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How many children did Hannah conceive?
Not only did God remember Hannah with the birth of Samuel, he also gave her three more sons and two daughters. Samuel continued in his service at the temple, and when he was a young man, the Lord called to him and gave him the first of many visions.The Bible does not specify how long Hannah was barren, a period that, according to the. midrash, extended for nineteen years. Why was this righteous woman forced to suffer so many years of childlessnessNIV But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the LORD had closed her womb. NASB but to Hannah he would give a double portion, because he loved Hannah, but the Lord had closed her womb. CSB But he gave a double portion to Hannah, for he loved her even though the Lord had kept her from conceiving.

What did Peninnah do to Hannah : Peninnah wanted to aid Hannah and she knew that only the latter's prayer to God could be of help. She therefore vexed Hannah at Shiloh, thereby causing her distraught rival wife to pray fervently. Thanks to Peninnah, Hannah's prayer was answered, and she gave birth to children.

What does the Bible say about infertility

Secondly, in the stories of female infertility in the Bible, it is stated that God is behind the situation, which is indicated by the phrase 'God opens and closes the womb'. Meanwhile, in Job's story, it is also stated God himself was behind Job's suffering, even though this was not God's punishment.

Who in the Bible couldn’t get pregnant : There are six barren women in the Bible: three of the four matriarchs (Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel) in Genesis; Hannah, mother of the prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 1-2); the anonymous wife of Manoah, mother of Samson (Judges 13); and the “great woman of Shunem,” also called the Shunammite, an acolyte of the prophet Elisha (2 …

Here, again, the text emphasizes that God had prevented Hannah from conceiving. Even without direct divine intervention, infertility is hardly rare.

But one day Hannah had reached her limit. She sought refuge in the temple where she determined to fast and pray about her situation. There, she made a vow to God that when He allowed her to get pregnant, she would give her son back to Him to be raised in the Temple and used for kingdom work all the days of his life.

Who had the most kids in the Bible


Rehoboam רְחַבְעָם‎
Born c. 972 BCE
Died c. 913 BCE
Spouse Mahalath Maacah Abihail 16 other wives 60 concubines
Issue Jeush Shemariah Zaham Abijah Attai Ziza Shelomith 21 other sons 60 daughters

As a punishment for tormenting Hannah, every time that Hannah gave birth to a child two of Peninnah's children would die. When only two of Peninnah's ten children were left alive Hannah interceded for them. According to the midrash, God spared their lives and, taking them from Peninnah, gave them to Hannah.As a punishment for tormenting Hannah, every time that Hannah gave birth to a child two of Peninnah's children would die. When only two of Peninnah's ten children were left alive Hannah interceded for them. According to the midrash, God spared their lives and, taking them from Peninnah, gave them to Hannah.

Biblical account

Every year, when Elkanah offered up a sacrifice at Shiloh, he would share out the portions of meat and give Hannah a double portion, which incited the jealousy of Peninnah. Peninnah would taunt Hannah for being childless.

Is infertility a punishment for sin : So it is not related to God's punishment for the husband and wife couple (Susanta 2020). The sterility of Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel cannot be said to be God's punishment for their sin. The author of Genesis simply shows their infertile condition without an explanation of the cause of the sterility.

Is infertility a punishment in the Bible : So it is not related to God's punishment for the husband and wife couple (Susanta 2020). The sterility of Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel cannot be said to be God's punishment for their sin. The author of Genesis simply shows their infertile condition without an explanation of the cause of the sterility.

Who has the most kids in the Bible


Rehoboam רְחַבְעָם‎
Born c. 972 BCE
Died c. 913 BCE
Spouse Mahalath Maacah Abihail 16 other wives 60 concubines
Issue Jeush Shemariah Zaham Abijah Attai Ziza Shelomith 21 other sons 60 daughters

We don't know how much time passed before Hannah conceived, but we do know that “the LORD remembered her” (v. 19), allowing her to conceive and give birth to a son. Even in the naming of her first child, Hannah praised God as she named the child Samuel.Eli the priest

These are Hannah's words as she brings her young son, Samuel, to Eli the priest and leaves him there to be raised in the temple.

How did Hannah have a child : In his mercy, the Lord opened more than his ear for Hannah. “Elkanah knew Hannah his wife, and the Lord remembered her. And in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Samuel, for she said, 'I have asked for him from the Lord'” (1 Sam 1:19-20).