Antwort How tall was Commander Cody? Weitere Antworten – How tall is Commander Cody

How tall was Commander Cody?

Height: 1.83 meters
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Rank: Marshal commander

On September 26, 2021, George Frayne died in Saratoga Springs, New York at the age of 77.In Cody's case, he seems to have felt an increasing sense of guilt for what he presumably believed was Obi-Wan's death. He no longer believed orders should be obeyed without question, and instead considered himself responsible for following the orders he had been given.

Did Cody follow Order 66 : Despite Cody's friendship with Obi-Wan, he didn't hesitate when he received Order 66 from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine at the end of the Clone Wars. Obeying the Republic's commander-in-chief, Cody gave the order to fire on his Jedi General, then sent troops to see if he'd been killed.

How tall is the tallest clone trooper

While clone troopers of Jango Fett stood 1.83 meters, Axe, a clone of Fett himself, was 2.08 meters tall.

Did Rex obey Order 66 : Rex is one of the most popular characters in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and it was a relief to see him disobey Order 66 in canon. Rex took Fives' warnings about the inhibitor chips seriously and made an official report on the matter.

Trivia. Rex is actually 31 years old, though his biological state is likely closer to at least sixty years, due to the accelerated aging that was genetically installed in all Clone Troopers.

That would be Kix. Due to his being frozen in stasis by the Separatists, he survived for 50 years after the end of the Clone Wars before being awakened by a pirate gang several years before the events of the sequel trilogy.

Did Cody like Obi-Wan

As far as you know, Obi-Wan and Cody were very close friends, as were Anakin and Rex. But Order 66 severed this friendship. However, even after a time when the inhibitor chip stopped having an effect on clone troopers, I didn't see Cody ever mention Obi-Wan, or conversely, Obi-Wan would mention Cody.The 7th Sky Corps was a corps of the Grand Army of the Republic under the joint command of Clone marshal commander Cody and High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi.Some clones disobeyed the infamous order than decimated the Jedi order, and refused to execute it. SOME of these Clones include; Captain Rex: Captain Rex, as most know removed his chip that would later be the way that Palpatine would execute order 66. Wolffe: As with Captain Rex Wolffe removed his bio chip.

Count Dooku | Darth Tyranus, portrayed by Christopher Lee, is 6 foot 5 inches (1.96 m) tall. Count Dooku, also known as Count Dooku of Serenno and later Darth Tyranus, is a fictional Jedi Master, Sith apprentice, and propaganist in the Star Wars movies and the extended franchise.

Why was Axe so tall : ↑ Axe is listed as being 2.08 meters tall in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia, an unusually tall height when compared to the normal clone height of 1.83 meters. Though it is possible that this may have been an editing error, the potential for his height being a rare mutation remains.

Is order 67 canon : No, Order 67 Hasn't Ever Been Used in Star Wars Canon

However, there were other canonical contingency orders beyond 66, such as Order 65. Effectively the reverse of 66, Order 65 would have identified Chancellor Palpatine as a traitor to the Republic to be removed from power, using lethal force if needed.

Which clone got a Jedi pregnant

The conflict she developed a romantic relationship with rc1136. Also known as Darwin. And they conceived a child named venkus karata.

Echo: Biologically 24 years old. Chronologically 12 years old. Omega: Biologically=Chronologically 12 years old.That would be Kix. Due to his being frozen in stasis by the Separatists, he survived for 50 years after the end of the Clone Wars before being awakened by a pirate gang several years before the events of the sequel trilogy.

Who is the tallest clone : Axe

While clone troopers of Jango Fett stood 1.83 meters, Axe, a clone of Fett himself, was 2.08 meters tall.