If you have an Anytime, Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak ticket, you may be allowed to take an earlier train than booked. These tickets don't tie you to a specific train. As a result, you can be flexible about when you travel. You just need to be careful about time restrictions.If you have an Advance ticket and need to change the day or time that you are travelling, you can amend your ticket right up to the time your journey is due to begin.With an Anytime ticket, you may need to travel by a specific route or train company but your ticket will state this. You are allowed to break your journey at any point, or more than once if you wish. This means that you do not have to make the whole of your journey at the same time or, where allowed, on the same day.
Can I use my train ticket before the time : You can buy Anytime tickets at any time before you travel, and you can use your Anytime ticket to travel on any train on the route shown. You can also break your journey at stations along the route. Anytime tickets have no restrictions on what time you can travel.
What happens if you miss a train
A hefty fine will be imposed and the railways may also take legal action. If you miss your train with a reserved ticket, you have no option but to reserve a seat again for the next train.
Can I get the next train if I miss mine trainline : If you miss your next train because a previous connecting train service was delayed, you will be able to travel on the next train provided by the train operator (if the entire journey is booked under one ticket).
It's still possible to change a ticket right up until your scheduled departure, but a fee will apply. To exchange your ticket, find it in my bookings, expand manage my booking and choose change date/time. Select the legs of your journey you want to exchange, click continue and a simplified search widget will appear.
Can I get a different train if mine is cancelled There is nothing stopping you from catching a different train if your service is cancelled.
Can I change the time of my train ticket on Trainline
Changes are only allowed for a different time/date of travel, so you need to stick to the same departure and arrival stations. The simplest way to amend your tickets is online via My Booking. For eticket bookings you pay the difference between your original ticket and new ticket, plus a change fee.Officially, you would need to buy a new ticket if you're missed your train. However, if there's been an accident on the roads nearby, or Tube and Metro delays, then staff can show discretion. They might even be briefed to accept tickets if it's affecting a lot of customers.It is true that you cannot use the previous reservation ticket to travel on another train in the reserved coaches of the new train. Your reservation was valid for the train you missed on the specified coach berth/seat. However, your ticket is still valid for the next 4 hours as long as it is a paper ticket. Your reserv.
If you're planning to use an Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak ticket to travel at a different time to the one shown on your booking, you can use thetrainline.com to check the times that you can use your ticket.
Can I get on an earlier train if mine is cancelled : Can I get a different train if mine is cancelled There is nothing stopping you from catching a different train if your service is cancelled.
How do I change my train time : If you want to prepone or postpone the date of your journey, you should surrender your tickets during working hours of reservation office atleast forty eight hours before the scheduled departure of the train in which originally booked subject to restriction during 1st hour of advance reservation period opening if any.
Can I use an advance ticket at a different time
Advance tickets are great value, and ideal for saving money on long journeys. They must be bought in advance and are only valid on the date and train specified. All Advance tickets are for single journeys, but you can combine tickets to create your whole journey, including your return.
If you have an Advance ticket, you can get the next train operated by the same company that's specified on your ticket. If there's widespread disruption, or a very long wait until the next train (over 60 minutes), then you should be accommodated on a different company at no extra cost.If you have a general ticket without a reservation, you can travel on the same ticket via another train on the same day. If you are caught with a reserved ticket for another train, you will be treated the same way as travelling without a ticket. A hefty fine will be imposed and the railways may also take legal action.
What happens if you miss a train in Europe : Can I use my missed train ticket for a later train Generally, missed train tickets are not valid for later trains. European train tickets are often specific to a particular departure time and date. If you miss your train, you'll typically need to purchase a new ticket for a later departure.
Antwort Can you get on a train at an earlier time? Weitere Antworten – Is it OK to get on an earlier train
If you have an Anytime, Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak ticket, you may be allowed to take an earlier train than booked. These tickets don't tie you to a specific train. As a result, you can be flexible about when you travel. You just need to be careful about time restrictions.If you have an Advance ticket and need to change the day or time that you are travelling, you can amend your ticket right up to the time your journey is due to begin.With an Anytime ticket, you may need to travel by a specific route or train company but your ticket will state this. You are allowed to break your journey at any point, or more than once if you wish. This means that you do not have to make the whole of your journey at the same time or, where allowed, on the same day.
Can I use my train ticket before the time : You can buy Anytime tickets at any time before you travel, and you can use your Anytime ticket to travel on any train on the route shown. You can also break your journey at stations along the route. Anytime tickets have no restrictions on what time you can travel.
What happens if you miss a train
A hefty fine will be imposed and the railways may also take legal action. If you miss your train with a reserved ticket, you have no option but to reserve a seat again for the next train.
Can I get the next train if I miss mine trainline : If you miss your next train because a previous connecting train service was delayed, you will be able to travel on the next train provided by the train operator (if the entire journey is booked under one ticket).
It's still possible to change a ticket right up until your scheduled departure, but a fee will apply. To exchange your ticket, find it in my bookings, expand manage my booking and choose change date/time. Select the legs of your journey you want to exchange, click continue and a simplified search widget will appear.
Can I get a different train if mine is cancelled There is nothing stopping you from catching a different train if your service is cancelled.
Can I change the time of my train ticket on Trainline
Changes are only allowed for a different time/date of travel, so you need to stick to the same departure and arrival stations. The simplest way to amend your tickets is online via My Booking. For eticket bookings you pay the difference between your original ticket and new ticket, plus a change fee.Officially, you would need to buy a new ticket if you're missed your train. However, if there's been an accident on the roads nearby, or Tube and Metro delays, then staff can show discretion. They might even be briefed to accept tickets if it's affecting a lot of customers.It is true that you cannot use the previous reservation ticket to travel on another train in the reserved coaches of the new train. Your reservation was valid for the train you missed on the specified coach berth/seat. However, your ticket is still valid for the next 4 hours as long as it is a paper ticket. Your reserv.
If you're planning to use an Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak ticket to travel at a different time to the one shown on your booking, you can use thetrainline.com to check the times that you can use your ticket.
Can I get on an earlier train if mine is cancelled : Can I get a different train if mine is cancelled There is nothing stopping you from catching a different train if your service is cancelled.
How do I change my train time : If you want to prepone or postpone the date of your journey, you should surrender your tickets during working hours of reservation office atleast forty eight hours before the scheduled departure of the train in which originally booked subject to restriction during 1st hour of advance reservation period opening if any.
Can I use an advance ticket at a different time
Advance tickets are great value, and ideal for saving money on long journeys. They must be bought in advance and are only valid on the date and train specified. All Advance tickets are for single journeys, but you can combine tickets to create your whole journey, including your return.
If you have an Advance ticket, you can get the next train operated by the same company that's specified on your ticket. If there's widespread disruption, or a very long wait until the next train (over 60 minutes), then you should be accommodated on a different company at no extra cost.If you have a general ticket without a reservation, you can travel on the same ticket via another train on the same day. If you are caught with a reserved ticket for another train, you will be treated the same way as travelling without a ticket. A hefty fine will be imposed and the railways may also take legal action.
What happens if you miss a train in Europe : Can I use my missed train ticket for a later train Generally, missed train tickets are not valid for later trains. European train tickets are often specific to a particular departure time and date. If you miss your train, you'll typically need to purchase a new ticket for a later departure.