Antwort How to unlock Google account on Android phone after factory reset? Weitere Antworten – How do I bypass previously synced Google account after factory reset

How to unlock Google account on Android phone after factory reset?
Steps to Remove Google Account from Android after Reset without PC:

  1. Visit Settings and then click Users & Accounts.
  2. Choose the Google account that is signed into this device.
  3. Click More option from the up-right corner.
  4. Tap on the Remove account button.
  5. Confirm the action you want to take if the system requires it.

To get started, head to and enter your Gmail address. If possible, try the following to make recovery easier: Use a computer, phone, or tablet you've previously used to sign into your account. Use the same browser that you usually do, like Chrome or Safari.Find the Accounts or Accounts Backup option and click on it.

  1. Choose the Remove Account option. By taking this action your account will be removed from Android phone as well as the Factory Reset Protection.
  2. Repeat the process for any other accounts you may have used in the past.

Does factory reset remove Google lock : A: No, a factory reset alone does not usually remove the Google lock. Factory reset protection is designed to prevent unauthorized access to a device after a reset.

How do I recover a locked Google account

  1. Follow the steps to recover your Google Account or Gmail. You'll be asked some questions to confirm it's your account. Answer the questions as best as you can.
  2. Reset your password when prompted. Choose a strong password that you haven't already used with this account. Learn how to create a strong password.

How to disable FRP after reset : How to Turn Off Factory Reset Protection on Android. Factory Reset Protection will be automatically set up once you add a Google account on your Android phone. If you want to turn off FRP, you need to remove all Google accounts you used on your smartphone before resetting the system to the factory settings.

Just follow the below steps:

  1. First, unlock your device and navigate to “Settings.”
  2. Now tap on “Cloud & Accounts” and then hit on the “Accounts” option.
  3. Look for your google account and select it.
  4. Click the three dots in the upper-right corner, then select “Remove account” (You may get a verification request).

In all recent versions of Android, once a phone is tied to a Google account, you need to use the same account and password to "unlock" it if you reset it.

How do I remove my Google account from a device I no longer have

Open the Gmail app on your Android mobile phone.

  1. Tap your profile photo in the top right.
  2. Tap Manage accounts on this device.
  3. Select the account to remove from this device.
  4. Tap Remove account at the bottom.

Part 1: Bypass Goole Lock without Password

Connect your Android phone to the computer using a USB cable. Launch LockWiper(Android) and select "Remove Google FRP Lock". Select your Android phone model from the list and click "Start". Follow the on-screen instructions to bypass Google Account Lock.If you have a recovery email address, you will be sent a verification code to reset your password. If you don't, you will be asked to type an email address or phone number where you can receive a code. Once you receive the code, type it and click Next. A new page will appear.

One common method is to use an FRP bypass APK. FRP bypass APKs are apps that can be used to bypass the Factory Reset Protection (FRP) lock on Android phones. FRP is a security feature that prevents unauthorized users from accessing a phone after it has been factory reset.

What happens if your Google Account is locked : You can unlock your Gmail account by recovering the username or resetting the account password. But before that, you have to set up a secondary recovery email address or a phone number which Google can use to verify your identity. The secondary email address doesn't necessarily have to be on Gmail.

Is it possible to remove Google FRP lock : Download and install LockWiper(Android) on your computer. Connect your Android phone to the computer using a USB cable. Launch LockWiper(Android) and select "Remove Google FRP Lock". Select your Android phone model from the list and click "Start".

Can you recover a locked Gmail account

From your Google Account, click “Security” and then “Recovery email” under “How you sign in with Google.” Follow the steps on the screen. A recovery email address helps you get back in and is where we send you security notifications.

Remove a Google or other account from your phone

  1. Open your device's Settings app.
  2. Tap Passwords & accounts.
  3. Under "Accounts," tap the account you want to remove.
  4. To confirm, tap Remove account.
  5. If this is the only Google Account on the device, you'll need to enter your device's pattern, PIN, or password for security.

Factory Reset Protection is enabled on your phone by default. When you reset a phone with FRP enabled, you will have to provide the correct user name and password for the last Google Account that was registered with that device, which may be the original password used when the phone was setup.

Does factory reset remove Google account from phone : A: The Google Factory Reset Protection is enabled automatically when a Google account is registered on a device. To disable it, you will need to remove the Google account from the device.