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How old is Azula in Book 3?

Family Ozai (father) Ursa (mother) Zuko (brother) Kiyi (maternal half-sister) Iroh (paternal uncle) Izumi (niece) Azulon (grandfather)
Nationality Fire Nation
Bending element Firebending
Age 14 (in Avatar: The Last Airbender)

That's right, Azula is only 14 throughout the entire series, which might be surprising to some. This also means there's a two year age difference between her and older brother Zuko.After Ursa disappeared, Azula buried her resentment deep inside, but eventually it all came to surface during the events of the sequel comic story The Search. Out of pity for her fragile state of mind, Zuko places Azula in a mental institution for a year after Avatar: The Last Airbender.

How old is Zuko in season 3 : 16 years old

Zuko is the oldest of all the teenage characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender. He was 16 years old during the show and older than his sister Azula by two years, though he was still a young man who had a lot of growing up to do.

How old is Zuko in Book 4

The exiled prince of the Fire Nation is 16-years-old throughout the entire series. He was 13-years-old when he was banished from his home and sent off to search for the missing Avatar.

How old is Katara in Book 3 : 14 years old

Katara: Waterbender

Along with her older brother Sokka, Katara was raised by her grandmother Kanna at the Southern Water Tribe, which was depleted greatly due to the effects of the Hundred Year War. While only 14 years old, Katara is forced to mature beyond her years after a Fire Nation soldier killed her mother Kya.


Azula and Chan. Azula and Chan shared a kiss at his beach party. Chan and Azula had only a brief relationship.

Ty Lee reveals how she really feels to Zuko. Ty Lee is a major character in Avatar: The Last Airbender. She is a fourteen-year-old girl and the athletic member of Azula's team.

What happened to adult Azula

Following her emotional breakdown, Azula was put in a mental health facility to recover, though she eventually joined Team Avatar on their search for Ursa, as part of her secret agenda to betray them and usurp the throne from Zuko. At this quest's completion, however, Azula escaped the team's supervision.A New Family

She gave birth to two children, Chen and Mitsuki. Her husband soon died of old age, and Azula became a single mother. Azula was much prouder and closer to Mitsuki, whose Firebending was to a much greater level than Chen's was.Zuko (16) The series' oldest major character, Zuko, is caught directly between youth an adulthood, his uncle and his father, and one angsty head of hair and another.

In the original animated series, Zuko was 16. In the live-action series he is one year older: 17. Overall, no big changes from the characters' original ages.

How old is Korra in book 4 : 21

Animal guide Naga
Bending element Primary: Waterbending (native) Earthbending Firebending Airbending Energybending Sub-styles: Healing Metalbending Spiritbending
Age 17 in Book One 18 in Book Two & Book Three 21 in Book Four & Comics
Hair color Dark brown

How old is Korra when she dies : 39

Korra technically hasn't died in the official canon. However, but if we go by the Legend of Genji time line, Korra died when she was 39. Legend of Genji is fanfiction, so the age she died in that story is entirely irrelevant to a discussion about the actual canon.

Is Azula lgbtq

First, yes, Azula is queercoded and mentally ill. This plays into both the queercoded villain trope and the stereotype that mentally ill people (specifically people with delusional disorders) are scary/violent.

Azula and Chan shared a kiss at his beach party. Chan and Azula had only a brief relationship.Sokka

Ty Lee appeared to have a crush on Sokka, as she mentioned that Sokka was cute. When she, Mai and Azula found Aang, Sokka and Katara, she said, "Azula, you were right — it is the Avatar … and friends", directing the last part of the comment toward Sokka as her look grew more flirtatious.

Did Azula have children : A New Family

She gave birth to two children, Chen and Mitsuki. Her husband soon died of old age, and Azula became a single mother. Azula was much prouder and closer to Mitsuki, whose Firebending was to a much greater level than Chen's was.