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How is Aslan related to Jesus?
Christian interpretation

Although Aslan can be read as an original character, parallels exist with Christ. According to the author, Aslan is not an allegorical portrayal of Christ, but rather a suppositional incarnation of Christ Himself: If Aslan represented the immaterial Deity, he would be an allegorical figure.Narnia represents Christianity through the use of symbolism and allegory. By having characters, objects, and places in the story represent Biblical ideas or people, Lewis creates an allegorical story of Christ. For example, Aslan is symbolic of Christ, while the White Witch is symbolic of Satan.His avatars are different in each world, as are his specific attributes and abilities. It is clear that on Earth, Aslan is Jesus Christ. C. S. Lewis writes in The Last Battle that in Aslan's Country, Aslan no longer looks like a lion.

Who is Aslan in the real world in Narnia : Jesus Christ

In the real world, Aslan is Jesus Christ. Aslan transcends dimensions and can appear in multiple forms depending on which world he is in. In Narnia, he looks like a lion, but he is designed to act as an allegorical representation of Jesus Christ, who is a member of the Holy Trinity in the Christian faith.

Who is Aslan’s father

The Emperor-Over-the-Sea

The Emperor-Over-the-Sea is an enigmatic character who is also Aslan's father. He never appears in the stories themselves.

What is Narnia a metaphor for : “The whole Narnia series is about Christ,” said Ward. “The first, second and seventh book is a major comparison of the life of Christ. In these novels, Christ is depicted as Creator, Redeemer and Judge.”

Lewis has also received criticism from some Christians and Christian organizations who feel that The Chronicles of Narnia promotes "soft-sell paganism and occultism", because of the recurring pagan themes and the supposedly heretical depictions of Christ as an anthropomorphic lion.


Who does Lucy represent in The Chronicles of Narnia In the Chronicles or Narnia, Lucy represents faith. She displays innocence and child-like faith which is the reason she is able to find the magical land.

Who is Aslan’s daughter

Kala Pevensie (16 years old) was the only daughter of Aslan and his unnamed wife, and the ruler of the Kingdom of Narnia after the White Witch`s demise along Peter Pensive. When she was a child to ensure her safety she was brought from Narnia to London, England and raised as one of the Pevensie children.Though all four of the Pevensie siblings share the experience of Narnia, Susan grows out of “playing pretend” with her siblings. Lewis' work calls out Susan for growing up and moving on from her siblings. Her no longer "being a friend" to Narnia means that she no longer has faith.The White Witch is the primary antagonist in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. She also appears in other books in The Chronicles of Narnia. At the start of the book, she wants everyone to believe that she is Queen of Narnia, though the true ruler is Aslan.

“The whole Narnia series is about Christ,” said Ward. “The first, second and seventh book is a major comparison of the life of Christ. In these novels, Christ is depicted as Creator, Redeemer and Judge.” But in the other four books, Christ's figure of Aslan is not as obvious.

Why was Narnia banned : Reasons for ban – “graphic violence, mysticism, and gore,” “politically incorrect,” and could be offensive to non-Christians due to the Christ-like qualities of Aslan.

Who did Lucy marry Narnia : Lucy does not marry in C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia. In Prince Caspian, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, and The Last Battle, Lucy is too young to marry, being eight, nine, and seventeen respectively in those books.

Who does Susan marry in Narnia

Calormene Prince Rabadash

She is asked to make a diplomatic marriage to the Calormene Prince Rabadash. She finds him gallant at tournaments in Narnia, but tyrannical and repellant on his home ground. In The Last Battle, Susan is conspicuous by her absence. Peter says that she is "no longer a friend of Narnia".

[Chronicles of Narnia] Aslan represents the Pevensie siblings' absent father.As the series progresses, Aslan tells each of them that they will not return. They are growing too old. When I read The Chronicles of Narnia as a child, this was devastating. It wasn't fair that Aslan sent them back to their own world to never return.

Who did Susan marry Narnia : Calormene Prince Rabadash

She is asked to make a diplomatic marriage to the Calormene Prince Rabadash. She finds him gallant at tournaments in Narnia, but tyrannical and repellant on his home ground. In The Last Battle, Susan is conspicuous by her absence. Peter says that she is "no longer a friend of Narnia".