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Does Bonnie fall in love with Enzo?

Bonnie instead ends up in a romantic relationship with Enzo toward the end of the show. The two never got to live their lives together since Enzo died. On the other hand, Bonnie got to live her life and eventually grow old. Fans who loved the couple have wondered if they will see each other again in the afterlife.Enzo. Enzo is a Vampire who becomes Bonnie's new main love interest in the beginning of the seventh season. Her connection with him is the strongest out of all the relationships she has been shown to be in.Sybil forces Damon and Enzo to fight to the death until Bonnie chooses between them. In the end, Bonnie chooses the save Enzo, but this is proven to be not worth it in the end being Sybil forces Enzo to switch his humanity off, like Damon. Enzo and Damon stand idly by before Sybil makes Damon kill Bonnie.

In what episode do Enzo and Bonnie kiss : The Vampire Diaries 7×05 Bonnie and Enzo First Kiss Moment | Bonnie and Enzo, Vampire diaries, Tv couples.

Who killed Enzo


Stefan kills Enzo in a brutal way, ripping out his heart in front of Bonnie, dashing their dreams of a future together. Enzo's death is motivated by Stefan's deal with the Devil, which requires him to turn off his humanity and kill Elena or 100 people.

Who did Bonnie marry : She was married on September 25, 1926 (six days before her 16th birthday) to high school sweetheart, Roy Thornton. However, Thornton was imprisoned in 1929 and the two never crossed paths again, despite still being legally married. Clyde Barrow was born on March 24, 1909 in Ellis County, Texas.

Unlike many of her friends, he cared about her emotional wellbeing and he recognized what an incredible woman she was. As Bonnie said herself, all her life she wanted to be loved the way Enzo loved her, making their romance stand apart from the rest.

Since they first met, these two had a love-hate relationship, but they later became close friends, even sacrificing their lives for one another. But even though Bonnie was not one of Damon's many love interests in The Vampire Diaries, the series didn't miss the chance to show fans how they deserved a shot at love.

Do Bonnie and Enzo sleep together

But when Bonnie slept with Enzo after he tormented Stefan, endangered Sarah, tortured Jeremy and Elena, kidnapped Caroline and left her to be tortured by the heretics, tormented and blackmailed Matt, and that's what I remember now, I'm sure there's more. Yet no one said anything to Bonnie for dating Enzo.Bonnie instead ends up in a romantic relationship with Enzo toward the end of the show. The two never got to live their lives together since Enzo died. On the other hand, Bonnie got to live her life and eventually grow old. Fans who loved the couple have wondered if they will see each other again in the afterlife.Right after Bonnie gets the cure from Elena, Stefan rips out Enzo's heart right in front of her, leading to Enzo's death once and for all. In his focused zeal to get to Elena, he finds Enzo and Bonnie in his way, which spurs Stefan to kill Enzo without hesitation.

Lia is the hybrid daughter to Enzo St. John and Bonnie Bennett. She is the granddaughter to Abby Bennett Wilson and Rudy Hopkins.

Did Bonnie and Enzo have kids : Lia is the hybrid daughter to Enzo St. John and Bonnie Bennett. She is the granddaughter to Abby Bennett Wilson and Rudy Hopkins. She is the great-granddaughter to Sheila Bennett.

Who did Damon love the most : He always puts her safety first before anyone else, even his. Damon's most prominent love, aside from Elena, was Rose. He met her while searching for Klaus and hooked up with her shortly after.

Did Damon love Elena or Bonnie more

So, in closing, I think that we can all agree that Damon's decision to desiccate was clear and irrefutable evidence that Damon LOVED Bonnie; and, as Ian pointed out, he loved her more than ANYONE he knows (Elena included).

Bonnie and Enzo's relationship was well-loved by fans, but they were left heartbroken by its outcome. They start to develop a relationship when Enzo decided to protect Bonnie from the Armory. The relationship was full of love and devotion to one another. It was clear that Enzo was the love of Bonnie's life.Stefan

Stefan kills Enzo in a brutal way, ripping out his heart in front of Bonnie, dashing their dreams of a future together. Enzo's death is motivated by Stefan's deal with the Devil, which requires him to turn off his humanity and kill Elena or 100 people.

Who loves Elena more : Damon

Summary. Elena ultimately chose Damon over Stefan in The Vampire Diaries, revealing a love story that spanned across seasons. Damon and Elena's romance was heavily impacted by memory wipes, highlighting Damon's selfless side and deep love for Elena.