Netflix's documentary “The Tinder Swindler” was released last year during the pandemic. The viral hit followed Simon Leviev, an alleged world-class fraudster who posed as a billionaire. The film uncovered some shocking allegations: Leviev had stolen around $10 million. He targeted women through romantic scams.Leviev also owns a gold mine in Kazakhstan, pieces of two diamond mines in Angola and mining licenses in the Urals and Namibia. He's probably worth $2 billion.Simon Leviev has not been charged for any crimes that may have occurred outside of Israel, including the alleged conning of Cecilie Fjellhøy, Pernilla Sjöholm, or Ayleen Charlotte, who appear in Netflix's doc.
Did Simon Leviev break any laws : Criminal activity and legal trouble
In 2012, he was indicted by an Israeli court and charged with theft and forgery of checks, as well as for leaving a five-year-old he was babysitting unattended. In 2015, he was arrested in Finland and was sentenced to three years in prison.
How much money did Pernilla lose
Pernilla's amount is £100,000 (over $135,000) which includes her personal loss, credit card bills and the payment for a lawyer.
Does Simon Leviev have a child : Leviev does not have any children.
Who is the 'Tinder Swindler Simon Leviev, 31, is from Bnei Brak, Israel, and has no connection to the billionaire Russian-Israeli diamond mogul, Lev Leviev. His real name is actually Shimon Hayut, per Esquire. Hayut told three women in the film that he was a billionaire founder of jewel supplier LLD Diamonds.
Cecilie Fjellhøy
According to Cecilie, after finding out the truth, she checked herself into a psychiatric hospital to protect her mental wellbeing. After the documentary aired, she's since shared it on her personal Instagram, but unfortunately, she's still in a lot of debt.
Where is Pernilla now
Pernilla Sjöholm was another of Leviev's victims. A Swedish native, she resides in Stockholm where it looks like she runs her own business. During the documentary, Sjöholm claimed that she never loved Leviev, or was romantically involved with him.The Leviev family net worth is in the billions
Lev Leviev has an estimated net worth of $1.5billion (£1.1billion). According to The Times, his fortune has previously been estimated as worth up to $12billion. The Tinder Swindler is available on Netflix now.Both of the Ingrams and Whittock were given prison sentences, suspended for two years—the Ingrams were sentenced to eighteen months; Whittock was sentenced to twelve months—and each fined £15,000 and ordered to pay £10,000 towards prosecution costs.
Featuring interviews with his accomplices and victims alike, this deep dive explores how a master con man scammed French elites out of millions of euros. Watch all you want.
Why is Cecile getting stronger : Meta-human physiology: Cecile possessed residual dark matter energy in her body from the first particle accelerator explosion, which her pregnancy activated. This activation altered her DNA and cells, enabling her meta-human abilities to develop.
Who is the serial killer nurse in Denmark : Christina Aistrup Hansen
Christina Aistrup Hansen (born 13 August 1984) is a former Danish nurse who was charged with the murder of four patients and attempted murder of a fifth at the Nykøbing Falster Hospital.
Is Simon Leviev really the son of diamond
As The Tinder Swindler reveals, Leviev pretended to be part of the billionaire diamond Leviev family during his alleged ponzi scheme, and he previously used the alias Mordechai Tapiro.
The charge was that Charles Ingram used coughs by his wife and Whittock to guide him to the correct answers, in order to win £1 million in violation of the rules of the game. The Ingrams were sentenced to an 18-month suspended sentence and Whittock to one of 12 months.It is about the notorious case of “the Coughing Major”, Charles Ingram. He won the top prize on Who Wants to be a Millionaire in 2001 and was subsequently convicted in 2003 for cheating.
Who is the most famous scammer : Charles Ponzi
Charles Ponzi (1882–1949): Italian swindler and con artist; "Ponzi scheme" is a type of fraud named after him.
