Antwort How is female Loki possible? Weitere Antworten – How does female Loki exist

How is female Loki possible?
Following one of Asgard's cyclical Ragnarok events in which the realm and its denizens die and are reborn throughout time, Thor finds himself as the only Asgardian to return. Discovering his fellow Asgardians are trapped in human form, he rescues as many as he can – including Loki, who is reborn as a woman.After discovering the existence of the Tenth Realm of Heven and his long-lost sister Angela, Loki takes a female form in order to blend in with these angelic warriors. Odin himself recognizes Loki's nonbinary status at the end of this story, remarking, “My children. My son and my daughter and my child who is both.”Escaping across time using Renslayer's TemPad, Loki learns to hide herself from the TVA over the following centuries, adopting the alias "Sylvie" while seeking to "free" the Sacred Timeline from the TVA, developing a method of body possession, dubbed 'Enchantment', to achieve her ends.

When did Loki become a girl : In the comics, Loki is reborn as a woman, known simply as Lady Loki, after the events of Ragnarok in Asgard, but even that wasn't too innocent: When Thor and his fellow Asgardians are to be reborn in new bodies on Earth, Loki actually stole the body intended to be for Sif.

Is female Loki actually Loki

No. In the comics yes, he posed as a girl to trick Thor. In the MCU there are AU Loki variants but they are not the Loki who stars in the series. It's almost like Loki doppelgängers from different universes.

Is the girl Loki actually Loki : The villain variant is "Lady Loki," a female version of the character played by Sophia Di Martino. In the comics, Lady Loki is a reborn version of the Loki we know and love. She has the same personality and powers – shapeshifting, creating illusions, other sorcery and magic – as the male version of the character.

Marvel made it canon in the first episode upon his arrival at the Time Variance Authority that Loki, always a shape-shifter, is gender fluid. Lady Loki in the Marvel Comics is Loki—just in female form.

The two trekked to a nearby town, and the two argued on the way, especially how Sylvie was a Variant but did not like to be called one, and also did not like to be called Loki. She then told him her name was Sylvie, and Loki told her that having an alias was not Loki-like.

Are Loki and Sylvie genetically the same

So yes, there are cosmic roles that match from universe to universe, but they aren't from the same genetic starting point. Loki and Sylvie are not from the same universe. They are separate Loki's from separate universes.In both the comics and Norse mythology, Loki had been portrayed as gender-fluid. In Norse mythology, Loki was first recognized as a “shapeshifter” when Loki lived as a handmaiden for eight years. Loki's first mention as being gender-fluid in the Marvel comics was when he stole the female form of Sif.The MCU has already made Loki's genderfluidity canon, which supports the idea that the variant simply chose to present differently (and either could change their gendered appearance at will).

The TVA had taken Sylvie from Asgard as a child because she caused a Nexus Event that threatened the stability of the Sacred Timeline, meaning she had spent her entire life on the run from the omnipotent organization, though the exact nature of her Nexus Event wasn't actually revealed.

Are Loki and Sylvie in love : Despite their initial lack of trust, Loki and Sylvie developed a special bond and fell in love during the first season. Sylvie's actions in killing He Who Remains will have consequences that affect both her and Loki's personal journeys in the upcoming season.

Was Loki originally a woman : In Norse mythology, and in the Marvel comic books, Loki has always been gender fluid, capable of changing genders at anytime for any reason. But before the show, the MCU version of Loki had always been male-presenting.

How much older is Sylvie than Loki

Loki is around 1,050 years old, Sylvie is around the same age as Loki, and He Who Remains has been alive for a very long time, possibly eons.

Unlike in Loki, Sylvie is related to the adopted Asgardian Frost Giant, but not exactly another version of her.And giving him a moment to connect with himself along Sylvie, creating something that was not supposed to be. At that point, it is kind of funny to think that Loki, the selfish, hungry-of-power creature, had fallen in love with himself. But in the end, it is part of the journey. Glad he did, though.

Did Sylvie and Loki kiss : Loki and Sylvie Kiss Scene – Loki (TV Series 2021) Kang/He Who Remains – YouTube.