Antwort How is Jesus different in John? Weitere Antworten – How is Jesus different in the book of John

How is Jesus different in John?
In John, however, Jesus not only embraces talk about his divinity, but he also publicly declares it. In the synoptic Gospels, Jesus speaks in parables (code); In John, the parables are absent altogether and in their place is a Jesus who is very direct about who he is and what he has come to do.John portrays Jesus as “a God striding over the face of the earth.” He does this by highlighting his divine qualities which can be seen in many of the gospels stories. John portrays Jesus' relationship with Judas much differently than in the gospel of Mark.So John draws on a different set of traditional sayings of Jesus than do the first three gospels of the New Testament. Jesus in the Gospel of John is difficult to reconstruct as an historical person, because his character in the gospel is in full voice giving very developed theological soliloquies about himself.

Why was John so special to Jesus : John was a leading member of Jesus's original Twelve Apostles, one who had a close personal relationship with the Savior and served important roles as His witness, as a leader of the Church, and as a revelator.

How is Jesus different

Sinless & Righteous

He lived a life of perfect obedience and righteousness even though He faced the same temptations we do. His sinless life paved the way for the redemptive work on the cross—the forgiveness of sins for all humankind.

What is the identity of Jesus in the Book of John : First, John identifies Jesus of Nazareth as God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Second, John identifies Jesus of Nazareth as the Redeemer of the world. Third, John identifies Jesus of Nazareth as the Mediator between God the Father and God's people.

While the other three gospels portray Jesus as the King, the Servant, and the Son of Man, John portrays Jesus as the Son of God. John stated his theme more clearly than any of the other gospel writers.

John's Gospel identifies Jesus, the Word of God, with God himself (John 1:1), indeed as the “only begotten God” (John 1:18). At the end of John, Thomas confesses to Jesus, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28).

What is special about Gospel of John

The portrayal of Jesus' death in John is unique among the four Gospels. It does not appear to rely on the kinds of atonement theology indicative of vicarious sacrifice but rather presents the death of Jesus as his glorification and return to the Father.In John's Gospel, by contrast, there are no parables or exorcisms. Jesus' teaching focuses much more on his own identity and his unique relationship with the Father. Jesus is the eternal Son who has come to reveal the Father. Salvation comes by knowing the Father through the Son.Unlike the authors of the Synoptics, John inserts himself into the story of the Gospel in more direct ways. He is most likely the enigmatic figure known as the “beloved disciple” who is one of the twelve. He has a special relationship with Jesus, even laying his head on his chest at the Last Supper (13:23).

Much of John's gospel (chapters 2–12) might be called the Book of Signs, as it recounts Jesus's performing of seven different miracles—such as the turning water to wine at Cana and raising Lazarus from the dead at Bethany. These miracles illustrate His identity as the Son of God.

What makes Jesus unique : He willingly offered Himself as a sacrifice for all sin and evil, and He gave the free gift of everlasting life to every person who would accept it. Only God in the flesh could have embodied all these characteristics.

Why is Jesus name different : Because the New Testament was originally written in Greek, not Hebrew or Aramaic. Greeks did not use the sound sh, so the evangelists substituted an S sound. Then, to make it a masculine name, they added another S sound at the end. The earliest written version of the name Jesus is Romanized today as Iesous.

What is John’s depiction of Jesus

The Gospel of John does not have any baby Jesus story but rather gives us some various images of who this fleshy God is. John introduce us to the “Lamb of God” image (1:35)and gives us the idea of Jesus as a fleshy sacrificial lamb. Unique to John's Gospel , Jesus make some bold but specific “I am” statements.

John says nothing of a supernatural birth. He regards Jesus as a human being who possessed actual flesh and blood, the same as other people. The most significant thing about Jesus is that the divine Logos was present in him, and all of the marvelous things that he accomplished were by virtue of the power of God.During his lifetime, Jesus himself didn't call himself God and didn't consider himself God, and … none of his disciples had any inkling at all that he was God. You do find Jesus calling himself God in the Gospel of John, or the last Gospel.

What is Jesus’s full name : Furthermore, his name, "Yeshua," meaning "Yahweh is salvation," was a common name in 1st-century Palestine. And finally, "Christ" is not his last name but a profound title that has left an indelible mark on human history.