Antwort How smart was Napoleon Bonaparte? Weitere Antworten – What was the IQ of Napoleon Bonaparte

How smart was Napoleon Bonaparte?
Estimated IQs of 301 Geniuses of the 15th – 19th Centuries by Catharine Morris Cox, PhD

Name Dates Corrected Est. IQ*
Mill, John Stuart 1806-1873 180
Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821 145
Newton, Isaac 1642-1727 190
Pascal, Blaise 1623-1662 195

However, it is safe to say that his IQ would have undoubtedly been in the top 1%, giving him at least an IQ of 130. In addition to that however, we have evidence that he worked ALL THE TIME, so he would have been extremely high in trait conscientiousness as well, like off the charts high.At the time of his death, the French might have recorded his height in French inches, which were a little longer than English inches. They put him at five-foot-two, but this was probably more like 5 feet and 6.5 inches, a perfectly normal height for a man of his time.

How rich was Napoleon Bonaparte : It was an optimistic assessment. Joseph's fortune at the time was more likely to have been between 8 and 10 million. But even on that basis Joseph still clearly had a lot more than Napoleon, who was worth less than 5 million.

How smart is 79 IQ

Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale Fifth Edition

IQ Range ("deviation IQ") IQ Classification
90–109 Average
80–89 Low average
70–79 Borderline impaired or delayed
55–69 Mildly impaired or delayed

Is 145 a high IQ : 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted. 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted. 180 and up: Profoundly gifted.

Adam Zamoyski explores how Napoleon achieved spectacular victories by hard work, attention to detail and quick reactions. He also had an ability to galvanise his men to strike where it mattered against armies not trained to respond in kind. Napoleon enhanced his aura of invincibility through skilful propaganda.

Bonaparte, whose mathematical promise as a student resulted in encouragement to enter the artillery, considered himself a mathematician; indeed, he even has a geometric theorem named in his honor.

What did Napoleon actually look like

Napoleon was 5 feet 6 inches tall, average height at the time. In his early years he was quite lean and only after 1806 did he become heavy. In his younger years he was often described as sickly in appearance, his skin having a yellowish pallor. He had fine white teeth, which he was proud.Napoleon's family was of Italian origin. His paternal ancestors, the Buonapartes, descended from a minor Tuscan noble family that emigrated to Corsica in the 16th century and his maternal ancestors, the Ramolinos, descended from a noble family from Lombardy.Civilians deaths are impossible to accurately estimate. While military deaths are invariably put at between 2.5 million and 3.5 million, civilian death tolls vary from 750,000 to 3 million. Given the above estimates of military and civilian deaths, the total death count is between 3,250,000 to 6,500,000.

Napoleon was charmed by Alexander, describing him as "especially handsome, like a hero with all the graces of an amiable Parisian." The Tsar, in turn, seemed in awe of Napoleon and his sheer power. As they said goodbye, Napoleon was convinced he had turned the Tsar into a friend and ally.

Is 88 a low IQ : For example, on The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Stanford-Binet test, scores that fall between 90 and 109 are considered average IQ scores. On these same tests, scores that fall between 110 and 119 are considered high average IQ scores. Scores between 80 and 89 are classified as low average.

Is 120 IQ good for a 12 year old : Average IQ scores for 12-year-olds range from 97 to 117 points. An IQ score between 85 and 115 is considered normal intelligence for a child this age. Scores between 130-144+ indicate a 12 year old with high potential or giftedness. As preteens enter middle school years, average IQs gradually increase.

What IQ is Elon Musk

between 155 and 160

As mentioned earlier, Elon Musk's IQ score is believed to be between 155 and 160. Above-average IQ scores within this range are only reserved for the "Highly Gifted" IQ classification.

85 to 114: Average intelligence. 115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted.The French tend to see Napoleon's legacy as positive overall, with 37% saying so compared to 10% who think it was negative.

Did Napoleon have a good personality : Although he did make a few friends—and could be remarkably open with children or simple soldiers and servants—Napoleon continued throughout his life to distance himself from those around him with a prickly defensive arrogance.