Antwort How do Star Wars ships work? Weitere Antworten – How do ships in Star Wars work

How do Star Wars ships work?
Starships used sublight drives to leave a planet's gravity well and the hyperdrive to travel between stars faster than light speed. Plotting a course to a star system was a highly complex operation. Calculations to travel at light speed were left up to a navigation computer or astromech droid.In Star Wars spacecraft and other large structures, fusion reactors powered by the fictional "hypermatter" fuel are considered the most common source of energy. These fuels are typically hazardous to organic life, taking the form of corrosive liquids or poisonous gases.Starships, such as the Ghost, were powered by fuel. During the Nihil conflict, fuel was very expensive for civilians. The Wookiee planet Kashyyyk hosted an oil refinery, which was a critical location during the Battle of Kashyyyk.

How do ships travel so fast in Star Wars : Hyperdrives allow starships to travel faster than the speed of light, crossing space through the alternate dimension of hyperspace. Large objects in normal space cast “mass shadows” in hyperspace, so hyperspace jumps must be precisely calculated to avoid collisions.

How do ships not hit things in hyperspace

Hyperspace courses were often plotted using a planet's mass as a backstop, with the hyperdrive's safety systems automatically stopping the ship as it reached the farthest point of possible travel. Hyperspace collisions, whether they be intentional or by accident, could devastate or even destroy a planet.

How do ships in Star Wars have oxygen : Life support systems utilized technology that allowed it to produce necessary chemicals and gases needed to sustain on-board life such as oxygen and nitrogen; it also filtered out toxic gases and chemicals such as carbon dioxide and ammonia.

Starships' hyperdrive reaction chambers are coated with a thin layer of coaxium, which is energized to allow passage into hyperspace. Unrefined coaxium is mined on worlds such as Kessel, but is dangerous to transport. Highly volatile, it explodes if jostled or allowed to get too hot.

In order to attain speeds beyond the light threshold, a ship required a hyperdrive. The most common type of sublight drive was the ion engine. While starfighters used small yet powerful drives, capital ships had vast engines the size of entire buildings.

Is hyperspace faster than lightspeed

Lightspeed was slang for the speed at which a starship traveled through hyperspace. In reality, though, a class 1.0 hyperdrive motivator could propel a ship through hyperspace faster than light, allowing a ship to cross the galaxy in a matter of days. Hyperspace could be dangerous without the right coordinates.Hyperspace is generally seen as a fictional concept, incompatible with our present-day understanding of the universe (in particular, the theory of relativity). Some science fiction writers attempted quasi-scientific rubber science explanations of this concept.Because of the hyperspace dimension sitting on top of realspace, it means objects like stars and planets can still interfere with travel. While their physical properties aren't present, the Star Wars Databank describes a "mass shadow" caused by large objects, which ships can crash into.

The starships acted as both attack craft and transports that could travel underwater and in space. A larger version of the ship known as the Trident drill assault craft had a giant drill spike located at the bottom of the craft, which could be used to penetrate the hulls of battleships and bunkers.

How do Star Wars ships generate gravity : By simulating the gravity shadow of a planet or other celestial body, often called a gravity well, a ship's travel through hyperspace could be halted or their jump to hyperspace could be rendered impossible within the simulated gravity shadow.

Are ships like Star Wars possible : So, humanity is not quite ready to build a Millennium Falcon. Still, many developing technologies could one day make onboard tech like laser cannons and invisible deflector shields a reality. Until then, we can always watch Han Solo and company zip through the galaxy on one of science fiction's most iconic ships.

Is hyperspace theoretically possible

Hyperspace is generally seen as a fictional concept, incompatible with our present-day understanding of the universe (in particular, the theory of relativity). Some science fiction writers attempted quasi-scientific rubber science explanations of this concept.

But what made the Death Star particularly menacing was its ability to travel through hyperspace. Not only was it equipped with destructive armaments, it could pursue its prey with those armaments.Unfortunately, reaching this lofty speed turns out to be impossible. "You cannot go at the speed of light, given that you have a finite mass," Pravica said.

How realistic is hyperspace : Hyperspace is generally seen as a fictional concept, incompatible with our present-day understanding of the universe (in particular, the theory of relativity).