Antwort How much did Simon Leviev con? Weitere Antworten – How much did Simon Leviev take
around $10 million
Netflix's documentary “The Tinder Swindler” was released last year during the pandemic. The viral hit followed Simon Leviev, an alleged world-class fraudster who posed as a billionaire. The film uncovered some shocking allegations: Leviev had stolen around $10 million. He targeted women through romantic scams.Leviev also owns a gold mine in Kazakhstan, pieces of two diamond mines in Angola and mining licenses in the Urals and Namibia. He's probably worth $2 billion.Simon Leviev has not been charged for any crimes that may have occurred outside of Israel, including the alleged conning of Cecilie Fjellhøy, Pernilla Sjöholm, or Ayleen Charlotte, who appear in Netflix's doc.
Did Simon Leviev break any laws : Criminal activity and legal trouble
In 2012, he was indicted by an Israeli court and charged with theft and forgery of checks, as well as for leaving a five-year-old he was babysitting unattended. In 2015, he was arrested in Finland and was sentenced to three years in prison.
How much money did Pernilla lose
Pernilla's amount is £100,000 (over $135,000) which includes her personal loss, credit card bills and the payment for a lawyer.
Does Simon Leviev have a child : Leviev does not have any children.
Who is the 'Tinder Swindler Simon Leviev, 31, is from Bnei Brak, Israel, and has no connection to the billionaire Russian-Israeli diamond mogul, Lev Leviev. His real name is actually Shimon Hayut, per Esquire. Hayut told three women in the film that he was a billionaire founder of jewel supplier LLD Diamonds.
Cecilie Fjellhøy
According to Cecilie, after finding out the truth, she checked herself into a psychiatric hospital to protect her mental wellbeing. After the documentary aired, she's since shared it on her personal Instagram, but unfortunately, she's still in a lot of debt.
Where is Pernilla now
Pernilla Sjöholm was another of Leviev's victims. A Swedish native, she resides in Stockholm where it looks like she runs her own business. During the documentary, Sjöholm claimed that she never loved Leviev, or was romantically involved with him.The Leviev family net worth is in the billions
Lev Leviev has an estimated net worth of $1.5billion (£1.1billion). According to The Times, his fortune has previously been estimated as worth up to $12billion. The Tinder Swindler is available on Netflix now.Both of the Ingrams and Whittock were given prison sentences, suspended for two years—the Ingrams were sentenced to eighteen months; Whittock was sentenced to twelve months—and each fined £15,000 and ordered to pay £10,000 towards prosecution costs.
Featuring interviews with his accomplices and victims alike, this deep dive explores how a master con man scammed French elites out of millions of euros. Watch all you want.
Why is Cecile getting stronger : Meta-human physiology: Cecile possessed residual dark matter energy in her body from the first particle accelerator explosion, which her pregnancy activated. This activation altered her DNA and cells, enabling her meta-human abilities to develop.
Who is the serial killer nurse in Denmark : Christina Aistrup Hansen
Christina Aistrup Hansen (born 13 August 1984) is a former Danish nurse who was charged with the murder of four patients and attempted murder of a fifth at the Nykøbing Falster Hospital.
Is Simon Leviev really the son of diamond
As The Tinder Swindler reveals, Leviev pretended to be part of the billionaire diamond Leviev family during his alleged ponzi scheme, and he previously used the alias Mordechai Tapiro.
The charge was that Charles Ingram used coughs by his wife and Whittock to guide him to the correct answers, in order to win £1 million in violation of the rules of the game. The Ingrams were sentenced to an 18-month suspended sentence and Whittock to one of 12 months.It is about the notorious case of “the Coughing Major”, Charles Ingram. He won the top prize on Who Wants to be a Millionaire in 2001 and was subsequently convicted in 2003 for cheating.
Who is the most famous scammer : Charles Ponzi
Charles Ponzi (1882–1949): Italian swindler and con artist; "Ponzi scheme" is a type of fraud named after him.