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Did the T. rex eat meat?
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest and most fearsome carnivores of all time.Using an ecological model derived from predator-prey relationships in the Serengeti, the scientists determined that the king of the dinosaurs most certainly did not scavenge for carrion, but rather that it roamed vast territories hunting grazing species such as Triceratops.Like other tyrannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus rex is known to have been carnivorous due primarily to the shape of the teeth.

Was at Rex like a chicken : The Chicken Ancestor: The T-Rex

This 68-million-year fossil was compared to the DNA of 21 modern animal species…and the result The proteins found in the DNA of the T-Rex were most like those of the chicken. To further their research, the chicken was the first bird to have its genome sequenced.

Would a T. rex hunt humans

rex surely would have been able to eat people. There are fossil bite marks, matching the teeth of T. rex, on the bones of Triceratops and duck-billed dinosaurs such as Edmontosaurus, which were both over 50 times heavier than an average person. But that doesn't mean we would be hunted to extinction.

What did T. rex taste like : All students agree that it is likely that T-Rex tasted like chicken.

rex ate ornithischian, or bird-hipped, dinosaurs, like the duck-billed Edmontosaurus, a 1998 study in the journal Nature found. Researchers have also discovered T. rex bite marks in the bones of other duck-billed dinosaurs and Triceratops bones, according to a 1996 study in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

There were no Polar Ice Sheets. Instead Antarctica was covered in forests where T-Rex. And other dinosaurs could have roamed flowering plants were thriving.

Did T. rex eat anything

rex ate ornithischian, or bird-hipped, dinosaurs, like the duck-billed Edmontosaurus, a 1998 study in the journal Nature found. Researchers have also discovered T. rex bite marks in the bones of other duck-billed dinosaurs and Triceratops bones, according to a 1996 study in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.Fossil studies have long suggested modern birds were descended from T. rex, based in similarities in their skeletons. Now, bits of protein obtained from connective tissues in a T. rex fossil shows a relationship to birds including chickens and ostriches, according to a report in Friday's edition of the journal Science.There were no Polar Ice Sheets. Instead Antarctica was covered in forests where T-Rex. And other dinosaurs could have roamed flowering plants were thriving.

Being over-gunned is an impossibility against a T-Rex, but with a true charge-stopping rifle, like a Merkle double, you'd at least have a chance.

Did T. rex fear anything : The T. rex may have feared a Giganotosaurus because the latter was 39 to 43 feet long, while the largest T. rex was only about 40 feet long. Moreover, Giganotosaurus used its paws to slash at and cut prey, making it a worthy competitor.

Could at Rex catch a human : rex surely would have been able to eat people. There are fossil bite marks, matching the teeth of T. rex, on the bones of Triceratops and duck-billed dinosaurs such as Edmontosaurus, which were both over 50 times heavier than an average person. But that doesn't mean we would be hunted to extinction.

Can T. rex be brought back to life

It is therefore entirely possible for prehistoric genetic material to survive for up to one million years. But the big dinosaurs departed this life some 66 million years ago. So the prospect of finding enough viable DNA material in what remains of them today is therefore vanishingly remote.


Fossil studies have found that the mighty T-rex actually shares quite a considerable amount of DNA with modern-day chickens and, by extension, all birds. Now you'll never look at a humble pigeon the same way!Daspletosaurus wilsoni is a transitional species linking the ancestral Daspletosaurus torosus with Daspletosaurus horneri in an evolutionary lineage evolving from 77 to 75 million years ago. Supports the intriguing hypothesis that the Daspletosaurus lineage was directly ancestral to Tyrannosaurus rex.

Would T. rex hunt humans : rex surely would have been able to eat people. There are fossil bite marks, matching the teeth of T. rex, on the bones of Triceratops and duck-billed dinosaurs such as Edmontosaurus, which were both over 50 times heavier than an average person. But that doesn't mean we would be hunted to extinction.