Your ticket may show a route or train company that you must use for your journey. If not, you are allowed to use any permitted route for the journey you are making. Permitted routes cover all reasonable routes available for making your journey, including direct services and suitable connecting services.If you are caught with a reserved ticket for another train, you will be treated the same way as travelling without a ticket. A hefty fine will be imposed and the railways may also take legal action. If you miss your train with a reserved ticket, you have no option but to reserve a seat again for the next train.Just hop on the next train, so long as your ticket doesn't have any restrictions on which company you can use. In this case, you might need to stick to the operator on the ticket. If you have an Advance ticket, you can get the next train operated by the same company that's specified on your ticket.
Can I go on an earlier train than booked : If you have an Anytime, Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak ticket, you may be allowed to take an earlier train than booked. These tickets don't tie you to a specific train. As a result, you can be flexible about when you travel. You just need to be careful about time restrictions.
Can I get the next train if I miss mine trainline
If you miss your next train because a previous connecting train service was delayed, you will be able to travel on the next train provided by the train operator (if the entire journey is booked under one ticket).
Can I use my ticket on an earlier train if my train is cancelled : If a train is cancelled (and that's what's happened here) you're entitled to take the next train that matches any restrictions on your ticket. So if your ticket is routed via a certain place, you must go that way, or if it's only valid on a certain train company, you must use that companies services.
Missed Train Confirm ticket
You have to buy another reserved ticket if available to travel in reserved coaches. You may get refund from railways by filing TDR (ticket deposit receipt) as per extant rules citing reasons for not travelling.
Can I change an Advance ticket to another date or time Yes, you can exchange an Advance ticket for a new time or date on the same route, subject to a fee.
What happens if I get on an earlier train
There might be a fee. It depends on the type of ticket. If it's an advance ticket, then no. If you do travel on an earlier train when you're not supposed to, then once you reach your destination the ticket barriers might know that you've taken an earlier train and not open.Advance tickets are valid only on the specific booked train but can be changed before departure of the first reserved service.The date of journey of a confirmed ticket can be postponed or preponed once in the same class on payment of prescribed charges. For this, you need to surrender your tickets to reservation office and get a new ticket. This provision is only available for tickets bought from counter.
Missed Train Confirm ticket
You have to buy another reserved ticket if available to travel in reserved coaches. You may get refund from railways by filing TDR (ticket deposit receipt) as per extant rules citing reasons for not travelling.
What happens if my train is late and I miss my connecting train : Missed connection
However if you miss the train because the connecting train on which you started your journey was late, then the train operator will accept your ticket on the next available train.
What should I do if I miss my train ticket : Missed Train Confirm ticket
You may get refund from railways by filing TDR (ticket deposit receipt) as per extant rules citing reasons for not travelling. Since chart has been prepared you can't cancel the ticket, you can only file TDR within one hour after departure of the train from charting station.
Can I use my ticket on an earlier train if my train is Cancelled
If a train is cancelled (and that's what's happened here) you're entitled to take the next train that matches any restrictions on your ticket. So if your ticket is routed via a certain place, you must go that way, or if it's only valid on a certain train company, you must use that companies services.
2. Can I change my destination station after booking ticket No, the source and the destination of a ticket cannot be changed since it affects the price of the ticket. Only the date of journey and train can be changed.You'll be able to travel on a different day, or you can claim a full refund. If you've booked with Railsmartr, then you can contact us to do this. In widespread disruption, you may also be advised to make your own arrangements. For example, you might need to pay for a taxi and then claim back the cost later.
What if I get on the wrong train : If you travel on the wrong train with an advance ticket for any other reason you are liable to pay the fare that would have had to pay if you had bought a ticket at the station immediately before starting the journey – including a railcard discount if you had bought the advance ticket with one.
Antwort Can you use your ticket on any train? Weitere Antworten – Can train tickets be used on any train
Your ticket may show a route or train company that you must use for your journey. If not, you are allowed to use any permitted route for the journey you are making. Permitted routes cover all reasonable routes available for making your journey, including direct services and suitable connecting services.If you are caught with a reserved ticket for another train, you will be treated the same way as travelling without a ticket. A hefty fine will be imposed and the railways may also take legal action. If you miss your train with a reserved ticket, you have no option but to reserve a seat again for the next train.Just hop on the next train, so long as your ticket doesn't have any restrictions on which company you can use. In this case, you might need to stick to the operator on the ticket. If you have an Advance ticket, you can get the next train operated by the same company that's specified on your ticket.
Can I go on an earlier train than booked : If you have an Anytime, Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak ticket, you may be allowed to take an earlier train than booked. These tickets don't tie you to a specific train. As a result, you can be flexible about when you travel. You just need to be careful about time restrictions.
Can I get the next train if I miss mine trainline
If you miss your next train because a previous connecting train service was delayed, you will be able to travel on the next train provided by the train operator (if the entire journey is booked under one ticket).
Can I use my ticket on an earlier train if my train is cancelled : If a train is cancelled (and that's what's happened here) you're entitled to take the next train that matches any restrictions on your ticket. So if your ticket is routed via a certain place, you must go that way, or if it's only valid on a certain train company, you must use that companies services.
Missed Train Confirm ticket
You have to buy another reserved ticket if available to travel in reserved coaches. You may get refund from railways by filing TDR (ticket deposit receipt) as per extant rules citing reasons for not travelling.
Can I change an Advance ticket to another date or time Yes, you can exchange an Advance ticket for a new time or date on the same route, subject to a fee.
What happens if I get on an earlier train
There might be a fee. It depends on the type of ticket. If it's an advance ticket, then no. If you do travel on an earlier train when you're not supposed to, then once you reach your destination the ticket barriers might know that you've taken an earlier train and not open.Advance tickets are valid only on the specific booked train but can be changed before departure of the first reserved service.The date of journey of a confirmed ticket can be postponed or preponed once in the same class on payment of prescribed charges. For this, you need to surrender your tickets to reservation office and get a new ticket. This provision is only available for tickets bought from counter.
Missed Train Confirm ticket
You have to buy another reserved ticket if available to travel in reserved coaches. You may get refund from railways by filing TDR (ticket deposit receipt) as per extant rules citing reasons for not travelling.
What happens if my train is late and I miss my connecting train : Missed connection
However if you miss the train because the connecting train on which you started your journey was late, then the train operator will accept your ticket on the next available train.
What should I do if I miss my train ticket : Missed Train Confirm ticket
You may get refund from railways by filing TDR (ticket deposit receipt) as per extant rules citing reasons for not travelling. Since chart has been prepared you can't cancel the ticket, you can only file TDR within one hour after departure of the train from charting station.
Can I use my ticket on an earlier train if my train is Cancelled
If a train is cancelled (and that's what's happened here) you're entitled to take the next train that matches any restrictions on your ticket. So if your ticket is routed via a certain place, you must go that way, or if it's only valid on a certain train company, you must use that companies services.
2. Can I change my destination station after booking ticket No, the source and the destination of a ticket cannot be changed since it affects the price of the ticket. Only the date of journey and train can be changed.You'll be able to travel on a different day, or you can claim a full refund. If you've booked with Railsmartr, then you can contact us to do this. In widespread disruption, you may also be advised to make your own arrangements. For example, you might need to pay for a taxi and then claim back the cost later.
What if I get on the wrong train : If you travel on the wrong train with an advance ticket for any other reason you are liable to pay the fare that would have had to pay if you had bought a ticket at the station immediately before starting the journey – including a railcard discount if you had bought the advance ticket with one.