Antwort How old is azula? Weitere Antworten – How old are Zuko and Azula

How old is azula?
Traditionally, we've said that Zuko is two years older than Azula; in ATLA he's 16, and she's 14.After Zuko had been exiled, the princess considered her brother a "failure, total and complete", as he had not even been able to complete the one task given to him: Capture the Avatar. Despite this self-internalized outlook, Azula never managed to fully discard some lingering attachment to Zuko.She gave birth to two children, Chen and Mitsuki. Her husband soon died of old age, and Azula became a single mother. Azula was much prouder and closer to Mitsuki, whose Firebending was to a much greater level than Chen's was.

Who was Azula’s husband : Yin Lee

When Yin Lee was seventy-eight, he married Fire Lord Azula on the sole purpose that she needed heirs. He was very distant from his wife, and the two of them rarely spoke or got along.

Is Azula actually 14

Although Azula's age is never stated in the series itself, the Avatar website, as well as the book The Earth Kingdom Chronicles, gives her age as fourteen.

Did Zuko marry Suki : Zuko's love life is a mystery, with fan theories suggesting he may have married Mai or Suki, but the true answer is never confirmed.

Azula admired Chan's "muscular arms", and Chan subsequently moved in to kiss her. He complimented her on her looks, to which she responded by creating her signature blue flames in her palms, expressing that they would be the most powerful couple on earth.

In the first episode of the third season, Azula demonstrates her lack of loyalty to even her own father; she is willing to lie, even to him, for her own ends.

Is Azula lgbtq

First, yes, Azula is queercoded and mentally ill. This plays into both the queercoded villain trope and the stereotype that mentally ill people (specifically people with delusional disorders) are scary/violent.Although Azula's age is never stated in the series itself, the Avatar website, as well as the book The Earth Kingdom Chronicles, gives her age as fourteen.Despite his apparent pride in Azula's prodigious firebending skills and sheer prowess, it was clear that Ozai held little true, unconditional love for Azula. Like Zuko, she was largely a tool to further his own efforts of conquering the world.

The Calc. Azula's blue fire is stated several times to be much more intense and hotter than any other yellow, red or orange flame. Magnesium flames are the hottest natural flames, and can be as high as 2500 degrees Celsius.

Did Korra marry Asami : 174 AG. In 174 AG Wu and Korra managed to transform the Earth Kingdom into the Earth Federation and Wu abdicated. Four years later, Korra married Asami and two years later created the Global Assembly.

Did Zuko marry Mei : Zuko's love life is a mystery, with fan theories suggesting he may have married Mai or Suki, but the true answer is never confirmed.

Who is Ty Lee’s love interest


Ty Lee appeared to have a crush on Sokka, as she mentioned that Sokka was cute. When she, Mai and Azula found Aang, Sokka and Katara, she said, "Azula, you were right — it is the Avatar … and friends", directing the last part of the comment toward Sokka as her look grew more flirtatious.

While Ty Lee, at one point, regarded Azula as a friend, it was apparent that she formulated a fear of the princess and was hesitant to disobey her. She seemed to have more respect for Azula, however, as opposed to Mai.Although Azula's age is never stated in the series itself, the Avatar website, as well as the book The Earth Kingdom Chronicles, gives her age as fourteen.

Why is Azula blue : Because cruelty and hate were her main purpose and drive, it corrupted her fire. As Azula grew older and became more evil, her fire changed into the iconic blue color that she's known for now. This change highlights the differences between her and her brother.