Antwort Has NASA seen a white hole? Weitere Antworten – What would happen if black holes didn’t exist

Has NASA seen a white hole?
If the Universe were born without black holes, which is the standard picture, then we'd have to wait for gravitational collapse to occur and for stars to either form (or, possibly, to be just on the cusp of forming) before the first black holes would arise.This graph shows the estimated mass function of black holes at various cosmic epochs (different colors) as a function of the mass of these black holes (x-axis). The numbers obtained by integrating over all of cosmic time and the entire observable Universe lead to an estimated 40 quintillion black holes in our Universe.Black holes seem to be the stuff of science fiction (and, in fact, have starred in many sci-fi books and movies), so it's not uncommon for people to wonder, are black holes real As it turns out, the answer is yes, though for a long time most scientists were convinced that black holes were purely theoretical objects.

Are black holes 0-dimensional : A black hole is actually a four-dimensional object. A black hole extends across all four physical dimensions of the universe. The four dimensions that form the background framework of the universe consist of three spatial dimensions and one time dimension.

Can a white hole destroy a black hole

A black hole is a region which nothing may ever escape, only enter. A white hole is a region which nothing may ever enter, only escape from. Thus, if the two were to collide, the white hole would enter the black hole, becoming part of it from an outside perspective.

Do black holes 100% exist : There is consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centres of most galaxies. The presence of a black hole can be inferred through its interaction with other matter and with electromagnetic radiation such as visible light.

Einstein's theory of general relativity mathematically predicts the existence of wormholes, but none have been discovered to date. A negative mass wormhole might be spotted by the way its gravity affects light that passes by.

For decades, the evidence for black holes remained indirect. Then in 2016, physicists detected fleeting ripples in spacetime set off when two massive black holes whirled together 1 billion light-years from Earth. Scientists have since detected dozens of similar mergers.

Is space 3D or 4D

"And space-time itself is 4D, but the spatial component is 3D." The time component, sometimes given as it (imaginary i multiplied by t), is not a real existing coordinate. There simply is no dimension of time on which a particle can move.The fourth dimension (4D) is currently defined as a hypothetical construct since we live in the third dimension and must predict what the extra-spatial fourth dimension actually consists of. But generally, the 4D space is seen as an extension of the 3D space, providing further ways that objects can move.A Q-star, also known as a grey hole, is a hypothetical type of a compact, heavy neutron star with an exotic state of matter. Such a star can be smaller than the progenitor star's Schwarzschild radius and have a gravitational pull so strong that some light, but not all photons, can escape.

Stellar black holes are very cold: they have a temperature of nearly absolute zero – which is zero Kelvin, or −273.15 degrees Celsius. Supermassive black holes are even colder. But a black hole's event horizon is incredibly hot. The gas being pulled rapidly into a black hole can reach millions of degrees.

Is space infinite : Cosmologists aren't sure if the universe is infinitely big or just extremely large. To measure the universe, astronomers instead look at its curvature. The geometric curve on large scales of the universe tells us about its overall shape. If the universe is perfectly geometrically flat, then it can be infinite.

Are black holes real : Scientists have found proof that every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is called Sagittarius A. It has a mass equal to about 4 million suns and would fit inside a very large ball that could hold a few million Earths.

Do black holes have color

We never see black holes themselves: all we see is gas falling in to them. This gas gets so hot that it normally emits either X-rays, ultra-violet light or blue light. Thus most black holes that we could see with the human eye would appear bright blue-white.

Now onto 4d,this dimension is 1 dimension big,it's like a cube in a cube. Onto 5d , now you understand 4d perspective now we need to combine 2 4d cubes. now it would be a cube in a cube in a cube in a cube. thats how a 5d cube look like.The 5th dimension is a conceptual, unobservable microdimension of space. It's considered a spatial dimension, like the 3D length, height, and depth we're familiar with. In theory, it's a plane of spacetime that's curved in on itself so tightly, the entire dimension is a loop smaller than an atom.

Are humans 4D or 3D : People have a spatial self-perception as beings in a three-dimensional space, but are visually restricted by one less dimension: the eye sees the world as a projection to two dimensions, on the surface of the retina.