Antwort How fast is a Star Destroyer? Weitere Antworten – How fast were Star Destroyers

How fast is a Star Destroyer?
Powering the Destroyer were seven main engine units, including Cygnus Spaceworks Gemon-4 ion engines, and could accelerate to speeds of up to 975 kph. The ship however was not suited towards planetary atmospheres, in which full power was required to stay aloft.

Super Star Destroyer
Sublight Speed 10 MGLT
Manoeuvrability 1.00
Sensors 55

Described in A Guide to the Star Wars Universe (1984) as being 8 kilometers (5.0 mi) long, Executor-class Super Star Destroyers were later described as being 19 kilometers (12 mi) long.

Can a Star Destroyer destroy a planet : Although the Xyston-class Star Destroyer successfully raided and obliterated the planet Kijimi, it would not see action until the climactic Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, where the 1,080 Sith Star Destroyers faced overwhelming odds.

What is the fastest Star Wars ship

the Millennium Falcon

Special mention has to go to the ship that Han Solo deemed the fastest in the galaxy. Yes, the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, and despite being a “hunk of junk,” it is reliably able to outrun various enemy forces.

How fast do ships fly in Star Wars : Hyperdrives allow starships to travel faster than the speed of light, crossing space through the alternate dimension of hyperspace. Large objects in normal space cast “mass shadows” in hyperspace, so hyperspace jumps must be precisely calculated to avoid collisions.

Vessels of the Executor-class Dreadnought line measured at 19,000 meters in length, and utilizing its thirteen Executor-50. x engines, could reach speeds of 100 kilometers per hour. These starships had a crew of 280,784, and could carry 38,000 troops and support staff.

The Executor-class Star Dreadnought. The Executor-class Star Dreadnought, also known as the Super-class Star Destroyer, was the largest model of Star Destroyer ever built by the Galactic Empire. It was usually referred to as a Super Star Destroyer, and consisted of the sub-models Executor I-class and Executor II-class.

Could we build a Star Destroyer

According to one source, a single Class-I Imperial Star Destroyer would cost around $636 billion apiece. And that's just for the basic parts. Getting all that stuff into space would likely push the budget into the many trillions using conventional means like rockets.Various sources state that the first Death Star has a diameter of between 140 and 160 kilometers. There is a broader range of figures for the second Death Star's diameter, ranging from 160 to 900 kilometers.Anyone who's seen bomber hit a shielded/unshielded Star destroyer would know that several bombs are needed to destroy a PART of the destroyer (such as the engines or targeting unit). If (and this is a big if) the nuclear bomb had a similar yield to a proton bomb, then it likely won't even breach the hull.

If you just shoot the missile at the outside, no real damage would occur. The shields will take the brunt of it. Maybe some of the outside rooms at “ground zero” will be damaged. If you can get the nuke inside the ship, and preferably near the engines, then yes the Star Destroyer could well be destroyed.

How fast is Mando’s ship : It could attain a maximum speed of 1,100 kph and was eleven meters in length. The ship's central rat-tail acted as a power charger collector, and received energy from onboard generators when it was not in use.

Are Star Wars ships faster than light : Hyperdrives allow starships to travel faster than the speed of light, crossing space through the alternate dimension of hyperspace. Large objects in normal space cast “mass shadows” in hyperspace, so hyperspace jumps must be precisely calculated to avoid collisions.

Is hyperspace faster than light

Hyperdrives allow starships to travel faster than the speed of light, crossing space through the alternate dimension of hyperspace. Large objects in normal space cast “mass shadows” in hyperspace, so hyperspace jumps must be precisely calculated to avoid collisions.

Britannica refers to the speed of light as a sort of “cosmic speed limit,” meaning nothing can travel beyond it because of physical limitations. So, sorry to break it to you, but hyper-speed doesn't seem like an option by today's metrics. Maybe someday, far off into the future, we will one day prove this theory true.19,000 meters long

One of the largest and most powerful Imperial vessels ever created, the Executor was 19,000 meters long, eclipsing its escorting Imperial-class Star Destroyers, and boasted more than 5,000 turbolasers and ion cannons.

How long is Darth Vader’s ship : The Devastator was an impressive starship that served as the personal flagship of the equally impressive Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. The Star Destroyer was 1,600 meters long, the standard length for an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer.