Antwort How did Ant-Man come back to life? Weitere Antworten – How does Ant-Man come back

How did Ant-Man come back to life?
Using the Quantum Tunnel, Scott Lang travels into the Quantum Realm again, but he's left trapped in the void due to the events of The Blip. Scott only escapes the void of the Quantum Realm five years later when a rat enters the impounded van and reactivates the Quantum Tunnel's control panel, freeing Scott.The official word about Avengers: Endgame is that the rat who activated the quantum tunnel to rescue Ant-Man was a nameless wild rat.The family reunited with each other, and one by one, they all went through the portal. However, Ant-Man didn't make it through, so Wasp went to help him. The portal closed, but Cassie Lang was able to open it and they all made it back safely.

Where was Ant-Man for 5 years : the Quantum Realm

The last time we saw some of the key "Ant-Man" characters was in "Avengers: Endgame," as Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) was trapped in the Quantum Realm for five years after the end of "Ant-Man and the Wasp" and "Avengers: Infinity War."

How did Ant-Man survive the snap

Many, till now, have believed that Ant-Man aka Scott Lang, portrayed by Paul Rudd, survived Thanos' snap because he was trapped in the quantum realm at the time of the event, as is revealed in Ant-Man and The Wasp's post credit scene.

How did Ant-Man become Ant-Man : After discovering a chemical substance, which he called Pym Particles, that would allow the user to alter his size, he armed himself with a helmet that could control ants. After that, Pym would shrink down to the size of an insect as the mystery-solving Ant-Man, solving crimes and stopping criminals.

Pym then changed directions and had founded Pym Technologies while also retiring as the Ant-Man, vowing never to use his invention again, turning his back on S.H.I.E.L.D. as he had found that Howard Stark and Mitchell Carson had tried to recreate his original designs.

Though the Ant-Man suit doesn't have a built-in flying mechanism, Scott is able to communicate with ants using a device in the helmet that sends pheromones into the ants' olfactory nerve centers. This gives him a friendly “command” over ants, which allows him to ride on them while they fly for faster travel.

How did Kang escape the ants

Kang forces Scott to retrieve the multiverse engine core that Janet damaged years ago, giving Kang the power to finally escape and launch an invasion of the larger world.Like others from his native era, Kang ages at a slightly slower rate than modern humanity and is more resistant to the effects of radiation; though, he can be harmed by concentrated doses. He is an expert in time travel and the manipulation of time, and has mastered his future's advanced technology.Though it still hasn't been explained fully why the discrepancy occurred, it could relate to the points at which the Quantum Realm is entered and exited. Perhaps, Scott Lang went deeper into the Quantum Realm, or maybe he found himself in another dimension where time moves considerably slower.

He was unaffected because the Quantum-realm is describe as a universe within a universe in the first two ant man films. The Snap dusted half of all life in the universe, ergo other universes or alternate timelines are unaffected, which tracks.

Did Ant-Man survive Quantumania : First of all, all of team Ant-Man survives the film, including Scott, Hope, Cassie, Hank and Janet. Kang is the only major player to die – well so does MODOK, but we'll talk about MODOK in a sec. But Quantumania is the true start of the MCU's Multiverse Saga.

Why is Ant-Man strong when small : Ant-Man, also known as Scott Lang, is a superhero in the MCU who can shrink to the size of an ant while still retaining his normal strength and durability by harnessing the power of Pym Particles. This ability is derived from a special suit created by Hank Pym, the original Ant-Man.

Does Ant-Man have powers without the suit

Why Ant-Man Gains The Ability To Transform Without A Suit. In the original Marvel Comics, it's explained that prolonged exposure to Pym Particles combined with a unique genetic disposition allows the Langs to shrink and grow at will without relying on a finite supply of particles or a suit.

Through out the entire Ant-Man movie trilogy Hank and Scott have had a father-son relationship, he's mentored him out of a bad spot in life, and taught him he can become a new man entirely for the people he loves.Since Scott had used Hank's complex technology, the Pym particles, Hank and Hope were held responsible for Scott's actions and became fugitives on the run. Both were angry at his betrayal, and Hope was particularly angry that Scott didn't ask her to help, stating that he wouldn't have gotten caught if she was there.

Is Ant-Man the weakest Avenger : Ant-Man is also pretty powerful, as his strength remains high in proportion to his size and he can pack a mean punch when no one sees it coming. However, at the end of the day, Scott Lang is still not that experienced, and that means that, even with a super-powered suit, he doesn't match up with most of the Avengers.