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How old is Morrigan in Dragon Age?
Morrigan: A templar hunting mages once spotted Morrigan at “no more than twelve years of age.” She then didn't reappear until “a number of years later” in 9:20 as a young woman. This leads me to estimate she was probably around 16-17 in 9:20. This means she was born around 9:03-9:04, making her around 26-27 years old.Morrigan – Mid twenties, late twenties are also a possibility.Morrigan is a fictional character from BioWare's Dragon Age franchise, first appearing as a party member in Dragon Age: Origins. She is a shapeshifting Witch of the Wilds, one of several sorceresses whose legends originate in the Korcari Wilds region of the kingdom of Ferelden, the setting of Origins.

How old is everyone in Dragon Age: Inquisition : Solas – early 30s, Cass – 35 ish, Varric – 35 ish, Cole – 17/18, Dorian – late 30s, Iron bull – mid 40s, Blackwall – early 50s, Viv – late 30s, Sera 22/23. As for advisors: Leliana – 34/35, Cullen – 35, Josephine – 27/28.

Is Morrigan in Dragon Age 2

Morrigan is named or referred to various times throughout Dragon Age II: during the first visit to Sundermount in the quest Long Way Home; by Alistair during the quest King Alistair, or if exiled, when talking to him in the Hanged Man; by Anders during dialogue regarding mages; finally, an illustration of Morrigan is …

Who was Morrigan married to : The Dagda

The three Morrígna are also named as sisters of the three land goddesses Ériu, Banba, and Fódla. The Morrígan is described as the envious wife of The Dagda and a shape-shifting goddess, while Badb and Nemain are said to be the wives of Neit.

If you romance her and decide against the dark ritual (I think with a child already being conceived from your romance, she can't perform the ritual, but I might be wrong), then the child will be a normal human child.

Morrigan is 172 cm tall, weighs 58 kg, and her measurements are 86–56–83; she often speaks in sexually suggestive double entendres and flirts more with males than females. Her relationship with Demitri is far from being just antagonistic, and might one day lead to an end of the feud between their houses.

Who is Morrigan in love with

Romantic interests

Male Warden only Female Warden only
Morrigan Alistair
A Witch of the Wilds and daughter of Flemeth. A Grey Warden and former templar.
Male and female Wardens
Leliana Zevran Arainai

At age 36, Leliana is the second youngest Divine in history and the third to be elected outside the traditional Chantry hierarchy.4000 years old

Solas was born well before the human arrival on Thedas, as the Veil already existed then. This means Solas is over 4000 years old at the very least. It's likely that Arlathan was founded by at least some of the elves who would later become known as gods.


Hence, Hawke is 25 at the start of DA2, and 35 during the Battle of Kirkwall in Act 3.

Does the Morrigan have a child : The Morrigan is said to have had 4 sons. (Though three of them are also sometimes said to be her brothers.) She was married to the Dagda; the place where she trysted with him annually has a name translated as “the bed of the married couple”. It was not possible for goddess Morrigan not to have any child.

How to get Morrigan pregnant : Yes you have to romance Morrigan or have Alistair or Loghain do the DR. You can refuse to do the DR but if you did a romance she will apparently have a human child. If you do the DR or have Alistair or Loghain do it then the child is the OGB, Old God Baby.

Who is Morrigan’s mate

Soteria, a member of Thesan's court, a Peregryn, met The Morrigan when Rhysand's Inner Circle visited after the War Against Hybern. Soteria was the second to Thesan's lover, who was the Captain of Thesan's aerial legion of Peregryns. That night, the mating bond between Soteria and Morrigan snapped into place.

In the UDON Comics series Darkstalkers, Morrigan is portrayed as a malevolent, evil and amoral succubus like the games, who wants nothing more than to visit the human world to eat human souls and dreams, and completely ignores her duty as future ruler of the Makai Realm.4000 years old

Solas was born well before the human arrival on Thedas, as the Veil already existed then. This means Solas is over 4000 years old at the very least. It's likely that Arlathan was founded by at least some of the elves who would later become known as gods.

How old is Hawke in Dragon Age : During the three-year gap between Acts 1 and 2, Hawke would have 3 birthdays, placing him/her between 23 and 28 at the start of Act 2 and between 24 and 29 at the end of it, and the same goes for between Acts 2 and 3, making Hawke 28-32 by the start of Act 3 and 29-33 by the time you fight Meredith.