Antwort How old was Zuko in Book 3? Weitere Antworten – How old is Zuko Book 3

How old was Zuko in Book 3?

Zuko. The exiled prince of the Fire Nation is 16-years-old throughout the entire series.Aang is physically 12, but technically 112 due to his frozen state, must master elements to defeat Fire Lord Ozai. Sokka, placed in charge of the Southern Water Tribe at 16, matures rapidly, learning leadership and humility throughout the series.12 years old

After meeting Aang when she was 12 years old, Toph soon ran away in order to teach him earthbending, but also to escape her parents, who never granted her any real freedom.

How old is Katara s3 : 14-year-old

Katara in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Katara is a 14-year-old "waterbender", meaning that she has the ability to control water, ice and blood (also known as bloodbending).

Is Zuko a 16

Zuko (16) The series' oldest major character, Zuko, is caught directly between youth an adulthood, his uncle and his father, and one angsty head of hair and another.

How old is Korra in s3 :

Animal guide Naga
Bending element Primary: Waterbending (native) Earthbending Firebending Airbending Energybending Sub-styles: Healing Metalbending Spiritbending
Age 17 in Book One 18 in Book Two & Book Three 21 in Book Four & Comics
Hair color Dark brown

That's right, Azula is only 14 throughout the entire series, which might be surprising to some. This also means there's a two year age difference between her and older brother Zuko.


Animal guide Naga
Bending element Primary: Waterbending (native) Earthbending Firebending Airbending Energybending Sub-styles: Healing Metalbending Spiritbending
Age 17 in Book One 18 in Book Two & Book Three 21 in Book Four & Comics
Hair color Dark brown

How old is Ty Lee in season 3


Ty Lee is shown as a cheerful and bubbly 14-year-old girl in Avatar. As part of the family of a nobleman, she had a comfortable upbringing, thanks to which she went to school at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls along with her friends Azula and Mai.Zuko (16) The series' oldest major character, Zuko, is caught directly between youth an adulthood, his uncle and his father, and one angsty head of hair and another.Although Azula's age is never stated in the series itself, the Avatar website, as well as the book The Earth Kingdom Chronicles, gives her age as fourteen. She is Fire Lord Sozin's great-granddaughter through Ozai, and Avatar Roku's through her mother, Ursa.

In 174 AG Wu and Korra managed to transform the Earth Kingdom into the Earth Federation and Wu abdicated. Four years later, Korra married Asami and two years later created the Global Assembly.

Is Azula actually 14 : Although Azula's age is never stated in the series itself, the Avatar website, as well as the book The Earth Kingdom Chronicles, gives her age as fourteen.

How old is Azula in Book 4 : fourteen

Characterization. Although Azula's age is never stated in the series itself, the Avatar website, as well as the book The Earth Kingdom Chronicles, gives her age as fourteen.

How old is Tenzin in Book 4

Tenzin (The Legend of Korra)

Nationality United Republic of Nations Air Nomad/Water Tribe
Bending element Airbending
Age 51 in Book One 52 in Book Two and Three 55 in Book Four


Ty Lee appeared to have a crush on Sokka, as she mentioned that Sokka was cute. When she, Mai and Azula found Aang, Sokka and Katara, she said, "Azula, you were right — it is the Avatar … and friends", directing the last part of the comment toward Sokka as her look grew more flirtatious.The efforts at Ba Sing Se in 95 AG highlighted Iroh's experience to Sozin. Considering that the former Fire Lord valued his wisdom over Ozai, it can be extrapolated that he's somewhere between 55 and 63, old enough to be considered seasoned though young enough to have a meaningful rule.

How old is Zuko in Season 4 : 16 years old

Zuko is the oldest of all the teenage characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender. He was 16 years old during the show and older than his sister Azula by two years, though he was still a young man who had a lot of growing up to do.