Antwort How much meat would at Rex eat? Weitere Antworten – How much meat would at Rex eat a day

How much meat would at Rex eat?
T. rex probably had a metabolism somewhere in between. So if we say 15 per cent, this would translate to more than a tonne of meat per week, or about two people a day. In reality, apex predators normally have much less regular meals, so T.No one is totally sure what dinosaur metabolism looked like, but the best guesses for how much food T-rex ate seem to cluster around 40,000 calories per day.500 pounds

Friday Fact: A tyrannosaurus rex could eat up to 500 pounds (227 kilograms) of meat in one bite.

Did the T. rex eat meat : rex was probably an active predator. Besides fossilized stomach contents, teeth are our best clues to the diets of dinosaurs. The teeth of carnivorous animals are usually sharp, serrated dagger-like blades. These teeth help the animal both to kill the prey and to slice the meat before swallowing.

What was the T. rex diet

As a skilled hunter, Tyrannosaurus rex would have been able to eat any of the available animals of the period. However, tyrannosaurs most likely subsisted upon herbivorous dinosaurs, like Triceratops and Edmontosaurus.

What did T. rex taste like : All students agree that it is likely that T-Rex tasted like chicken.

As a skilled hunter, Tyrannosaurus rex would have been able to eat any of the available animals of the period. However, tyrannosaurs most likely subsisted upon herbivorous dinosaurs, like Triceratops and Edmontosaurus. Studies also show that Tyrannosaurus rex ate members of its own species.

"So we know that the diet included the largest dinosaurs on the landscape," Carr said. T. rex hatchlings, measuring about 3 feet (1 m) long, likely guzzled down small prey, such as mammals (during the dinosaur age, mammals were no larger than badgers), snakes and frogs, Carr said.

How strong was at Rex bite

about 35,000 newtons

Compare that to the bite force of an adult T. rex—about 35,000 newtons— or to the puny biting power of humans: 300 newtons. Previous bite force estimates for juvenile T. rexes—based on reconstruction of the jaw muscles or from mathematically scaling down the bite force of adult T.rex's skull was much stiffer than the snakes and birds to which it was previously compared. The bone-shattering bite of a Tyrannosaurus rex delivered up to six tons of pressure — enough to have crushed a car.The Chicken Ancestor: The T-Rex

This 68-million-year fossil was compared to the DNA of 21 modern animal species…and the result The proteins found in the DNA of the T-Rex were most like those of the chicken. To further their research, the chicken was the first bird to have its genome sequenced.

Using the intermediate metabolic rates for Giganotosaurus (8000 kg) and Tyrannosaurus (6000 kg), their food requirements would have been 20 and 17 kg/day respectively. This is the same food requirement for 3-4 large male tigers or African lions.

How often did At Rex eat : Assuming the T. rex was warm blooded and had a metabolism like modern mammals and birds, it probably would have needed, optimally, to eat every day. If it had a metabolism somewhere between modern reptiles and mammals/birds it could probably have gotten away with eating a large meal maybe once a week or so.

Did T. rex fear anything : The T. rex may have feared a Giganotosaurus because the latter was 39 to 43 feet long, while the largest T. rex was only about 40 feet long. Moreover, Giganotosaurus used its paws to slash at and cut prey, making it a worthy competitor.

Could at Rex crush a car

rex's skull was much stiffer than the snakes and birds to which it was previously compared. The bone-shattering bite of a Tyrannosaurus rex delivered up to six tons of pressure — enough to have crushed a car.

With a quick whack of its clubbed tail, Ankylosaurus could likely shatter a T-Rex's bones, perhaps even killing the fearsome carnivore. Ankylosaurus was definitely a dinosaur that could kill a T-Rex.Being over-gunned is an impossibility against a T-Rex, but with a true charge-stopping rifle, like a Merkle double, you'd at least have a chance.

Can a human outrun a rex : In a predator/prey scenario, your relatively tiny size gives you the advantage. The T. rex has you beat in pure speed, but even if you were racing from a starting line, you'd have a healthy lead before the dinosaur even got its massive body into proper running position.