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Did Odin like Loki?
The majority of storylines surrounding Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe had to do with his father issues. He was always insecure over how Odin didn't love him as much as he did Thor, with this eventually morphing into contempt for his father.In his exile, Odin apparently thought over all the acts he had done and likely felt remorse over them, as he showed no hostility towards Loki and even noted Frigga would be proud of him. He also admitted that he truly loved both of his sons and expressed remorse for failing to stop Ragnarök.He continues to be a bad father in keeping Loki prisoner and not even allowing him to attend Frigga's funeral. Odin also refuses to listen to Thor's plan to go after Malekith and instead wastes time and resources to his own detriment. So he's not just a bad father but a bad leader as well.

Did Odin really adopt Loki : While Marvel's Loki is the adopted son of King Odin and the biological child of Laufrey — the king of the Frost Giants of Jötunheimr — this differs from the original mythology. In some stories, Laufrey is depicted as a female, making Loki's father actually his mother.

Why does Loki hate Odin

Loki has changed role and aspect many times, but he is still mostly remembered as Thor's antithesis, his resentful adoptive brother who grew up to hate the God of Thunder. One of the reasons for Loki's bitterness is that Odin always favored his "real" son, Thor, during their childhood.

Who was Loki to Odin : The son of giants, Loki is actually considered to be a type of Jotunn or giant rather than a member of the Aesir, the ruling class of gods in Norse mythology. He is the "blood-brother" of Odin, the Aesir king, and the husband of the goddess Sigyn.

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi or Nari and Váli. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. In the form of a mare, Loki was impregnated by the stallion Svaðilfari and gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.

Loki has changed role and aspect many times, but he is still mostly remembered as Thor's antithesis, his resentful adoptive brother who grew up to hate the God of Thunder. One of the reasons for Loki's bitterness is that Odin always favored his "real" son, Thor, during their childhood.

What was Loki to Odin

Some historians have speculated that Loki was in fact a separate deity that was later integrated into the main Norse religion, while others have suggested that Loki may have been a separate aspect or disguise for Odin. This is derived from the fact that Loki is often described as the "blood-brother" of Odin.What is Loki the god of Loki is considered a trickster god, known for being neither fully good nor evil since his main aim was always to create chaos. Despite his father being a giant, he is still counted a member of the Aesir—a tribe of deities including Odin, Frigg, Tyr, and Thor.He always hated Balder, and when Balder became virtually unkillable, he found a loophole and tricked Balder's own brother into killing him. And he and Heimdall never got along. They fought constantly over the years, and eventually, kill each other at Ragnarok. Does Loki really hate Thor

Ages ago, Odin fought and defeated Laufey and the Frost Giants of Jotunheim in a great war. Abandoned and left for dead as a baby due to his diminutive size, Odin took Loki, son of Laufey, to Asgard to raise him as his son and a prince in order to one day unite the Frost Giants and the Asgards in peace.

Who did Loki kiss : Sylvie

Loki and Sylvie Kiss Scene – Loki (TV Series 2021) Kang/He Who Remains – YouTube.

Does Hela hate Loki : Hela despises anyone who stands in her way and will gladly eliminate all who stand in her way to ruling the Nine Realms and beyond, specifically Heimdall, Thor, Loki and Valkyrie, as well as outsiders like Hulk, Korg, Miek, and the world-crushing demon Surtur.

Why is Odin so mean to Loki

Most Marvel fans think that Odin favors Thor over Loki because the former is his natural son, while Loki is the adopted son of the giant Laufey.

In his younger years, he and Loki were very close and good friends, even if occasionally irritated by Loki's mischief. However, it is later revealed that Loki was often jealous of Thor even back then, and resented being left in his "shadow".Though Loki tries to taking over Asgard and Earth, all he really wants is the approval of his father and brother. He is a smart and intelligent man, and he will stop at nothing to fulfill his quest. He is usually considered a lying and manipulative trickster, but this is only because he wanted to be an equal to Thor.

Who is Loki jealous of : Upon learning his true parentage, Loki feels anger and betrayal for Odin's deception, believing the Allfather saw him as a monster never meant for the Asgardian throne. This fuels his unrelenting jealousy of Thor and feelings of inferiority.