like that, Lady Loki was born.According to Di Martino, it was important to make the character unique and original while retaining the important aspects of Loki's personality. Herron pitched the character as "a brand new backstory in a brand new story" with her physicality and mannerisms similar to Hiddleston's Loki.The villain variant is "Lady Loki," a female version of the character played by Sophia Di Martino. In the comics, Lady Loki is a reborn version of the Loki we know and love. She has the same personality and powers – shapeshifting, creating illusions, other sorcery and magic – as the male version of the character.

Why did Loki disguise himself as a woman : But Loki supports the idea, saying that this would be the only way to get the hammer back. He argues that without that hammer, the giants could invade Asgard. The gods then dress Thor as a bride, Loki disguises himself as a woman to accompany him as a helper, and the two then set off for Jotunheim.

Is female Loki canon

Marvel made it canon in the first episode upon his arrival at the Time Variance Authority that Loki, always a shape-shifter, is gender fluid. Lady Loki in the Marvel Comics is Loki—just in female form.

Is Loki gender Fluid : In both the comics and Norse mythology, Loki had been portrayed as gender-fluid. In Norse mythology, Loki was first recognized as a “shapeshifter” when Loki lived as a handmaiden for eight years. Loki's first mention as being gender-fluid in the Marvel comics was when he stole the female form of Sif.

Lady Loki – known better in the series as Sylvie – has a skillset that appears closest to the "main" Loki', although it seems her magic may be slightly more potent, as she has cast magic in Time Variance Authority offices, which was prior to that supposedly impossible.

Marvel made it canon in the first episode upon his arrival at the Time Variance Authority that Loki, always a shape-shifter, is gender fluid. Lady Loki in the Marvel Comics is Loki—just in female form.

Can Loki turn into a girl

In Norse mythology, Loki was seen as a fluid entity who had the magical ability to shift shape and gender. Because of this power, he can be considered to be genderfluid, a term that refers to a person whose gender identity and/or expression is not fixed, but fluctuates and goes beyond male and female.In Norse mythology, Loki was seen as a fluid entity who had the ability to change his gender.In the comics, Loki is reborn as a woman, known simply as Lady Loki, after the events of Ragnarok in Asgard, but even that wasn't too innocent: When Thor and his fellow Asgardians are to be reborn in new bodies on Earth, Loki actually stole the body intended to be for Sif.

Though the show did not state it outright, an arrest sheet for Loki confirmed the God of Mischief is gender fluid though he uses he/him pronouns, but left it unclear where Sylvie stood.

Is female Loki evil : “Seeing as Lady Loki is just Loki, her personality and traits are the same as the god of mischief,” according to Nerdist. “She can vary from heroism to villainy, manipulation to altruism, and is, of course, incredibly stylish.

Can Loki turn into a woman : In Norse mythology, Loki was seen as a fluid entity who had the magical ability to shift shape and gender. Because of this power, he can be considered to be genderfluid, a term that refers to a person whose gender identity and/or expression is not fixed, but fluctuates and goes beyond male and female.

Who did Loki have kids with

HelLoki / Children

Who are Loki's offspring With the female giant Angerboda (Angrboda: “Distress Bringer”), Loki produced the progeny Hel, the goddess of death; Jörmungand, the serpent that surrounds the world; and Fenrir (Fenrisúlfr), the wolf.

Loki himself had been reborn as a female. She claimed to have no more plans now that Ragnarok was over.Textual mentions. In chapter 50 of Gylfaginning, to punish Loki for his crimes, the Æsir turn his son Váli into a wolf and he dismembers his brother, "Nari or Narfi", whose entrails are then used to bind their father.

Is Hela’s Wolf Loki’s son : Fenrir, along with Hel and the World Serpent, is a child of Loki and female jötunn Angrboða. He is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda and Heimskringla, composed in the 13th century.